Test e cycle, 500 mg, not working as expected

The fuck are you smoking?
Actually, He's not that wrong, testosterone readily aromatizes to E2 or 5alpha reduced to DHT, both mediate the "anabolic" effects observed by testosterone administration.

DHT binds to the androgen receptor with higher affinity than testosterone

while E2 increase leads to anabolic effects by other mechanisms(controlling cell cycle and development).

All in all, I think he meant to say, test is base.
Wait longer and eat more.

You may or may not have this programmed into your lifting, but if you do not have planned progressive overload, you will not grow. You have to add reps or weight to the bar or you're just exercising, not training.
So as others have pointed out, you don’t know how many grams of protein you eat per day?

This is something you know before you take drugs.

Anyway, it doesn’t have to be intimidating or difficult. There are apps that you can use to help. It doesn’t need to be precise to the exact gram, just close enough day to day so you know you are getting enough to grow muscle.

Begin this immediately and make sure you get at least a gram per lean pound of bw when on blast.
Not his diet is the main "problem " but the short amount of time he is on and his expectancy.
You will grow and get stronger until a point even with his diet as he is not that advanced. Only now at week 5 the level hit the peak. Let it work.
Sorry that you fell for the 500mg test first cycle meme, I mean it's a decent way to get used to injecting yourself, but as far as gains goes it's a very lackluster experience. Like I said earlier, you need to add an oral to the test or another injectable compound if you want worthwhile anabolism to occur

I see it every day, people complaining about lack of gains on their 500mg test cycle. You can blame most of the people in this thread that try to sell you on the idea of epic 500mg test gains, and then when it leads to nowhere they just advise you to eat more... Lmao

Now you know better, go forth and prosper
If you can't gain on 500mg of test, then your diet and training are embarrassing.

Adding in an oral (which are more useful for their temporary cosmetic or strength benefits than they muscle building benefits) or another injectable isn't going to fix that.

You're talking out your ass
So your opinion is that i am not eating enough right?
They are called Performance Enhancing Drugs. If your training isn't good and/or your diet isn't good, PEDs aren't going to do anything for you aside from temporary "gains" due to water weight and glycogen
Of course I am doing progressive overload, i try to do it at every set. I really dont get why all of you said that my diet is not good. Some of you said to add more fats. I can do that no problem but i will be gaining only fat. I can eat a lot of peanu butter but i would gain only fat and obviously i do t want it. What should i change? Someone said a protein shake, no problem, i can do it but beside that, what else? I really dont see my diet That bad as all of you said, but ofcourse i may be wrong but this is why i wrote on the forum in the first place, to improve it!
Maybe it is too soon to see results as you said but i expected at least some strength improvements...
Of course I am doing progressive overload, i try to do it at every set. I really dont get why all of you said that my diet is not good. Some of you said to add more fats. I can do that no problem but i will be gaining only fat. I can eat a lot of peanu butter but i would gain only fat and obviously i do t want it. What should i change? Someone said a protein shake, no problem, i can do it but beside that, what else? I really dont see my diet That bad as all of you said, but ofcourse i may be wrong but this is why i wrote on the forum in the first place, to improve it!
Maybe it is too soon to see results as you said but i expected at least some strength improvements...
Research good fats …. Holy shit enough with your peanut butter lol
Except for a few messages, there is no concrete example on what i should change or do differently, everyone said to eat more but as i told you i am only gaining belly fat.
I would appreciate some actual advices and thoughts on why my cycle doesnt work (at least i should have had some strength benefits) , not just the eat more advices Without saying what is wrong with my current diet in the first place!

As i said, my free t is very high so my testosterone is legit..
Except for a few messages, there is no concrete example on what i should change or do differently, everyone said to eat more but as i told you i am only gaining belly fat.
I would appreciate some actual advices and thoughts on why my cycle doesnt work (at least i should have had some strength benefits) , not just the eat more advices Without saying what is wrong with my current diet in the first place!

As i said, my free t is very high so my testosterone is legit..

If you’re gaining weight and your lifts aren’t moving and you’re getting fatter you just suck at training basically

Have you asked your coach any of these questions? Isn’t that what you’re paying him for? What does he say about it
It's been only 5 weeks. 5 fucking weeks. Is test e. That's a long ester and take time to work.
I don't what strength gain you expect in 5 weeks. If you are looking for strength take a oral and that in 5 weeks it will give you strength not test e.
Another thing is the dose. Is 500 mg. 500 mg is not a big deal.
You expect more from that dose that what it can do. 500 mg won't increase your lifts by 30% in 5 weeks and neither will put 10 kg on you. You already gain 2kg. Give it time.
Drink some protein shake especially at your last meal because you don't have any protein in that meal. A protein shake have 150-200 calories or around that. That will not make you gain fat.

Training it is how it is. I wouldn't train that way but whatever. Even if you train like that you will see some results.
I would do a "bro split". 20 sets for large groups,10 for smaller groups. Exercise would be a lot of bench deadlifts and squats with some machine if you have at your gym.

What confused you?
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Hi, some background infos: i was on trt for a while, i did last year a 16 week 250 mg test e cycle from which i gained only 4 kg. Since then i was on trt. I started last month a new cycle: initially i planned a 400 mg test e cycle but then i increased it to 500 mg test e per week. I am on week 5 and except for higher libido i dont have any improvements. Strength didnt improve, i gained only about 2 kg bodyweight, nothing impressive.
I do a 250 mg pin on monday and another on thursday. I am also using arimidex, 0.5 monday, thrusday and saturday. I am also using omega 3.

My workout plan is the following ( i have a coach and he did it):
●Arms day
I usually train a mix of low and high volume. For example i have only about 6-8 reps per set ( about 3 sets) at bench press but i also have 5 sets of chest cable flies with 10-12 reps.

I eat quite well (meals also given by the coach):
-morning: 200 g tuna fish or hering with patatos, 1 protein yogurt with oatflakes and a banana
-meal 1: about 250 g chicken breast with rice and a salad, then a protein yogurt with oatflakes and some protein cereals
-meal 2: also about 250 g chicken breast with patatos and green veggies
-evening meal: 3 toast slices of bread with peanut butter and a banana.

Any adivces or thoughts on why my cycle doesnt work as expected? No improvements in the gym so far. I read that this is when i should see some improvemets (week 5) in terms of mass but i also read that strength improvements should have come earlier - however it was not the case for me...

Btw, the gear is not fake, i did bloodworks while on trt and the results were high.
During this cycle my free testosterone was on the last bloodwork over 70 pg/ml so it was very high.
Looking forward to your answers!
You only gained 4kg 9 pounds in 16 weeks on 250 test? That's great if most of it was muscle probably was 250 test shouldnt give much bloat. After training natural for years it's taken me about 3 years to put on 20 pounds of actusl muscle cruising and doing low- moderate dose cycles.
If you’re gaining weight and your lifts aren’t moving and you’re getting fatter you just suck at training basically

Have you asked your coach any of these questions? Isn’t that what you’re paying him for? What does he say about it
I stopped the collaboration with him a short while ago because of some financial problems..
You only gained 4kg 9 pounds in 16 weeks on 250 test? That's great if most of it was muscle probably was 250 test shouldnt give much bloat. After training natural for years it's taken me about 3 years to put on 20 pounds of actusl muscle cruising and doing low- moderate dose cycles.
Most probably it was not only muscle. I lost about 1.5 kg after going on trt...
It's been only 5 weeks. 5 fucking weeks. Is test e. That's a long ester and take time to work.

The terminal half life really isn't that important. Tmax of test e is anywhere between 10 and 36h. Mostly I'd say it's around 12 to 18h. Regardless, Te starts working immediately. And in regards to terminal half life, you're going to achieve 85% of steady state levels at around 2 weeks time.

5 weeks is enough time to see a kg or potentially two of lean tissue if you know what you're doing at the gym and in the kitchen.
It's been only 5 weeks. 5 fucking weeks. Is test e. That's a long ester and take time to work.
I don't what strength gain you expect in 5 weeks. If you are looking for strength take a oral and that in 5 weeks it will give you strength not test e.
Another thing is the dose. Is 500 mg. 500 mg is not a big deal.
You expect more from that dose that what it can do. 500 mg won't increase your lifts by 30% in 5 weeks and neither will put 10 kg on you. You already gain 2kg. Give it time.
Drink some protein shake especially at your last meal because you don't have any protein in that meal. A protein shake have 150-200 calories or around that. That will not make you gain fat.

Training it is how it is. I wouldn't train that way but whatever. Even if you train like that you will see some results.
I would do a "bro split". 20 sets for large groups,10 for smaller groups. Exercise would be a lot of bench deadlifts and squats with some machine if you have at your gym.

What confused you?
Alright, thanks for the answer. I will wait 1 more month and i will tryto increase some food
Hi, some background infos: i was on trt for a while, i did last year a 16 week 250 mg test e cycle from which i gained only 4 kg. Since then i was on trt. I started last month a new cycle: initially i planned a 400 mg test e cycle but then i increased it to 500 mg test e per week. I am on week 5 and except for higher libido i dont have any improvements. Strength didnt improve, i gained only about 2 kg bodyweight, nothing impressive.
I do a 250 mg pin on monday and another on thursday. I am also using arimidex, 0.5 monday, thrusday and saturday. I am also using omega 3.

My workout plan is the following ( i have a coach and he did it):
●Arms day
I usually train a mix of low and high volume. For example i have only about 6-8 reps per set ( about 3 sets) at bench press but i also have 5 sets of chest cable flies with 10-12 reps.

I eat quite well (meals also given by the coach):
-morning: 200 g tuna fish or hering with patatos, 1 protein yogurt with oatflakes and a banana
-meal 1: about 250 g chicken breast with rice and a salad, then a protein yogurt with oatflakes and some protein cereals
-meal 2: also about 250 g chicken breast with patatos and green veggies
-evening meal: 3 toast slices of bread with peanut butter and a banana.

Any adivces or thoughts on why my cycle doesnt work as expected? No improvements in the gym so far. I read that this is when i should see some improvemets (week 5) in terms of mass but i also read that strength improvements should have come earlier - however it was not the case for me...

Btw, the gear is not fake, i did bloodworks while on trt and the results were high.
During this cycle my free testosterone was on the last bloodwork over 70 pg/ml so it was very high.
Looking forward to your answers!

What are your levels? Total testosterone and free T?

Also, your intensity and volume, do you know what you're doing? Are you close to your mrv? How do your meso's look like?
The terminal half life really isn't that important. Tmax of test e is anywhere between 10 and 36h. Mostly I'd say it's around 12 to 18h. Regardless, Te starts working immediately. And in regards to terminal half life, you're going to achieve 85% of steady state levels at around 2 weeks time.

5 weeks is enough time to see a kg or potentially two of lean tissue if you know what you're doing at the gym and in the kitchen.
So what would you change?