DNP - no weight loss

Hey. Any ideas what might be happening here?

I started my cut at 207 and lost 1lb per week eating a tracked diet of 3000 cals per week. I got down to 204 and after week 3 started DNP. I started at 300 per day. It’s been a week now and I’ve seen not only no loss, but weight gain. I’ve dropped my cals daily, now down to 2500 and I’m now at 205.2. It makes no sense.

Cardio - 20/30 mins slow state cardio 5 days a week

Gym - Push Pull Legs Upper Lower

Macros - 180-200g protein, 200g ish carbs, 100g ish fats

Diet - Chicken, Eggs, Rice, Potato’s, Sweet Potato’s, Lean beef, Sirloin, Peppers, Olive Oil, Coconut Milk, Butternut Squash, etc.

AAS - Test E 150mg / Tren E 60mg per week, 70mg Var daily.

I see people lose 1lb per day and don’t understand it

My piss is bright yellow, I’m fatigued, hot as fuck, so its def legit.

I’m going to switch my diet up a little and drop carbs for my lunch and

Any ideas?
It makes no sense
It does. Body weight scale doesn't tell the whole story. You need to differentiate between fat loss (gain) and lean mass+H20 gain (loss). The sum of those two tells the whole picture and determines the scale weight.

Cheap meter combo is waist circumference / calipers / mirror (if you aren't body dysmorphic).

You don't need any DNP. Drop it. You are running a ton of AAS. I don't get it.

Take care.
It does. Body weight scale doesn't tell the whole story. You need to differentiate between fat loss (gain) and lean mass+H20 gain (loss). The sum of those two tells the whole picture and determines the scale weight.

Cheap meter combo is waist circumference / calipers / mirror (if you aren't body dysmorphic).

You don't need any DNP. Drop it. You are running a ton of AAS. I don't get it.

Take care.
Thanks mate. I disagree about the level of aas.

Most run 300-500 test and 200-400 tren when cutting based of forums like this. My oil use imo is extremely conservative.

Also, we don’t need lots of things, but dnp is a tool to help the process of fat loss greatly.
Thanks mate. I disagree about the level of aas.

Most run 300-500 test and 200-400 tren when cutting based of forums like this. My oil use imo is extremely conservative.

Also, we don’t need lots of things, but dnp is a tool to help the process of fat loss greatly.
I was referring to rolling with the DNP while also on the AAS. That's the part I don't get. Anabolic stimulus and keep kcal/macros in check.
Yeah I wouldn't mess with DNP personally. There's a risk of developing cataracts, plus a whole bunch of other risks due to the fact you're frying your organs. Used it once before, won't touch it again. Didn't have any bad sides, its just not worth the risk

Like others said you can potentially retain some water in the initial week or two. You'll see most of the effects when you drop the dnp and it clears your system. You'll lose the water weight and your muscles will fill out.
Yeah I wouldn't mess with DNP personally. There's a risk of developing cataracts, plus a whole bunch of other risks due to the fact you're frying your organs. Used it once before, won't touch it again. Didn't have any bad sides, its just not worth the risk

Like others said you can potentially retain some water in the initial week or two. You'll see most of the effects when you drop the dnp and it clears your system. You'll lose the water weight and your muscles will fill out.
I’m just going to finish the run of 10 days then be done with it. Dropped down to 200mg to after this info.

That cataract thing is worrying. Any idea why this can happen?

People run up to 600/800mg which is where the danger lies.
I’m just going to finish the run of 10 days then be done with it. Dropped down to 200mg to after this info.

That cataract thing is worrying. Any idea why this can happen?

People run up to 600/800mg which is where the danger lies.
I have to keep carbs quite low on DNP., even doing a few days 'carb depletion' before starting.
I gain water weight the first week or so. Odd because it makes you dehydrated while your body pulls more water, idk if it's extracellular, interstitial or maybe a mechanism of the rapid fat burning process.
The cataract thing might be a bit overblown. 300mg for a few weeks won't get you there. The people that worked in the factories way back when would develope them (IDK the % that developed them).
Could you imagine that was your job? You'd feel like a walking, burning, tired zombie. And then, cataracts to boot. I guess you'd be a skinny, walking, burning, tired, & cataract blinded zombie.
Hey. Any ideas what might be happening here?

I started my cut at 207 and lost 1lb per week eating a tracked diet of 3000 cals per week. I got down to 204 and after week 3 started DNP. I started at 300 per day. It’s been a week now and I’ve seen not only no loss, but weight gain. I’ve dropped my cals daily, now down to 2500 and I’m now at 205.2. It makes no sense.

Cardio - 20/30 mins slow state cardio 5 days a week

Gym - Push Pull Legs Upper Lower

Macros - 180-200g protein, 200g ish carbs, 100g ish fats

Diet - Chicken, Eggs, Rice, Potato’s, Sweet Potato’s, Lean beef, Sirloin, Peppers, Olive Oil, Coconut Milk, Butternut Squash, etc.

AAS - Test E 150mg / Tren E 60mg per week, 70mg Var daily.

I see people lose 1lb per day and don’t understand it

My piss is bright yellow, I’m fatigued, hot as fuck, so its def legit.

I’m going to switch my diet up a little and drop carbs for my lunch and

Any ideas?

Drop the fats and up the cardio.

@permission to land is still not in a deficit even with DNP. The elephant in the room is diet.

Running a mile in 10 minutes is the equivalent of eating one less mouthful of food per day.

Cardio is great for overall health but eating less is better for fat loss, and there are better drugs for that (thinking GLPs).
It’s your diet 100% you don’t need that much fat when you’re on testosterone

Drop your fats down to trace fats from lean meats (96% or leaner only) and only 5-10g max added fats for each meal besides pre and post workout those are 0 fats. On training days 75% of your carbs pre and post workout. Off days cut carbs 50%

This will be a noticeable change for you in 1-2 weeks without any other changes. Me personally I’d have test at 250 minimum and tren at 150-200 if tolerable
Ended my 12 day run. Put on 4lbs overnight when eating 50% of my cutting calories.

Shit makes no sense to me.

Cutting cals 2500

Food yesterday

Meal 1
8oz sirloin
4 eggs
1 slice of sourdough with raw honey
15g grass fed butter
Kefir, mango, kiwi smoothie.

Meal 2
Protein shake with semi milk
It’s your diet 100% you don’t need that much fat when you’re on testosterone

Drop your fats down to trace fats from lean meats (96% or leaner only) and only 5-10g max added fats for each meal besides pre and post workout those are 0 fats. On training days 75% of your carbs pre and post workout. Off days cut carbs 50%

This will be a noticeable change for you in 1-2 weeks without any other changes. Me personally I’d have test at 250 minimum and tren at 150-200 if tolerable

I was intermittent fasting and following animal based diet with low carbs. Protein was 250 so fats had to be high.
Ended my 12 day run. Put on 4lbs overnight when eating 50% of my cutting calories.

Shit makes no sense to me.

Cutting cals 2500

Food yesterday

Meal 1
8oz sirloin
4 eggs
1 slice of sourdough with raw honey
15g grass fed butter
Kefir, mango, kiwi smoothie.

Meal 2
Protein shake with semi milk
The only thing that make sense that you put on is the bloat. How much salt do you consume?
Maybe your DNP is fake.

Nah it’s not. Toxic looking wee, hot as fuck, gym performance down. Trusted source (regal).

Cals are weird. This is what it tells me if I’m slightly active (3-5 days a week exercise). In reality I’m very active and do 5-6 days gym and 20/30 mins cardio 4/5 days a week.

Your Maintenance Calories - 2,959

I have dropped to 2250 and il see what happens in the next few days.