Do I need a HGH replacement therapy?


New Member
I did a blood test to see my HGH level. The results is only 0.13 ng/mL. The reference range is from 0.00 to 3.00.

It's so low, it's not even in the middle of the reference range.

I didn't sleep for more than 12 hours before the blood test, but this is okay, because I didn't want to make a test in the morning to capture the peak level. I was interested to see my average/overall HGH level, not my peak HGH level. I'm interested in increasing the HGH concentration in my blood, so whatever the peak is, it doesn't matter. What matters to me is the overall HGH level during the day and the night, not what the peak level is.

The HGH levelbibhave is not normal, to me.

My age is 22.

Can 10-20 mg of ibutamoren a day solve the issue or do I need an actual HGH? MK-677 has a long half-life and will be able to maintain my HGH levels stable.

My GH peptide will arrive soon and I will make another blood test about 40 minutes after I inject GHRP-6 to see if things are better. If both products work, I will eventually stick with MK-677 if actual HGH is not necessary.

Is my approach correct?

I don't take anything except 400 mg of testosterone a week (I don't use AIs). My SHBG is reduced and is now well below the reference range. Could this have caused the suppression of HGH?

I don't have any hypogonadal issues either, my sex hormones were within reference range even before I started using gear. No brain (hypothalamus) tumor symptoms have ever been experienced. My body is well developed and doesn't have any health issues or under developments. My puberty went fine and I neved had any symptoms of hormonal deficiencies.
your 22! Ready to play the hormone game already geez and i noticed it was @smartgear again asking for "peptide advice" AGAIN, grow a pair and do hgh instead of subpar peptides i thought several members already told you that lol
You're the guy who wants to permablast because you feel cute on 3000 ng/dl right? So you intentionally avoided doing the test very early in the morning as it should be done, after a proper sleep, to convince yourself you're GH deficient.

What's next, testing your blood glucose after a meal so you can add some insulin to your protocol?

If you wanna permablast and use GH and whatever else for your aspirations, fine..most of us we re here for the same reason, just don't play the victim and do it respectively.
your 22! Ready to play the hormone game already geez and i noticed it was @smartgear again asking for "peptide advice" AGAIN, grow a pair and do hgh instead of subpar peptides i thought several members already told you that lol
HGH is too expensive for me.

I found a source that sells 100 units (50 units per vial, they sell 2 vials in a package) for 85 euro. Sadly, the source is available only to Russia.

The only sources available for my country, they sell 100 units for 240-250 euro.

The difference in price is significant. If the first source was available to me, buying HGH wouldn't have been a problem for me.
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You're the guy who wants to permablast because you feel cute on 3000 ng/dl right? So you intentionally avoided doing the test very early in the morning as it should be done, after a proper sleep, to convince yourself you're GH deficient.

What's next, testing your blood glucose after a meal so you can add some insulin to your protocol?

If you wanna permablast and use GH and whatever else for your aspirations, fine..most of us we re here for the same reason, just don't play the victim and do it respectively.
You didn't understand what I mean.

The HGH results I got from my blood test indicate an actual HGH deficiency, not just low HGH levels due to a lack of sleep and morning HGH peaks.

0.13 ng/mL is below the reference range, not within it. If I don't sleep well the night before the day I do a blood test, the results won't show a high HGH level or a peak, and instead will show a lowered HGH level that is still within the reference range.

I don't think a lack of sleep can cause HGH to go below the reference range instead of staying at the lower side of that reference range.
ya dude you gotta take tests correctly as then you have no idea where you are in reference range..

there is no "average" when u take it later it very much comes and goes.

I dont think you understand reference range...

yes lack of sleep affects hgh lol most important factor

please get off gear you have no idea what your doing and wait until you reach peak natural strength...
You didn't understand what I mean.

The HGH results I got from my blood test indicate an actual HGH deficiency, not just low HGH levels due to a lack of sleep and morning HGH peaks.

0.13 ng/mL is below the reference range, not within it. If I don't sleep well the night before the day I do a blood test, the results won't show a high HGH level or a peak, and instead will show a lowered HGH level that is still within the reference range.

I don't think a lack of sleep can cause HGH to go below the reference range instead of staying at the lower side of that reference range.

The normal range for adults starts at 0,4 are you that sure if you pull bloods early in the morning after a proper sleep your levels will still be below? You know that natural HGH secretion takes place in nightime sleep, right? Even the hours you sleep matter afaik, going to bed at 23:00 is way better than going at 02:00.
How I don't need anything if my HGH level is well below the reference range, not just low but still within the reference range?
Go talk to your doctor then. Because you don't know what youre looking at or talking about.

You do not need any drugs, no peptides or research chems are going to help you, you do not need GH
The normal range for adults starts at 0,4 are you that sure if you pull bloods early in the morning after a proper sleep your levels will still be below? You know that natural HGH secretion takes place in nightime sleep, right? Even the hours you sleep matter afaik, going to bed at 23:00 is way better than going at 02:00.
Isn't the number actually decimal? On my blood test, I see a dot, not a comma. In this case, 0.13 ng/mL is actually lower than 0.4 ng/mL.

I already said I don't care about the peak GH levels, but about the overall levels and concentration. If my GH level is only normal or high for 2 hours after I sleep and is then low during all other hours, then it doesn't matter that it's high.

I want my overall GH level to be high, not just to have a peak for a shirt period of time.
Go talk to your doctor then. Because you don't know what youre looking at or talking about.

You do not need any drugs, no peptides or research chems are going to help you, you do not need GH
Talking to doctors is meaningless in this case. My doctor won't give me GH, because I don't have hypogonadism or anything that can affect the GH production in a negative way.

My GH is low, but this is not caused by a health issue, which, medically speaking, is the only legitimate reason for a doctor to give a replacement therapy.

My GH is just low, but I don't have health issues.

No doctor will give me a hormone replacement therapy just because I'm not satisfied with the hormone level. I had a normal testosterone but I still went on TRT from the black market and later started doing actual cycles. At 3-5K ng/dL, I feel much better and gains are much better than they used to be on 700-800 ng/dL. I had to use the black market because all doctors refused to give me what I want.

There wasn't a medical reason for me to use TRT, but I still did it and it was not a mistake. Same is true for GH right now. There is no medical reason for me to demand higher GH, but I still want a higher GH level. I will have higher GH in one way or another.

You still insist I don't need GH. Would you explain why I don't need it if my GH is very low or even below the reference range?
Talking to doctors is meaningless in this case. My doctor won't give me GH, because I don't have hypogonadism or anything that can affect the GH production in a negative way.
because you dont need it

My GH is low, but this is not caused by a health issue, which, medically speaking, is the only legitimate reason for a doctor to give a replacement therapy.
because you dont need it

My GH is just low, but I don't have health issues.
because you dont need it

No doctor will give me a hormone replacement therapy just because I'm not satisfied with the hormone level. I had a normal testosterone but I still went on TRT from the black market and later started doing actual cycles. At 3-5K ng/dL, I feel much better and gains are much better than they used to be on 700-800 ng/dL. I had to use the black market because all doctors refused to give me what I want.
well no shit numbnuts. You blasted a full cycle.
the doctors refused to give you TRT because YOU. DIDNT. NEED. IT.

youre a 22 year old with no knowledge whatsoever of what you are doing. of course a doctor said no.

There wasn't a medical reason for me to use TRT, but I still did it and it was not a mistake.
pretty ignorant claim

Same is true for GH right now. There is no medical reason for me to demand higher GH, but I still want a higher GH level. I will have higher GH in one way or another.
Why do you want a higher number on your bloodwork?
what benefit do you think any of it will give you?

You still insist I don't need GH. Would you explain why I don't need it if my GH is very low or even below the reference range?
Why do YOU think you need it, what benefit do you think its going to give you.
Explain why you believe a single reference point on your bloodwork makes you think youre clinically GH deficient.
Explain how GH pulsatile secretion secretion works.
Explain the relationship between GH and IGF-1 and show bloodwork with IGF-1 reading.

Show us what gnarly physique your medical expertise regarding "black market" trt and cycling has gotten you.
HGH is too expensive for me.

I found a source that sells 100 units (50 units per vial, they sell 2 vials in a package) for 85 euro. Sadly, the source is available only to Russia.

The only sources available for my country, they sell 100 units for 240-250 euro.

The difference in price is significant. If the first source was available to me, buying HGH wouldn't have been a problem for me.
where do you live where you cant order from "the several international " sources?
I already said I don't care about the peak GH levels, but about the overall levels and concentration. If my GH level is only normal or high for 2 hours after I sleep and is then low during all other hours, then it doesn't matter that it's high.

AGAIN, thats not how it works.. you get a HUGE PULSE, then decreases..IE not testing at the right time IS MEANINGLESS..

saying over and over your GH is low does not make it true... you have no idea what it is! also by what u said you ARE in reference range. "reference range is from 0.00 to 3.00" your 0.13. but again that reference range is for AM blood results and infact if you ask a dr they dont really use it as VERY poor indicator/marker because you really have to test at the right time.. ie at best of time its a bad indicator you tested at wrong time so really is meaningless. your in your 20s ur good. increasing your IGF with trt AND GH will decrease your lifespan and develop enlarged heart diabetes etc.. BAD idea to start so early

you dont know what your measuring so your guesses are not rooted in science and therefore aren't getting you anywhere.

anyway, consider this the assembly in high school when they bring in ex meth addicts that tell you dont do meth.. but in this case you have seasoned juicy guys telling you to not only stop the GH madness but also get off the sauce as FAR to young to understand what your doing.. and it shows. its not your fault your brain isn't fully grown yet.

no ones trying to be mean, they just have seen this play out and trying to prevent the harm you are causing yourself..

imo messing with hormones when your young causes arrested development.
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AGAIN, thats not how it works.. you get a HUGE PULSE, then decreases..IE not testing at the right time IS MEANINGLESS..
Yes, I know that's the case. I know GH is increased during sleep and remains increased for about 1 or 2 hours after waking up.

I did my blood test after I haven't slept, because I wanted to see the average GH level, not the elevated for a short period of time level.

An overall/average elevation of GH is what's needed for performance-enhancing and muscle growth, not just a short elevation lasting for 1 or 2 hours. This is why I'm looking for ways to make my GH level elevated during the day as well, not just during the night sleep.

Mr. Olympia bodybuilders use about 20 units of HGH a day. If GH released during sleep was enough, they wouldn't have to use 20 units a day.

Also, thanks for the rest of your explanation.
your in your 20s ur good. increasing your IGF with trt AND GH will decrease your lifespan and develop enlarged heart diabetes etc.. BAD idea to start so early
I don't like my life anyway, so the risk of death due to steroids-related complications can't scary me. Only people, who value their lives, will get scared of what you said and then will stop using steroids. In my case, there is no fear of death.
where do you live where you cant order from "the several international " sources?
I checked multiple sources. The most trusted sources I found sell HGH for very high prices, and there was only one source that sells HGH (in the same quantity as other UGLs sell it) for a price I find very acceptable. That one source is only available for Russia.
I checked multiple sources. The most trusted sources I found sell HGH for very high prices, and there was only one source that sells HGH (in the same quantity as other UGLs sell it) for a price I find very acceptable. That one source is only available for Russia.
You didn’t look very hard then…

I did my blood test after I haven't slept, because I wanted to see the average GH level, not the elevated for a short period of time level.
This is so wrong… wtf

I don't like my life anyway, so the risk of death due to steroids-related complications can't scary me. Only people, who value their lives, will get scared of what you said and then will stop using steroids. In my case, there is no fear of death.
Save the money you can’t afford to spend on hgh and use it on therapy… jfc…