Do I need Scally's Power PCT?


New Member
Allright, I will try to make this as short as I can.

I've done a lot of cycles with the same pct, same dealer and same brands. After my recent cycle that ended in August, I was heavily shutdown. This was my cycle:

Prop, Tren, Dbol, EQ

125mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 4-10

150mg Tren Ace E/O/D - Week 10-15

100mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 1-10
(150mg ed the first week)

75mg Test Prop E/O/D - Week 10-15

50mg Dbol E/D - Week 2-7

500mg EQ E/W - Week 1-12

250iu HCG x2 weekly - Week 1-16 (start end of week 1

0,5mg Adex EoD

0.25mg Caber E3D

PCT - Weeks 16-20 (22 for nolva)

( 10 days after last pin)

Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

I did bloods pre, intra and post cycle, during the cycle i found out that I had "Hypothyreos", (low production of the thyroid hormone). Everything else was okay.

So ive totally done 3 blood tests after my cycle, one in november, one in the start of januari and one on the 1st of february. In november, I got my test level results at 9.2nmol/L, under 10 is considered as low (trt needed). In januari i had my lvls at 10nmol/L and now in february i got my Testosterone at 11nmol/L. I feel okay, im still strong, i also have good libido, having sex about 3-4 times a day.

I've got recommended to do scallys PCT. Not really sure what to do. Would appreciate any input and also someone that has been through the same thing.

Thanks in advance :)
You started pct a bit early... But it looks like it was sufficient. Personally, I would wait and retest in a few weeks. You're just trying to treat a number, not any symptoms.. You sound like you're doing fine right now.
You started pct a bit early... But it looks like it was sufficient. Personally, I would wait and retest in a few weeks. You're just trying to treat a number, not any symptoms.. You sound like you're doing fine right now.

Ive been waiting to start my new cycle for 5 months. So im wondering what level i have to recover to before i can start another cycle? Thanks
You started pct a bit early... But it looks like it was sufficient. Personally, I would wait and retest in a few weeks. You're just trying to treat a number, not any symptoms.. You sound like you're doing fine right now.

^^^ he got it

Dang, had to delete all my crap I had written about pct timing and that eq sticking around....
Ive been waiting to start my new cycle for 5 months. So im wondering what level i have to recover to before i can start another cycle? Thanks

When was the last day of your cycle? As in your last pin?

Essentially, you did a 22 week cycle dude... If you didn't stay on for so long you could probably have started a new cycle by now. Hard to say.
When was the last day of your cycle? As in your last pin?

Essentially, you did a 22 week cycle dude... If you didn't stay on for so long you could probably have started a new cycle by now. Hard to say.

16wk cycle my man
I just need to know to what T-levels i have to recover to, so I can start my cycle lol

^^^ u already know the answer to this question bro... ur pre cycle levels... LOL

U just hoping to hear something else so u can jump back on the pump train...:)

U can do what ya want, but if u don’t take time off... next time will be even harder:(
^^^ u already know the answer to this question bro... ur pre cycle levels... LOL

U just hoping to hear something else so u can jump back on the pump train...:)

U can do what ya want, but if u don’t take time off... next time will be even harder:(

So true, fuck me lol, well ill wait for 22, ill hop on scallys pct
So true, fuck me lol, well ill wait for 22, ill hop on scallys pct

I’m no doctor... be careful because slamming HCG as Scally s power pct suggests may and will shut U down again....

I may be wrong.... but TIME is ur best friend, and best option:) IMO

Maybe — just maybe some low dose clomid (25mg) daily while watching bloods may help
^^ that’s what I would do.. but I’m on trt now so don’t listen to me:)

Edit-** and this is assuming u already checked e-2 levels—- because low or high e2 sucks for gettin
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I’m no doctor... be careful because slamming HCG as Scally s power pct suggests may and will shut U down again....

I may be wrong.... but TIME is ur best friend, and best option[emoji4] IMO

Maybe — just maybe some low dose clomid (25mg) daily while watching bloods may help
^^ that’s what I would do.. but I’m on trt now so don’t listen to me:)

This is really advanced, would need help from someone with this experience! I've heard many different "ways". Could someone who has gone through this, help out?
You sure your original PCT source was legit and not bunk? Obviously, you wouldn't recover properly if it wasn't legit vs having good products. If this could be the case than I'd say it may not be a bad idea to at least throw in a little nolva and see if it changes anything
16wk cycle my man

16 weeks of gear and 6 more of PCT drugs. Time on = time off + PCT

You already ran a PCT and you're not shut down... I don't know what you think another PCT is going to do for you. Post some bloods if you want help, test levels aren't the only thing... LH? FSH? @G2Ready is right, you just want someone to tell you that you can start another cycle, you haven't even been off that long from the sound of it. Not that I really know for sure, you won't tell me what date you last pinned.

I'm out, good luck.