Do you plan to blast in old age (40+)?

43 here.
Just finished my 1st year on trt (neibido by nhs) and been "blasting " over 6months in a row with 100mg test p and 150mg tren a eod during 4months than reduced to 50mg test p and 50mg tren eod for 3 month.
Actually " crusing" all blood works came back clean so will blasting again anytime soon.
I like low dose of tren for crusing for wellbeing. I still try to put some mass while I am still able to manage physical efforts. I will probably stop blasting when my body can't handle anymore.

Next blast test and deca until may I think then tren until november
Is it possible to keep your bloodwork within the ranges known to be good?

Running steroids pretty much throws lipids all out of whack, and very slowly over time one is depositing plaque on the arteries.

And now everybody stays elevated for years on end, thinking there is no downside to running 200mg or more a week
250 test
and calling it TRT + or athlete TRT.

But, hey, if I am 30, I have low blood pressure, I do not think I am doing anything wrong, and I just never come off.

And I never run blood tests, or, if I do, I ignore that the LDL is high and the HDL is low. Because I know it will go back to how it was when I finally stop, some day. It's not doing harm on a daily basis right now, is it?
My cholesterol has been excellent on up to 500mg. The only time it is worse than pre-TRT/AAS is when I run Anavar and that drops everything including HDL. With injectables my total and LDL is lower than normal and my HDL is the same.

I agree with the sentiment, though, and I'd imagine some damage is happening irrespective of blood. It would be nice to know exactly how much.
IMO, sure, ongoing "abuse" will likely result in premature organ failure and/or shortened lifespan. What is "abuse?"

If I'm not delving in "abuse," but applying—for lack of a better term—"calculated logic" to my "approach", from blast to TRT, will that mitigate or eliminate detrimental or longterm effects?

With the amount of educating, monitoring, blood testing, and so on, I've embarked since starting with AAS, my attention to my health has developed exponentially. Supplements, medicines, activities, etc... all have evolved and progressed. Not a day goes by my health isn't "top-of-mind." I think many of us "approach" it this way.

If the "approach" is based on "calculated logic..." well-instituted, cautious, vigilant, and ultimately successful, couldn't one "maximize" their years in contrast?
I'm 45. Been living with IBD since 22yo. Full colon removal 9 years ago. Miserable as I was all that time at 160lbs routinely in hospitals and amounts of prescription drugs consumed, I'll take few years shaved off at the end any day. Gained 60 lbs of quality weight over last year. Self-prescribed basic TRT I do Feel I want to live now, not later. I have strength to fulfill what i can in life and means to do it. It it truly a life changing experience.
I'm 45. Been living with IBD since 22yo. Full colon removal 9 years ago. Miserable as I was all that time at 160lbs routinely in hospitals and amounts of prescription drugs consumed, I'll take few years shaved off at the end any day. Gained 60 lbs of quality weight over last year. Self-prescribed basic TRT I do Feel I want to live now, not later. I have strength to fulfill what i can in life and means to do it. It it truly a life changing experience.
Fuck man good for you. This hit home because my wife is going through similar shit since the twins. They removed her gal bladder and as it turns out, in like <1% of patients, replacement meds fail and its catastrophic for their digestion. So in her 20s she already had IBS, pelvic floor charlie horses and has to take about 10 meds a day and even then, about twice a year she has miserable emergency room level pain. More power to you for taking control.
Fuck man good for you. This hit home because my wife is going through similar shit since the twins. They removed her gal bladder and as it turns out, in like <1% of patients, replacement meds fail and its catastrophic for their digestion. So in her 20s she already had IBS, pelvic floor charlie horses and has to take about 10 meds a day and even then, about twice a year she has miserable emergency room level pain. More power to you for taking control.
Thank you for sharing that information with us. The subject isn't fun to discuss and we're way off the tread topic here already, however we can learn from each other's experience in a forum where information isn't edited by third party and that can be life changing.
As per my own case, I do not recall any of my doctors advising on checking blood markers that in their experience are unrelated to condition in question but were way off as discovered. It was a cookie-cutter approach according to their DSM as they operate in heavily regulated industry under the microscope of FDA, members of which have large stakes in prescription drug companies which support education in medical fields. Can't blame anyone for doing what they were taught.
As I found out for myself, when we start to move in new direction there's an excellent chance of new destination. Our minds are amazing tool that is underutilized as we confirm to established standards.
I wish you and your wife discover the truth for yourselves and share your experience. Blessings.
Turned 45 a little while ago. I’ve been on trt since late 2013. I’ve done about 12 cycles in that time but took a 3 year break until I turned 45 and was disgusted at how out of shape I’d become. I do plan on this being my last time in the sandbox running anything more than try. I’ve got enough to get about 3 or 4 short 4 week cycles or I can do two 6 weeks cycles. Haven’t decided but when it’s gonna it’s gone. I made a promise to myself and my wife that when I got my goal or run out it’s over for good. Here’s to one more run sticking my hand in the flame! :)
Turned 45 a little while ago. I’ve been on trt since late 2013. I’ve done about 12 cycles in that time but took a 3 year break until I turned 45 and was disgusted at how out of shape I’d become. I do plan on this being my last time in the sandbox running anything more than try. I’ve got enough to get about 3 or 4 short 4 week cycles or I can do two 6 weeks cycles. Haven’t decided but when it’s gonna it’s gone. I made a promise to myself and my wife that when I got my goal or run out it’s over for good. Here’s to one more run sticking my hand in the flame! :)
I apologize for all the misspelled words. I’m typing between sets and keep forgetting to check the auto corrects sneaky changes.
Turned 45 a little while ago. I’ve been on trt since late 2013. I’ve done about 12 cycles in that time but took a 3 year break until I turned 45 and was disgusted at how out of shape I’d become. I do plan on this being my last time in the sandbox running anything more than try. I’ve got enough to get about 3 or 4 short 4 week cycles or I can do two 6 weeks cycles. Haven’t decided but when it’s gonna it’s gone. I made a promise to myself and my wife that when I got my goal or run out it’s over for good. Here’s to one more run sticking my hand in the flame! :)
I see you are considering a or b.

I would rather do c.

One good cut (good meaning well planned and making progress each week) for 12 weeks of gear that you commence a month before the cycle, meaning 16 weeks total of cutting.

It will be life changing in your mid-late 40s to be single digit body fat when the weather warms up in the south, and when you are shirtless your wife will be quite pleased with the outcome regardless of her reservations. Lean man with narrow waist beats climbing into bed with a typical puffy, middle-aged steroid dude.
When did Old Age begin at 40?
62 here....on blast now
Hey, Throwback, what do you consider a "blast," and do you react to it differently now than when you were younger?

For me, age has brought on high blood pressure which is exacerbated by large muscle size, hgh, and high doses.

I am guessing that had I taken up road bicycling as a sport in middle age instead of bodybuilding, that this would probably not be the case. Nobody else in my family has high blood pressure of which I am aware.
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For me, I think my "blasts" in old age will be just a hair above sports TRT or TRT+, whatever you want to call it.

I envision ONLY using test / mast / primo / eq / deca / anavar / GH for any type of blast "in old age."

A blast when I get to "old age" will probably be no more than 500mg of total AAS and 6iu of GH. Since I'll likely be slowly downsizing from this point in my life till I kick the can, I don't see a reason why I would get aggressive with doses.
Getting close to 45.

Just finished up a 3 month blast of 350 test/175 primo/125 tren/3iu HGH that I was running to look better up for a Mexico vacation.

Will absolutely blast again with the same cycle, probably even increase the test/primo.

Best I’ve ever looked, felt amazing, strength barely below where I was in my early 30s when I was running bigger cycles. 6-8 weeks in I was already getting compliments non-stop from people, getting eye fucked by women, asked what my cycle was by guys at the gym.

BP a tiny bit elevated at first but fixed that with telmisartan. LDL was elevated at 200 but HDL was 60 so I’m not worried.

Have Ghoul’s recommended stack of rosuvastatin/ezetimibe/bempedoic acid on the way to help with cholesterol control when I run it again.

Got back from Mexico yesterday and went back to TRT+ at 200 test/100 primo/3iu HGH today.

Short answer is blasts are fine, just have to keep health markers in check.