Not me personally, just the lifestyle. Powerlifting lol. I could give 2 shits about strength, I'd rather bench 135 max and look good than 315 and look less aesthetic.
You're well on your way to benching 135 then....
It'll be funny as hell seeing a female lifter lift more than you and in better shape than you. That would just complete the cycle lol
Limitations of my knowledge? lol k just sounds like your using the whole young and dumb bs
Shortcomings? Not with me.
The young is part of it but the main reason for your stupidity is you see what you want to see and not what the evidence actually says.
Your last three posts are filled with you attempting to overcome your shortcomings. It's all good though, I'm not judging you. Just laughing.
Watch the video, you'll probably think he's a phaggot but your daughter won't
If I ever have a daughter I'll make sure she's educated enough to know better. Something your parents should have done with you