Dosing GH to Maximise Fat Loss

Larger single doses to maximize IGF (~8iu depending on your own response and studies on the topic) or to stimulate the fat burning multiple times a day with multiple small doses.
more and more guys i see now doing like 3x per week high dosages just to get that igf super high
more and more guys i see now doing like 3x per week high dosages just to get that igf super high
Recent study showed you can expect a significant plateau around 700-800ng/dl (think I got the units right?). Most tests on legit gH I’ve seen hit 400-500 at just 4-6iu. That makes something like 12-20iu seem fucking retarded.

time and time again the “more is better” for gH and slin gets debunked.
Recent study showed you can expect a significant plateau around 700-800ng/dl (think I got the units right?). Most tests on legit gH I’ve seen hit 400-500 at just 4-6iu. That makes something like 12-20iu seem fucking retarded.

time and time again the “more is better” for gH and slin gets debunked.
agree with you bro..for me all i need is 4iu....guys that do super high dosages look like pregnant
Recent study showed you can expect a significant plateau around 700-800ng/dl (think I got the units right?). Most tests on legit gH I’ve seen hit 400-500 at just 4-6iu. That makes something like 12-20iu seem fucking retarded.

time and time again the “more is better” for gH and slin gets debunked.

agree with you bro..for me all i need is 4iu....guys that do super high dosages look like pregnant

So much truth here
Splitting your gh doses to 1-2 iu's twice a day for majority users would ot have a negative impact on blood glucose in a short 3-6 month run. I would always advocate checking BG levels.

As @Mac11wildcat already stated maximizing your pinning will result in higher lipolysis.

For me personally, I can run up to 5.28 iu's without effecting my BG much at all.

Splitting your gh doses to 1-2 iu's twice a day for majority users would ot have a negative impact on blood glucose in a short 3-6 month run. I would always advocate checking BG levels.

As @Mac11wildcat already stated maximizing your pinning will result in higher lipolysis.

For me personally, I can run up to 5.28 iu's without effecting my BG much at all.

Mands do you use exclusively western pharma or use cheaper Chinese pharma grade like the grey tops, Supertropin (Anke biotech), etc.?
Mands do you use exclusively western pharma or use cheaper Chinese pharma grade like the grey tops, Supertropin (Anke biotech), etc.?
I have ran the gamut on both Western Pharma, Chinese Prama and Chinese "Generics".

Currently have Chinese Generics but have not started back up on them.

yeah keep in mind this is dosages only for fat loss,guys use more to grow ofc..

i can only say u what works from me from my personal experience...i have best results using HGH 4iu eod,keeps me very insulin sensitive,body fat is always in check,and i feel HGH working great year round..i have been doing also 5/2 or 6/1 but effect start to get weaker the longer i use it,i believe that body get used to it and develops too much serum antibodies..also timing i use it fasted middle of the night when i go to bathroom.
as far as splitting i would never do that cause u have blood sugar spikes 2x time in 24hr,to have better insulin sensitivity only once and fasted.
monitor you blood sugar ofc
Middle of the night sounds good. Im going on 9 months of gh use. only 2-3 ius generic. If I pin anytime during the day, I fight fatigue. Middle of the night might help me sleep past 4:30 AM LOL.
I pin mine at 4a. It’s my normal wake up time anyway. Still fight fatigue though. Wondering about taking a full dose at night if it makes that better. But then you miss out on the natural bump your body puts out at night. Catch 22.
I pin mine at 4a. It’s my normal wake up time anyway. Still fight fatigue though. Wondering about taking a full dose at night if it makes that better. But then you miss out on the natural bump your body puts out at night. Catch 22.
If you are taking exogenous GH your bodies natural pulse is suppressed. You taking it anytime will mess with your natural pulses.
