Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

How long have finished international products been taking to get to the US? Order was placed 7 days ago and the shipping label doesn't show anything still.
How long have finished international products been taking to get to the US? Order was placed 7 days ago and the shipping label doesn't show anything still.
Won't show anything until it gets reshipped state-side, as it goes to our reshipper first. 2-4 weeks usually.
Dragon do you reckon odds are decent of getting two 72iu humatropes into Australia from Turkey (>90%)? And shipping time 9-18 days?
Hmm. Just because humas are liquid, I'd reckon genos have a better chance.
Another vote to stock Testosterone Undecanoate injectable. I've been on your Test U for 2 years now with great bloodwork.

I did see you say earlier you were working on it.
Yeah, I held a lighter to it and it blew up a building, 10/10 DNP.

In all seriousness - I should have a report to give you soon after the Chinese holidays are over.
Look forward to this. Much prefer buying raw and capping versus trusting someone to properly dose and cap when dealing with DNP.
Anybody have any experience with Tejas cardinal labs? Just received my order from dragon ordnance expecting their brand but received TCL. I see they have a new thread with no info indicating the quality of their products. Any input would be helpful.
Anybody have any experience with Tejas cardinal labs? Just received my order from dragon ordnance expecting their brand but received TCL. I see they have a new thread with no info indicating the quality of their products. Any input would be helpful.
Dragons new brewer. Most recent order I've had was their products as well (test cyp, tren ace, npp) and everything I recieved was beautiful. Theres been no pip, no floaties, very professional packaging, and the tren makes me want to headbutt a train, so I think you're in good hands.
Anybody have any experience with Tejas cardinal labs? Just received my order from dragon ordnance expecting their brand but received TCL. I see they have a new thread with no info indicating the quality of their products. Any input would be helpful.
They have no lab tests, uncompelling pricing, a thread on SST that's currently going down in flames (and not helped by their shitty customer service), and one here that would be headed in the same direction faster if there were still people here to vet sources.


If you read this guys thread on SST you’ll have the common sense to avoid him. High prices, TA of weeks regularly, no responses to emails unless it involves payment, gets pissed if you make source complaints about his terrible business, almost zero lab tests, comes off as a tool.

Someone posted a pic of his vials within the last week on another forum and there was what looked like cigarette tobacco in a vial they bought from him.
Although it sounds like maybe their gear can save you that trip to the store for a pack of smokes.

So yeah, they're good to go
That’s how you know it’s fire!

Ok that joke was dumb, I’ll see myself out
ngl the last time we had dnp raws, we ran out because literally the factory blew the fuck up
Look forward to this. Much prefer buying raw and capping versus trusting someone to properly dose and cap when dealing with DNP.
just parachute the raws up your ass and you'll get 2x efficacy