Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

love me some mig! only problem is finding it at a reasonable price.
I’d buy finished pwo if you made them in mig

I like mig too guys, but the issue is some people just react badly to it and blame it on the brewer, and then its a shit fest. I can possibly see to it to make two batches, but that won't alleviate that problem.

We do have a PWO though.
I like mig too guys, but the issue is some people just react badly to it and blame it on the brewer, and then its a shit fest. I can possibly see to it to make two batches, but that won't alleviate that problem.

We do have a PWO though.

Sell it with a disclaimer. It isn't your fault that someone reacts badly to a specific carrier, and with that, there should be no compensation.
@DragonOrdnance i second the Primo 200mg/ml.
I'll try that. I'm no expert by any means at brewing, and I want my hands to get down the operation as well. But my guy is.

Sell it with a disclaimer. It isn't your fault that someone reacts badly to a specific carrier, and with that, there should be no compensation.

Disclaimer or not, someone will always make a thread about how my gear is shit and not mention the mig nor the concentration or compound, and you know how it goes.
Grabbed some of @DragonOrdnance hgh and pt-141 from his domestic. Great communication and 3 days to my front door. His pt-141 is the real deal for sure. Tried some Friday night and shit was cool as fuck. Definitely recommend trying that peptide out for sure.
Thanks bro. Hey guys, we're putting DHL Express back on for turkish pharma. Get yo stuff in 2-3 days like USPS, guaranteed bruddas.