Dragon Ordnance - INT/US PEDs, Raws, & Turkish Pharmacy

Hi @DragonOrdnance , do you give any credit if someone buys say 20-30grams of primo raws, gets it tested as raw, and posts the results here for the community and your credibility? Sorry if you already answered this question.
Hi @DragonOrdnance , do you give any credit if someone buys say 20-30grams of primo raws, gets it tested as raw, and posts the results here for the community and your credibility? Sorry if you already answered this question.
My bad-you have already answered it before.
" Yes, I offer 75$ credit for bloods and 100$ for any type of purity tested done by a accredited lab (accredited meaning most of the members of the forums approve such source)"
My bad-you have already answered it before.
" Yes, I offer 75$ credit for bloods and 100$ for any type of purity tested done by a accredited lab (accredited meaning most of the members of the forums approve such source)"
So where does this leave testing by Jano?
Hey, if bro buttholes are your thing....
It certainly looks that way since he keeps on wanting to talk about fellow bro buttholes. There is nothing wrong with that but take it to right forum of "fruity" type and leave this clean!
What drives people to do this?

By the way guys, updated prices on Turkish pharma again. Going for that real low.
what carrier oils are used in your unfinished 100ml of primo e at 250mg/ml? Before I purchase I would like to know if that carrier oil is on my list of carrier oil that agree with my body!
Got my sero kit yesterday, very nice communication and price. Just want to give credit where it’s due. Gotta jump on that pharma line next.