MESO-Rx Sponsor Driada Medical

I see @Driada Medical has already replied with a lab result showing the quality. But based on my own experience with their hCG, I'd say it's legit based on the effects on my body. Increased estradiol, larger testes, increased ejaculate volume and quality.

Aside from a recent shipping mixup (which I am confident they will make right), Driada has offered nothing but great products and service. I can warmy recommend their products.
Thank you very much for this feed back. It’s greatly appreciated.
Hello, sir!

Your conclusions are unfounded.
Where did you read about poor quality? There was no lab testing that proves this statement. All our lab tests( the only objective evidence ) are legit and moreover, we did lab tests in 3-4 different laboratories.
The only thing you can really read in this thread is that we don't do lab testing as often as our clients want(its a bit hard to test EVERY batch if you have 70+ different products), however, on the other hand, we support blind testing and all tests are of high quality, so please You do not make such statements.

And here is the proof / answer on your question

Below you can see the lab test for our HCG 2000iu... and its 3000iu there


I think these numbers speak more confidently than any words

Thank you for your interest. sir!
My sincere apologies, dear friend. That was not at all what I had meant to say. I try to do extensive research before committing to a product or vendor, and sometimes reading through these threads, the comments go back and forth and it can be uncertain.

What I meant to say was that I had read a comment about one product specifically that someone wasn’t getting “expected” results/ or side effects from. I was simply trying to narrow down an opinion based on someone’s personal experience. I’m trying to place a sizable order, and wanted to make sure that I did my homework and my facts were in line before doing so.

It can be difficult clearly expressing your thoughts in nothing but words online. It leaves a lot open to misinterpretation.

So again - I apologize. I’ve read overwhelming positivity and professionalism about the service that you provide. And I thank you for that and your transparency. I also thank you for that lab test, specifically!!! I was actually searching for that and had been unable to locate it. Very much appreciated.
Gentlemen! As it was written earlier, Dinabolyn 10 mg (Methandienone) is this week's product with a 50% discount :cool: .

Hello, sir!

Your conclusions are unfounded.
Where did you read about poor quality? There was no lab testing that proves this statement. All our lab tests( the only objective evidence ) are legit and moreover, we did lab tests in 3-4 different laboratories.
The only thing you can really read in this thread is that we don't do lab testing as often as our clients want(its a bit hard to test EVERY batch if you have 70+ different products), however, on the other hand, we support blind testing and all tests are of high quality, so please You do not make such statements.

And here is the proof / answer on your question

Below you can see the lab test for our HCG 2000iu... and its 3000iu there

I think these numbers speak more confidently than any words

Thank you for your interest. sir!
I also just realized that what you’re referring to that I said above, it wasn’t about Driada. Another member in another thread made a comment about the general quality of hcg being less than he remembers, and asked if anyone knew where he could find good hcg.

Funny thing is, I referred him to you.
I also just realized that what you’re referring to that I said above, it wasn’t about Driada. Another member in another thread made a comment about the general quality of hcg being less than he remembers, and asked if anyone knew where he could find good hcg.

Funny thing is, I referred him to you.

Ok. sir!

Anyway, it was an extra chance to show the world our proud HCG lab test, so that you for this opportunity :)
 Can you please explain why it is not possible to combine store credit with reward points? Or store credit with other discounts? That's a good way to piss off you customers. Just a feedback for your marketing team.

Hello, sir!

In vain do you think that this was done in order to annoy you, moreover, we created this system for convenience: from the whole abundance of discounts and promotions as ways to buy something and spend less, we give you the opportunity to choose one - the most profitable one for you.
But if you don’t show test of every batch how the people to know what they get??? Do you see majestic lab broken machine and everything it’s almost half dose but they show tests and say to people how to we know if you don’t test every batch what we buying??
But if you don’t show test of every batch how the people to know what they get??? Do you see majestic lab broken machine and everything it’s almost half dose but they show tests and say to people how to we know if you don’t test every batch what we buying??
They actively encourage people to send stuff for lab testing and you get 200 credit in store when you do and publicly post the results.

I'd say that's decent reason to trust them.
And this is my 4th order last mont i order some primo and anavar with test e, i stop using this because i have filling like my scalp is on fire i like my hair,now i order sust npp, i don’t have pip i heat everything before application,they are wery helpful on telegram i get some advice for cycle there,i buy only things that have test’s from this year or batch that not sold and have test,probably in near future if they don’t have test’s for products that I’m buying i will need to change,for now im happy with products I’m buying from them from start when they open, we will see what will happen in the near future i hope they will bring some changes
They actively encourage people to send stuff for lab testing and you get 200 credit in store when you do and publicly post the results.

I'd say that's decent reason to trust them.
Haha I’m have a family kids,rent to pay i order 7 different products in two months,buy products and order testing plus wait for the test you are funny guy
Good morning gentlemen! Don't miss the "Happy Hours"!

✅ 7% discount on all products all day
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✅ 50% DISCOUNT on Dinabolyn 10 mg


All this is waiting for you today in our shop!

But if you don’t show test of every batch how the people to know what they get??? Do you see majestic lab broken machine and everything it’s almost half dose but they show tests and say to people how to we know if you don’t test every batch what we buying??

Hello, sir!

this question makes sense

You do not trust the one who each of our products meets the declared quality.

But because we are confident, we offer you really good compensation for blind testing our products.

The fact is that we are confident in the quality of our products. We test each batch of raw materials and strictly adhere to the formulas, as well as selectively test products on our own, but there is a conflict of interest, so we decided to leave these labtests for internal use.

And after that, testing products in a third-party laboratory, we get to do triple the work, despite the fact that we clearly do not need it.

Therefore, at the very beginning of our work, we made the following decision: if people are really interested in excellent quality products and their interest is of a serious nature, then we will more than compensate for the costs of testing with our products and replenish the “fund” of laboratory tests.

Now this policy is still alive, but there will be an update soon, because people have done countless tests for testosterone and primobolan, and not distributed the tests relatively evenly between the drugs, as we would like.

After more than a year and a half of work, the law of large numbers can speak in our favor:
If some drug for a long time and dozens of batches showed excellent results in all laboratory tests that were not carried out every time, but regularly, then the chance that this particular, not tested batch will be as good as the previous ones is more and more.

So you can make your choice, sir.

P.S. But definitely, soon there will be more laboratory tests
Hello, sir!

this question makes sense

You do not trust the one who each of our products meets the declared quality.

But because we are confident, we offer you really good compensation for blind testing our products.

The fact is that we are confident in the quality of our products. We test each batch of raw materials and strictly adhere to the formulas, as well as selectively test products on our own, but there is a conflict of interest, so we decided to leave these labtests for internal use.

And after that, testing products in a third-party laboratory, we get to do triple the work, despite the fact that we clearly do not need it.

Therefore, at the very beginning of our work, we made the following decision: if people are really interested in excellent quality products and their interest is of a serious nature, then we will more than compensate for the costs of testing with our products and replenish the “fund” of laboratory tests.

Now this policy is still alive, but there will be an update soon, because people have done countless tests for testosterone and primobolan, and not distributed the tests relatively evenly between the drugs, as we would like.

After more than a year and a half of work, the law of large numbers can speak in our favor:
If some drug for a long time and dozens of batches showed excellent results in all laboratory tests that were not carried out every time, but regularly, then the chance that this particular, not tested batch will be as good as the previous ones is more and more.

So you can make your choice, sir.

P.S. But definitely, soon there will be more laboratory tests
Like i said in last post i order 7 different products in 4 week,how much money and time i need to pay for gear and send to testing everything??if i need something fast and i need to wait 2 week’s to get gear and after this send for testing this don’t have a sense,maybe i will waiting for results mire than month,better increase the price of the gear 5% or 10% and bring back the testing, but at the end it’s your company and your choice how to run a company…
Somatropin HGH Liquid is available for orders! Don't forget about today's discounts ;) .

Good afternoon gentleman!

I would like to share my personal experience with Driada products that I've been using for last year. I found driada on this forum when they first began to work.

So far I ordered many Test E packages, Deca, dbol tabs, anavar, masteron , t3, clen and AI like letrozole, adex and aromasin. All of this was used in 3 different cycles.

Payment might look a little bit confusing when using bitcoin, but If you are familiar with some kind of crypto wallet, there should be no issue. After placing an order I was informed about every move my package made (this was worst problem with another supplier before). Shipped was in about 24-48 hours and deliever in about 5-7 days since order was placed. I rate this 10/10, because knowing where you package is will save you a lot of nerves.

My experience:

I did 2 bulking cycles (test, deca, dbol) and one cutting already in progress (test, mast, dbol, var). Orals take effect almost immediately, you can feel them in your body in 3-5 days since you start taking them. Oil solutions are very clean and friendly to body (had some issues with different brands before, but Driada is everytime perfect). If you are regular steroid user, you can simply tell that this is the quality you are looking for. Side effects almost none (except hair loss or some genetic stuff that you can not simply avoid when taking PEDs).

Simply said: I got what I ordered. My lifts went up, my mucles looks full. I was able to cut bunch of fat in no time. Diet is the main key, but Driada products will definitely help you without ruining your health (atleast not that fast as other brands did to me).

Overall experience: 10/10 and I will always recommend Driada. Hoping that they never quit their business!


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