Let me add something...@Driada Medical thx a lot! !!!!
1) During the cycle, I would add the HCG 500-1000ui per week starting from the 3rd week.
Also in the 3rd week, I would check prolactin, and estradiol and would decide on the dosages of cabergoline and AI.
BTW I would mention that soon we will have cabergoline and hCG!
2) you asked about PCT...
I would do the first 2 weeks like this:
100 Clomilad , 20 Nolvados and then switch to 50 Clomilad , 10 Nolvados and keep it for 8 weeks, then make a blood test for LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, etc according to circumstances
3) And even while the Nandrolone D is in action and while there is no Masteron on a 13-14 week, I would use these weeks as a "lite rest" and give the body a little recovery from the heavy workout. It is impossible to struggle for so long. Because there are two tasks here bulk and cut, two cycles ion one, actually, give the body rest in terms of volume and intensity due to reduced dosages and weights.