

49.00€ 65.00€ :eek:


Tirzepatide is designed to deliver outstanding results in weight management and glycemic control. Clinical trials have shown that patients using Tirzepatide experienced up to a 22.5% reduction in body weight — that’s significantly more than what traditional treatments offer. With its unique dual-action mechanism, Tirzepatide not only helps in reducing blood sugar levels but also accelerates weight loss by targeting multiple pathways in the body.

✅ Dual Action: Tirzepatide is a dual agonist, meaning it works on both GLP-1 and GIP receptors, enhancing weight loss and glycemic control beyond what Semaglutide can offer.

✅ Greater Efficacy: studies have shown that Tirzepatide delivers more significant reductions in A1C levels and body weight compared to Semaglutide, helping you achieve your health goals faster.

✅ Enhanced Tolerability: Tirzepatide has been reported to have fewer gastrointestinal side effects, making it a more comfortable option for long-term use.

Hi Everyone,

I know a big discussion here is the side effects of test and other anabolics on hair, such as male pattern baldness acceleration, and mitigating factors to address this.

TLDR: topical 5% minoxidil and 1mg daily of Finestelad (finasteride from Driada Medical) has had the pictured effects over three months: June to September, even while using Propios (Testosterone Propionate from Driada Medical) and Testos (Testosterone Enanthate from Driada Medical) 210mg weekly and Ibutamoren (MK-667 from Driada Medical) 20mg daily.


(June 2024)


(September 2024)

A bit of background first: I had a bad motorcycle accident in 2023 and had to have wrist surgery. I got a post-operative MRSA infection that then ate part of my dorsal nerve and all of the cartilage in my right dominant hand. I had to have two more surgeries, including a full wrist fusion, as a result. I am 28 and was always in OK shape (Airborne Infantry US Army 4 years) but the surgeries and recovery, plus extensive opiate pain killers (40-60mg of Oxy and 1200-2400mg Gabapentin) took quite a toll on my health, including my hair, but especially my test levels.

I currently live in North Eastern Europe (due to Ukraine war, I am a military contractor) where TRT is quite difficult to get, so I decided to go the unprescribed route for TRT. I had significant hair loss, and a history of male pattern baldness in my family on my mother’s side, so I was concerned it would accelerate it. I started in July with my TRT Propios - Testosterone Propionate from Driada Medical) and Testos - Testosterone Enanthate from Driada Medical 210mg weekly) and at the same time got topical minoxidil 5% (available here without prescription) and oral Finastelad (1mg finasteride from Driada Medical). I apply minoxidil twice per day and take finasteride each morning. I have also derma rolled and taken hair health multivitamins. I think the results speak for themselves!

Driada Medical has always delivered to me quickly and reliably. Their products have worked well, and their customer service is top notch. If you are looking for a source that you can trust in Europe, I recommend Driada Medical, whole-heartedly!


(Latest delivery from Driada Medical, August 2024)

Great. Price however way too high.

I can get Pharma Mounjaro 4x15 mg for roughly 450 Euro. Your stuff is more expensive than Pharma lol. You guys should really reconsider pricing on some of your products or at least get some significant bulk discounts (none available for Tirzepatide so far).
Are you sure that you are buying an original product? Now there are a lot of fakes that are much cheaper than the original Mounjaro.

At the moment, we have made a promo for Tirzepatide, as you can see.
Hi Everyone,

I know a big discussion here is the side effects of test and other anabolics on hair, such as male pattern baldness acceleration, and mitigating factors to address this.

TLDR: topical 5% minoxidil and 1mg daily of Finestelad (finasteride from Driada Medical) has had the pictured effects over three months: June to September, even while using Propios (Testosterone Propionate from Driada Medical) and Testos (Testosterone Enanthate from Driada Medical) 210mg weekly and Ibutamoren (MK-667 from Driada Medical) 20mg daily.


(June 2024)


(September 2024)

A bit of background first: I had a bad motorcycle accident in 2023 and had to have wrist surgery. I got a post-operative MRSA infection that then ate part of my dorsal nerve and all of the cartilage in my right dominant hand. I had to have two more surgeries, including a full wrist fusion, as a result. I am 28 and was always in OK shape (Airborne Infantry US Army 4 years) but the surgeries and recovery, plus extensive opiate pain killers (40-60mg of Oxy and 1200-2400mg Gabapentin) took quite a toll on my health, including my hair, but especially my test levels.

I currently live in North Eastern Europe (due to Ukraine war, I am a military contractor) where TRT is quite difficult to get, so I decided to go the unprescribed route for TRT. I had significant hair loss, and a history of male pattern baldness in my family on my mother’s side, so I was concerned it would accelerate it. I started in July with my TRT Propios - Testosterone Propionate from Driada Medical) and Testos - Testosterone Enanthate from Driada Medical 210mg weekly) and at the same time got topical minoxidil 5% (available here without prescription) and oral Finastelad (1mg finasteride from Driada Medical). I apply minoxidil twice per day and take finasteride each morning. I have also derma rolled and taken hair health multivitamins. I think the results speak for themselves!

Driada Medical has always delivered to me quickly and reliably. Their products have worked well, and their customer service is top notch. If you are looking for a source that you can trust in Europe, I recommend Driada Medical, whole-heartedly!

View attachment 295120

(Latest delivery from Driada Medical, August 2024)

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful result. The only recommendation is to use 0.25 mg (quarter tablet) instead of 1 mg. This is quite enough to significantly reduce DHT in blood plasma. Here, for example, is the result of DHT when using 0.25 mg per day.

I've had two hair transplants. The first in 2018 and the second in 2023. Unfortunately, I only started using finasteride after the second transplant and now I really regret that I haven't done it since 2015. Probably then I would not have had to have a hair transplant, because in my case, the transplant did not give as good a result as I expected.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful result. The only recommendation is to use 0.25 mg (quarter tablet) instead of 1 mg. This is quite enough to significantly reduce DHT in blood plasma. Here, for example, is the result of DHT when using 0.25 mg per day.
View attachment 295177

I've had two hair transplants. The first in 2018 and the second in 2023. Unfortunately, I only started using finasteride after the second transplant and now I really regret that I haven't done it since 2015. Probably then I would not have had to have a hair transplant, because in my case, the transplant did not give as good a result as I expected.
Driada should do a Hair loss product lol. 1.25 mg minoxidil with 0.25 mg finasteride combination :cool: