Dropping primo


About to turn 42, little backround started aas around the age of 25. Did the usual cycle on/off till about 32 and then stayed on test till current day. I also added primo about 10 years ago to my blast/cruise's and never really came off. Never went crazy with dosages, usual typical year would be
200mg test/200mg primo (32 weeks)
250mg test/400mg primo (16 weeks)
Bloodwork every 6-8 months always came back great, my doc knew what I was doing.
That's essentially all I ran, sometimes using hgh for shorter periods but that's bout it.
After doing a lot more research into how prolonged primo can alter mood brain chemistry etc and just how I've been feeling lately, I decided to drop the primo and just run test at 150mg week. Its been about 5 weeks since dropping the primo and I feel awful. It's either crashed my estrogen(doesn't make sense) or the hormonal shift is messing with me. I'm tired, achy, sore, easily agitated, bit achness in testes and struggling to workout longer then 20 minutes. Have bloodwork booked for next week. Also have hcg on route. Perhaps I was just so use to feeling like superman I'm just feeling my age, but it's kicking me in the ass. Anyone have any insights
Just wait until you get your lab results back but if anything dropping the primo would have caused your estrogen to get higher as primo can and does cause strong estrogen suppression for many. All you can do is pull labs and see what’s up, but damn 10 years is a long time to never come off primo. I get it bro, I love it too.
About to turn 42, little backround started aas around the age of 25. Did the usual cycle on/off till about 32 and then stayed on test till current day. I also added primo about 10 years ago to my blast/cruise's and never really came off. Never went crazy with dosages, usual typical year would be
200mg test/200mg primo (32 weeks)
250mg test/400mg primo (16 weeks)
Bloodwork every 6-8 months always came back great, my doc knew what I was doing.
That's essentially all I ran, sometimes using hgh for shorter periods but that's bout it.
After doing a lot more research into how prolonged primo can alter mood brain chemistry etc and just how I've been feeling lately, I decided to drop the primo and just run test at 150mg week. It’s been about 5 weeks since dropping the primo and I feel awful. It's either crashed my estrogen(doesn't make sense) or the hormonal shift is messing with me. I'm tired, achy, sore, easily agitated, bit achness in testes and struggling to workout longer then 20 minutes. Have bloodwork booked for next week. Also have hcg on route. Perhaps I was just so use to feeling like superman I'm just feeling my age, but it's kicking me in the ass. Anyone have any insights
On the same boat as you and after did all my blood work everything came back good and I kept telling them the exact symptoms your facing right now but I honestly think most doctors are dumb as shit
Primo shifts my mood almost immediately. I have been trying to get it to work but I am not having much luck. Can you point me to some of the research?
LOL, that's ridiculous to suggest

7mg or so a day is what the testes produce

no matter what the ester weight, 150mg a week puts a man way over whatever his body would have produced in a natural state, even if he is lean, young, and healthy
I agree. 80mg a week had my total T over 1,000.
One thing that also should be taken into consideration.

I don't have anything to back it up, other than straight logic and anecdotal evidences, so feel free to debate me.

Subject A uses 100mg of Test weekly. It gives good T and E2 ratio. Add 50mg primo and your E2 might be too low.

Subject B uses 600mg of test and 300mg of primo. Chances are his T to E2 ratio is way higher and might have to up the primo. The ratio is still 2T : P but the results are different.

So if you are one of the outliers, 200mg of test alone might give you good T to E2 ratio and not E2 over reference range. Add primo and you may tank your E2. Since you used it all the time your body probably adjusted to have low E.

And now if you are one of the outliers, 2.5T : 4P might murdered your E2. If you are average it might have tanked below threshold. But you lived so long with this protocol your body might adjusted and took other routes to adjust.

Thats why you need bloodwork.