Dunamis Labs

Even blazin had the common sense to not lead everyone right to the doorstep of his double wide trailer :)
I never agreed with Brutus that Meso would be better without sources on the site. I understand completely know because of dumbasses like Nick.
The clock starts ticking......:(.....i think dunamis better lay low for a lil after this fiasco.
I'm ok with not knowing Greeks other handle. It's obvious this was a well designed play on his part. I'm not mad at that. Id probably do te same if I had the time to run a lab. However if Greek decides to pack up an go south without letting the community know I'd hope that info would be made public!

I'll never spend a dime with this guy. What if we got Into some petty shit and the dude doesn't like me? I don't want a hot pack like that other guy got, all leaky and shit. I can't be comfortable buying off of someone who admits they're a member here, but won't tell the name. Why even mention it? So now this guy has two handles. What other names does/has he gone by? It just makes things look shady. If I was selling drugs I wouldn't even mention that I have another screen name with pictures posted.

No offense but this guy is a fucking joke...period. Again, a lot of you guys are suckers. Meso would be better off without sources in the long run. I'm sick of hearing everyone bitch about being ripped off when they set themselves up. You guys are fucking clowning yourselves. Stop getting ripped off by fly by night sources!! Just because someone has pics of brewing gear does not make them legit. This lab will single handed lay prove that the COC, while a great idea, doesn't stop things from happening. Shit WILL go down with this lab. Be advised.