Dynamite Raws (International & US Domestic)

You know what - like I said, I'm off this until the two other TC tests hit. Then I'll come back - you can post what'd you like.
If the other batches come back at 90% - then I'll figure that out, if they come back at 98% we'll figure that out.
Simple as that.

Customers/friends of mine know that I don't bullshit around, you said it yourself as well - you even apologized for your "mix up".
I'm more than fair - some people just like to take advantage.
Have a good night, good sir.
I know Meso is a members board but I feel you have to be fair both ways and with Dynas track record I think he has more than earned the right to have his side of the story heard.

I thought this issue was resolved a long time ago so I had avoided posting, but my situation with Dyna is pretty well documented. Around a year ago his partner scammed him and he owed me around 5k of raws and a bunch of other people significant amounts as well. Despite the fact that he had essentially $0 to his name (if we want to discuss screenshots I have ones showing the $3.65 in his bank account at the time), he refunded every gram and it all tested 98%+. Halo, Prov, Var, Dbol, Adrol. Results are on this thread and in his testing section, but I can repost if needed. If there ever was a time to “scam” someone I feel this would have been it as basically every other source would have said fuck it and rebranded. The main reason I had the raws tested is there was every reason for him to try to cut corners, he didn’t.

I also have oils using dynas raws all of which test 5-10 mg/ml above indicating the raws were on point. Im not saying it is impossible for the test to be underdosed but I find it odd that a source has legit Halo,Var,Mast,Prov, Tren and then bunk Test C the cheapest compound. Its just stupid.

As far as packaging goes I have ordered from dyna numerous times and packaging is always on point, at times have had specific instructions for how I wanted things packaged and labeled and he always followed through. Once it is with USPS it is out of his control. I think we have all had shit from Amazon or really any store show up absolutely trashed.

In my experience and at least 2 others I know of he has also been very generous and honored with store credit and has actually gone out of his way to help people who were scammed by other sources.

If there is anyone on here who has been legitimately scammed by Dyna feel free to post legitimate evidence but to the best of my knowledge I don’t know of anyone.
I know Meso is a members board but I feel you have to be fair both ways and with Dynas track record I think he has more than earned the right to have his side of the story heard.

I thought this issue was resolved a long time ago so I had avoided posting, but my situation with Dyna is pretty well documented. Around a year ago his partner scammed him and he owed me around 5k of raws and a bunch of other people significant amounts as well. Despite the fact that he had essentially $0 to his name (if we want to discuss screenshots I have ones showing the $3.65 in his bank account at the time), he refunded every gram and it all tested 98%+. Halo, Prov, Var, Dbol, Adrol. Results are on this thread and in his testing section, but I can repost if needed. If there ever was a time to “scam” someone I feel this would have been it as basically every other source would have said fuck it and rebranded. The main reason I had the raws tested is there was every reason for him to try to cut corners, he didn’t.

I also have oils using dynas raws all of which test 5-10 mg/ml above indicating the raws were on point. Im not saying it is impossible for the test to be underdosed but I find it odd that a source has legit Halo,Var,Mast,Prov, Tren and then bunk Test C the cheapest compound. Its just stupid.

As far as packaging goes I have ordered from dyna numerous times and packaging is always on point, at times have had specific instructions for how I wanted things packaged and labeled and he always followed through. Once it is with USPS it is out of his control. I think we have all had shit from Amazon or really any store show up absolutely trashed.

In my experience and at least 2 others I know of he has also been very generous and honored with store credit and has actually gone out of his way to help people who were scammed by other sources.

If there is anyone on here who has been legitimately scammed by Dyna feel free to post legitimate evidence but to the best of my knowledge I don’t know of anyone.
To add to to this, which you wouldn't see very many folks make this situation right.(AMTONT) I personally have tested somewhere in the neigborhood of40 test over the last several months with them all being spot on. 1 recently in early november, (Test-Cyp) aimed at 250 with SLIGHT OD came out at 249.3..... I would say that's pretty on the money.

Dyna has come in clutch and always made any slight mistake right.
Thank you so much guys <3
Really appreciate you all.

I am planning to open up to you guys sooner or later - but old customers are always welcome.
Also I would like to address - please make sure you are emailing the right person - as mentioned before in this thread.

Also scammers - stop trying to scam me please. :)

New HGH kits are coming in - still waiting on tests (mine to hit Jano) with 5 other compounds - a little slow but it should hit within this week.
Thanks again guys - you guys mean everything to me!
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Thank you so much guys <3
Really appreciate you all.

I am planning to open up to you guys sooner or later - but old customers are always welcome.
Also I would like to address - please make sure you are emailing the right person - as mentioned before in this thread.

Also scammers - stop trying to scam me please. :)

New HGH kits are coming in - still waiting on tests (mine to hit Jano) with 5 other compounds - a little slow but it should hit within this week.
Thanks again guys - you guys mean everything to me!
How can I contact you? Also, you only accept protonmail?
I can vouch for both dyna’s raws and his good character. Always been a pleasure working with him for real. I wouldn’t even look elsewhere as long as he’s still in the game.

-Arms Length
I was a bit concerned after seeing the recent fiasco since I had purchased a batch of test-cyp raws from dynamite around the same time. I sent off the batch for testing to Jano and received results today. My results don't reflect what the person accusing Dyna is saying. Dyna has always been good to his clients and goes the extra mile to make sure they have high quality raws, while also providing excellent customer service. Anyways, here's the results showing a 98% purity:

Thank you so much guys <3
Really appreciate you all.

I am planning to open up to you guys sooner or later - but old customers are always welcome.
Also I would like to address - please make sure you are emailing the right person - as mentioned before in this thread.

Also scammers - stop trying to scam me please. :)

New HGH kits are coming in - still waiting on tests (mine to hit Jano) with 5 other compounds - a little slow but it should hit within this week.
Thanks again guys - you guys mean everything to me!
How can I
Thank you so much guys <3
Really appreciate you all.

I am planning to open up to you guys sooner or later - but old customers are always welcome.
Also I would like to address - please make sure you are emailing the right person - as mentioned before in this thread.

Also scammers - stop trying to scam me please. :)

New HGH kits are coming in - still waiting on tests (mine to hit Jano) with 5 other compounds - a little slow but it should hit within this week.
Thanks again guys - you guys mean
Thank you so much guys <3
Really appreciate you all.

I am planning to open up to you guys sooner or later - but old customers are always welcome.
Also I would like to address - please make sure you are emailing the right person - as mentioned before in this thread.

Also scammers - stop trying to scam me please. :)

New HGH kits are coming in - still waiting on tests (mine to hit Jano) with 5 other compounds - a little slow but it should hit within this week.
Thanks again guys - you guys mean everything to me!
How can I get in touch with you? From everything that I’ve read your exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thanks
Thank you guys; @amtont @egonormical1010 @VariableInterest @WideOpenF, and anyone I missed - really appreciate you guys!

Thank you @Colonial Labs, appreciate you, brother, and apologize for making you worried. Thanks for your kind words as well!

Anyway, I think that clears up what actually happened during this past month.
3 tests - and one more coming back today or tomorrow.


I was originally going to post and basically go on a full-fledged attack - however what's done is done. I lost a lot in reputation, sales and had multiple questions about my raw quality when there were no issues on my TC - big clients such as Colonial and a few others that ordered the same time - causing them to almost pull back on their finished oils. This isn't the first time I got hit by a scammer and probably not the last.
I tried to work with said customer and didn't post a thing (even though there were obvious discrepancies in his reasoning and dialogue) - attacking him. He decided to bash me on the same day that I let him know on Wickr that two tests came back near 100% on the same batch. I wasn't aware until a few days after when I came back to read the thread.

I was trying to work with this customer, and he said he was trying to work with me too. Obviously, that wasn't the case ... with that being said - I would like to thank you guys again for the support.

Much love,
Also - we are currently taking on new clients for peptides and HGH.
Promos on prices!

Black Tops
Blue Tops

These all have cool packaging haha.
Hey guys, haven’t been on in a while. So Extreme is only taking new clients for growth etc but not raws? Please save me from reading about 50 pages..lol
Been a bit since I’ve posted, but got a good one for you all...
so my brother and his girlfriend have recently moved in with me, and she is a vet tech. So she definitely knows how to use pins.I’ve had enough practice, so I ask her to draw it up and stick it in my ass.
Her being the nice young lady she is calls me a pig and draws up my gear.
I’m thinking hell yeah this is awesome!!! I don’t have to draw it up or stick it, this must be what easy street feels like.
She asks me, you ready? I reply, yup go.
And that exact moment my ass just dimpled under that needle. After what felt like an eternity, it finally breaks through....
I tell her... damn I can’t lie, that one kinda hurt.
She says... uhh I bet, I forgot to change the draw pin.
I use 18 gauge guys, and 3 vials poked.
she was pretty dull
So I just received an email - not sure if this is a joke or some shit but...

"Dyna I am sick of your excuses. I don't believe you will ever deliver my order. So let's make is simple. You will send my money back today and I will forgive it.

If you don't I will leave my feedback on Meso and a few other forums.


BTC address: 1LuJfDBB43MntfhTosEKnDJHUhXLi3sixg"

Just a heads up - some guy is messaging me on Proton asking for a "refund" and is "sick of my excuses". Meanwhile I have never had a transaction with him - he's asking for $1400 or "he will post on MESO". This is the first email I've ever received from this person - and the first email in the chain.

Just wanted to post this because I am not sending someone $1400 for no reason.

With the recent amount of scammers coming about - pretty sure this is one, so figured I would just post this in my thread.

Much love,
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On another note - I will be creating a new Protonmail which I will update people on - due to the amount of scum that have manipulated the name (Dynamitraws (missing an "e') - (Dynamlteraws - L instead of an I) and more.

Also - I prefer Wickr rather to Protonmail.
It's harder to get phished, so please if you guys have Wickr - let's do that.

TBA: Planning on going public again soon - I'm waiting on Proviron to restock.