New Member
@stayinalive this is why I call you out for being a spastic ass "cuss the farmer with your moth full" lazy fuck, riding the coattails of others on MESO who ACTUALLY do work.
Others provide debate and offer data that is greater than your anecdotal, agenda based opinion.
You want a source to "make good" with you because your nipples didn't get sensitive when you ran their gear......that is all the data you have that is YOURS.
You won't/can't send gear for testing and you don't even have your own bloods, (doesn't matter if your sources honors bloods or not, you don't even have them to validate your own nipple concerns).
You don't have the option of liking my posts when they are true and benefit your wallet, then slander my user name and calling me a pcom shill when I'm again being true in telling you what would be expected of any lab when you're calling their gear "bunk".
I told you that your problem was you, not me....but if you trolled me I could and I would be your problem, and I never disappoint.
Go pound sand with you opinion of "don't disrespect the thread, it's Elite's thread".
You don't get MESO, @Elite_Labs is a source on MESO sources don't own threads, members do.
Now, stop cussing the farmer with your mouth know you loaded those 2 vials in you cart at 15% off.....ya ungrateful lil Ritalin saturated prick.
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You are not my problem. You are just an insecure child that got bullied at school so now you troll online. Im not going to answer you anymore because you are a wannabe bully. No one laughed at your corny ass beegees joke so you felt the need to make a new post to validate yourself. How pathetic of you. I still think you are a pharmashill because your panties are in a bunch over pharma. Go suck off frank for vial. You arent my problem,I dnt care about some faggot with an ironman avi that has maturity problems. HAHAHA go fuck yourself now faggot.