Elite Labs

He starts slow with compounds that are new to him, scared they'll make him start to like women. :)

That little turd PM'd me, running his cock holster like he's something special and that i give a good god damn about his uneducated, shouldn't be fooling with his hormones, sorry ass.

There's no fucking way he's over the age of 21. That or he's a spoiled brat that has had everything in life handed to him.

In which case, his parents should be beaten mercilessly for creating this baby Frankenstein.

But, you know as well as i do, actually more so, that little turds like him come and go.
After he wears himself out and gives up, another little turd just like him will show up.
Getting this thread back on track...maybe.
Tren a and test landed again today.
Vials close to evenly filled( within a few iu's.
Bloods gonna get drawn monday mornin 6 weeks in on elites 500mg test e.
Tren has that tren taste so we will see...
Pack took 5 days from initial contact...3 from payment.

Thank you sir, enjoy.
Test p 100mg 25$
Test e 250mg 35$
Test c 200mg 30$
TNE 100mg 30$
Tren a 100mg 40$
Tren e 200mg 50$
Mast p 100mg 40$
Mast e 200mg 50$
EQ 250mg 45$
DECA 250mg 40$
NPP 100mg 30$

Orals all 30ml liquid in EVERCLEAR

Dbol 50mg 40$
Anavar 25mg 65$
Nolva 20mg 40$
Aromasin 25mg 50$
Cialis 50mg 40$
Anadrol 50mg 60$
Test C, tren A and mast p... also got his dbol.... I warn you about that dbol, it can be tough to swallow.... did my first pin with his stuff today, went smooth and no signs of pip as of yet
I went with test c cause I run test at trt level with tren... otherwise the sides kick my ass... thanks to you guys I discovered that back when it was suggested to me...