Elite Labs

I feel like there's no need for me to make a thread for a quick response but would y'all recommend test p/npp or test and deca? I don't mind the frequent pinning if I did prop/npp
Npp and test ph is my favorite cycle. Fuck Deca unless you're going to run primo or bold with it. Seems like if I keep cycles shorter and run more of them in a year it has way better bulking qualities. That's just me though
The above experiences with elites tren a are about right for good quality ugl tren.
Im 3 weeks in now on closer to 500mg tren a than the 450 i was shootin for.
Been on .7ml per day and 250mg test e / wk
First most good tren a for me anyway burns going into bis tris and delts..even at 1/2 cc unless i mix it with test.
The burn goes away within 5 min or so but sometimes it can get pretty intense.
No pip at all from elites tren otherwise

Like someone posted above tho forget about sleeping well.
From the second night after frontloading 300 mg the dreams were so intense its like an alternative reality..by the begining of week two the sleep disruption begins... waking every 1.5 to 2 hours. Falling back to sleep tho is easy for me. Then 2 hours later like clockwork im awake.
Appetite increased dramatically week 2 also...right now im up 9 pounds over beginning the tren. Not really holding any extra fluid either. And Im cut alot better.
No night sweats but i usually dont get them....i sweat bad tho all day. 2-3 shirts soaked thru usually.
All in all this batch seems to be working well.

Love the crazy dreams, it's like being thrown into Alice in Wonderland every night. I also sweat like a motherfucker during any physical activity all day but not at night. I find benadryl helps a lot to get to sleep, and the results are just badass.
Always hungry, always have energy, gaining mass while getting harder and more vascular. I guess it's a simple matter of if the adjustments to sides are worth the changes in physique.
I would be more concerned if I bought tren and didn't feel some sides, at least you know the gear isn't bunk.
Npp and test ph is my favorite cycle. Fuck Deca unless you're going to run primo or bold with it. Seems like if I keep cycles shorter and run more of them in a year it has way better bulking qualities. That's just me though

After starting to use short esters, I can't see myself going with the long ones much anymore, with the exception of test e while bt cycles. It's just difficult for me to wait up to a month+ to get a feel for the gear and dose, and then waiting 1-3 weeks to see what difference any dose adjustments make.
I can see if you know what your proper dose on certain compounds is best for you and you have gotten it from your source enough to feel good about the quality. But if you are using a compound that you haven't before or a combo that you haven't tried together yet, it just seems like a month or so is just too long to know what I've gotten into, for me anyway.
Why not get a vial of the short to get it going while the long is building?
Second pack landed. Communication and shipping still on point, and fill levels seem to have evened out (last bottle of testE was from my first order).

Planning on a proper cut in another month or two. Heavily considering losing my tren virginity for it. Any experiences with his tren a or e, good or bad, anyone wants to share?

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Tren is the best choice I've made .
Can see not including in a couple blast every year .
It's not as bad as what you think . crazy dreams and a lot of sweat . and moody as fuck some times . but I've learned to control my hostility over time. And it gets a Lil hard at times especially if you include Anadrol with it.
It's a awesome combination . but have bit my tongue sometimes to keep my mouth shut ...
Second pack landed. Communication and shipping still on point, and fill levels seem to have evened out (last bottle of testE was from my first order).

Planning on a proper cut in another month or two. Heavily considering losing my tren virginity for it. Any experiences with his tren a or e, good or bad, anyone wants to share?

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I'll share.... deathly afraid of tren cough as I'm a pack a day smoker. Maybe bro science but there seemed to more occurrences with ace. So I ran E twice with test e ( not elites) . First time tren double to test, second fifty fifty split. Never went over 400mg a week with tren anyhoo sides not bad woke up every two hours but eventually fell back asleep...no sweats but was suspicious as fuck with a loyal gf and started alot of arguments. I would suggest if u run decent dose don't rely on yourself but other trusted folks to let u know if u become an obnoxious aggressive cocksucker cuz u won't see it. Sex life was excellent as she remarked few weeks after I dropped it that she is now able to walk on Mondays lol.
I'll share.... deathly afraid of tren cough as I'm a pack a day smoker. Maybe bro science but there seemed to more occurrences with ace. So I ran E twice with test e ( not elites) . First time tren double to test, second fifty fifty split. Never went over 400mg a week with tren anyhoo sides not bad woke up every two hours but eventually fell back asleep...no sweats but was suspicious as fuck with a loyal gf and started alot of arguments. I would suggest if u run decent dose don't rely on yourself but other trusted folks to let u know if u become an obnoxious aggressive cocksucker cuz u won't see it. Sex life was excellent as she remarked few weeks after I dropped it that she is now able to walk on Mondays lol.

Oh I'll have plenty of people to remind me if I start becoming an obnoxious bastard, so no worries there.

And masteron sends my libido through the roof. Not sure the wife is gonna be able to handle it if I throw some tren into the mix! But it's mainly the sleep sides that concern me. If I don't get at least 6 hours of sleep, I'm a complete asshole throughout the day. If I can get decent quality of sleep while I'm on it, all will be well in my world.
Same shit man... I noticed a lot of other guys think the same way.

Maybe tren is this subconscious entity that wants us to justify and give a reason to wreck as much pussy as possible. Lol
Yeah apparently it interferes with brain function ....we all cattle tho. I respect the dudes doin over 700mg a week. Not this guy .