Elite Labs

You are so fucking stupid I swear. I circumvent using vials altogether because I FILTER DIRECTLY INTO THE SYRINGE I USE TO INJECT. I don't Store sterile gear in vials...which means i Don't need to buy presterilized vials, or nonsterile vials that. Which makes my methods more efficient and cheaper than whatevercthe fuck it is that you do in your mom's basement.

I really genuinely want to kill you just to make sure you don't reproduce. I feel like I would be saving the world.

Your process is more efficient immediately after the brew since you don't invest a large chunk of time into sterilizing vials and filtering a large quantity of oil into the vials. In the long run I'm not sold its more efficient nor cheaper.

If you don't mind filtering before each pin good for you. I'd rather invest extra time once and filter everything and vial it. This way, if I'm running late on a pin day or I need to finish it quickly I don't need to go around looking for filters, filtering, then injecting. I can draw from a vial and inject immediately. Plus I take my weekly doses of AAS in one weekly injection, provided it's a long ester. 1-3cc syringes work ok for syringe filters but I'd have to filter multiple syringes worth of AAS or use a larger syringe (which makes filtering harder).

Then you have to keep replacing the syringe filter bc it will undoubtedly dry out between uses which compromises it's filtering capabilities. Not that they're expensive really but I can filter 500ml with my bottle top filter in one shot which would take you 150+ times to filter the same volume with a syringe filter (assuming filtering 3ml at a time) and you're method but then you'd also need quite a few filters.
Your process is more efficient immediately after the brew since you don't invest a large chunk of time into sterilizing vials and filtering a large quantity of oil into the vials. In the long run I'm not sold its more efficient nor cheaper.

If you don't mind filtering before each pin good for you. I'd rather invest extra time once and filter everything and vial it. This way, if I'm running late on a pin day or I need to finish it quickly I don't need to go around looking for filters, filtering, then injecting. I can draw from a vial and inject immediately. Plus I take my weekly doses of AAS in one weekly injection, provided it's a long ester. 1-3cc syringes work ok for syringe filters but I'd have to filter multiple syringes worth of AAS or use a larger syringe (which makes filtering harder).

Then you have to keep replacing the syringe filter bc it will undoubtedly dry out between uses which compromises it's filtering capabilities. Not that they're expensive really but I can filter 500ml with my bottle top filter in one shot which would take you 150+ times to filter the same volume with a syringe filter (assuming filtering 3ml at a time) and you're method but then you'd also need quite a few filters.
I think we should stop explaining ourselves at this point doc. This asshat doesn't deserve the amount of knowledge and insight you have posted here. Constantly insulting you, i and the others because we simply do not believe his method is efficient or practical be any means. You out of all of us don't deserve the type of disrespect.
Actually, you're incorrect. Certain strains of staphylococcus can survive in certain oils and remain viable for at least up to two years. Furthermore, dry heat sterilization can deactivate and kill endotoxins. 250deg C for 30min is enough for a log 3 or 99.9% reduction which is FDA and USP guidelines. It's actually been shown to do a log5 or 99.999% reduction.

Also, you mentioned earlier that you reuse the syringe filters until they break. You do realize that they can be reused sure but only up to their rated capacity. Plus, if they dry out between uses they should be discarded as their filtering integrity can be compromised.

Wait are you talking about sterilizing the glassware or the AAS in your vials? You literally just posted that AAS are thermolabile and terminal sterilization isn't an option but now you are implying that you should dry heat sterilize at 250 C for 30 minutes to destroy the endotoxins? That was for the glassware. You will destroy the hormones inside if you sterilize at that temperature so to be clear if you somehow got staph in your oil the recommended temperatures for sterilizing filled vials of 120 C would not destroy the endotoxins. So not sure what your point was.
I think we should stop explaining ourselves at this point doc. This asshat doesn't deserve the amount of knowledge and insight you have posted here. Constantly insulting you, i and the others because we simply do not believe his method is efficient or practical be any means. You out of all of us don't deserve the type of disrespect

Doc just said it was efficient. I would love to see you in person. Especially after my next bulk 8 iu of GH slin deca and test projected to hit 275 At about 18% body fat if My projections are correct. Plus if that's you in your avi I mean I can't see your face but if you have a nice dick I would probably let you fuck my brains out lol and that would be some angry filthy sex the way we've been going At it so far
Doc just said it was efficient. I would love to see you in person. Especially after my next bulk 8 iu of GH slin deca and test projected to hit 275 At about 18% body fat if My projections are correct.
No he did not he very clearly said he isnt convinced it is more efficient. Dude again reading comprehension lmfaoo. What am i suppose to be scared 18% bf thats fat bro lol
Doc just said it was efficient. I would love to see you in person. Especially after my next bulk 8 iu of GH slin deca and test projected to hit 275 At about 18% body fat if My projections are correct. Plus if that's you in your avi I mean I can't see your face but if you have a nice dick I would probably let you fuck my brains out lol and that would be some angry filthy sex the way we've been going At it so far
Okay this just got awkward.... see yall later!!!
No he did not he very clearly said he isnt convinced it is more efficient. Dude again reading comprehension lmfaoo. What am i suppose to be scared 18% bf thats fat bro lol

That's good after a bulk. Dude, I know you fucking hate me, but you can't just argue with everything I say, it's childish. Let it go. Just chill out. And no I wouldn't fight you maybe we could fuck instead you have nice arms lol I hope your dick is as nice.

But he did write "your process is more efficient after the brew" which is exactly what I claimed.
That's good after a bulk. Dude, I know you fucking hate me, but you can't just argue with everything I say, it's childish. Let it go. Just chill out. And no I wouldn't fight you maybe we could fuck instead you have nice arms lol I hope your dick is as nice.

But he did write "your process is more efficient after the brew" which is exactly what I claimed.
Okay man you win later lol
Hey it's whatever I wasn't into gay sex until this one time I was so fucked up off ecstasy and G and I think some K and I literally had no idea what was going on and this guy started taking advantage of me lol hey don't knock it until you try it!
Youre funny af dude ill give you that lol
Dude, I know you fucking hate me, but you can't just argue with everything I say, it's childish. Let it go. Just chill out.
Shouldn't you take this advice yourself?
You seem like a relatively smart dude, but I can't hear a word you're saying because you speak like an inbred hill-billy between the information you try to feed.

If you really are hear to enlighten people and help with harm reduction, then why do you take this route? Honest question... I can see you kinda get off on being hated but at the same time you can't stand that people don't agree with you, thus boosting your self-esteem based on others opinion of you. So you do care about others' opinions of you. You're not fooling anyone with this act
Hey it's whatever I wasn't into gay sex until this one time I was so fucked up off ecstasy and G and I think some K and I literally had no idea what was going on and this guy started taking advantage of me lol hey don't knock it until you try it!
Hahaha this is fuckin funny af