Elite Labs

Thanks for answering.

Do you mind humoring me a bit longer? If so, please provide some detail into which questions members were asking - and their subsequent answers - that compelled you to contact elite. Meaning, what information contained in this thread made you feel confident enough to contact elite? Please be as specific as you can.

Or you can tell me to fuck off, lol. But you better not ;)
Thanks for answering.

Do you mind humoring me a bit longer? If so, please provide some detail into which questions members were asking - and their subsequent answers - that compelled you to contact elite. Meaning, what information contained in this thread made you feel confident enough to contact elite? Please be as specific as you can.

Or you can tell me to fuck off, lol. But you better not ;)
@insertnamehere fuck off. No seriously everything in the first couple pages then when @Weston had send out samples an elite was standing by their product and encouraging everyone to do so just got a Good feeling
Iv seen people do what you did and die get back on the wagon hit a meeting find a higher power that's shit is for the birds anyway and the one night a week thing is bullshit it's a progressive disease and in the end its always the same jails institutions and death
@wedorecover can testify to that. List 9 people past 2 years to overdose. It's bad out on the east coast where I am. Luckily death ain't part of my story
Iv seen people do what you did and die get back on the wagon hit a meeting find a higher power that's shit is for the birds anyway and the one night a week thing is bullshit it's a progressive disease and in the end its always the same jails institutions and death
Ugh! I know you're right.
@wedorecover can testify to that. List 9 people past 2 years to overdose. It's bad out on the east coast where I am. Luckily death ain't part of my story
They are dropping like flys out here lost 2 close friends this year my brother and sister both have Trumatic brain injury's From drinking and driving ..... shit and there has to be a power greater then me that pulled me out of that hell I was in I never thought I'd have a day clean and always believed I'd die with a needle in my arm or do life in prison but I guess my higher power had a different plan for me
Hard for me to say this but the stupid pain pills. Go in for back pain 8 yrs ago get prescribed Norco...hooked like a mother fucker now. I've quit everything so easy, not these things. Tried about 4-5 times. Withdrawals and going to work everyday are brutal. I'm trying to ween myself off now, down to 2-3 a day. Still feel like shit but trying. Don't know why I'm sayin this. Guess it helps like lifting and juice. Lmao Anyways when I read that I been clean for 8 yrs or however many, nothing but respect!
Okay time to hit chest! Late