Elitefitness taken over by Evolutionary and AG guys shills?

As long as people see a way to make money, you will continue to encounter salesman. As one drops another will pop up. If it's not sarms its just something else.

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Steve banned me from Evo when I told him he was a fucking doucje bag shill. He told me to take it to "pm" knowing good and dam well I didn't have the 100 min post count to pm.

They set the min post count to pm up to stop guys from being able to warn newbs. Its a great concept if youre into ripping people off. Sarms are a fucking joke. Good luck with water you're ingesting. Hope it doesn't fuck up your liver or cause cancer. Youre much better off with a cycle of test e than some bullshit garage concoction.
Well they started off at elite I believe. They then went over to evolutionary. Dylan broke off and went to adrenaline and then merged it with isarms.

The details I don't know too much on. I have no issues with Dylan. I do however not agree with the sarms thing. I think it's ridiculous and it's really sad to see so many fall for that stuff. I have tried my fair share and from my experience it's not worth the money at all.

I have gotten concerned though with isarms because I do believe there is a connection with sarms1 and evo. They come from the same shipper, same packaging, same post office even. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck....
I have pretty much left all of that myself now. I went off and started a board with a friend. Other than that I just hang around here and BOP. Hard to find a spot that doesn't kill you with sarms these days.

I've been in the same boat as hurricane too. I was a mod at evo actually but they banned me when I didn't wanna go along with thier shit and they shilled out my profile. I to would be happy to answer any questions Incan about them. I only know a little but anything Incan do to shed some light.

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thats exactly what happened to me. i was on dylans board for awhile but i saw that isarms thing and got out of there fast.Nothing against dylan, he can do what he gotta do and do whatever works best for him i wish him the best.But i want nothing to do with anything or anyone thats connected to those evo goons in anyway, shape or form every again and i made that perfectly clear to him when i ventured over to his board.Im not even sure they are connected but i wasnt about to take that chance.Ive already been there and i have learned from my mistakes.They are the most evil & greedy people i have ever worked with period in the real world or online and it feels so good to be away from it, no way im going back to that place again even from a distance.
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You guys just need 5 caps of hcgenerate and some sarms. Maybe even the shampoo from agguys. Tell them I sent you for a .002% discount.
I posted this very thing here not that long ago. I noticed the same thing. For a short time it appeared they were cleaning u their act but now they are right back to the old BS.
ELITE right back to old bs....
Elite is in worse condition now then it ever was. First of all elite has become a ghost town,it once had alot of people. i assume this is why george spellwin was so eager to sell his website to scamming shills like n2bm

elite has dwindled down to being nothing more then a knock off of evo with all board talk being centered around n2bm,sarms1,agguys and evo. and one of their goons muskate spamming this talk all over the place lmao.Everywhere you look this idiot is spamming
I posted this very thing here not that long ago. I noticed the same thing. For a short time it appeared they were cleaning u their act but now they are right back to the old BS.
ELITE right back to old bs....
now that n2bm and wat other junk companies they own .. are the only sponsors on elite.. a bad situation, just got alot worse ! lol

elite has been on a downward spiral for years aways.does anyone really go on there anymore? i dont think so .
Bro don't run a test cycle, your body isn't ready. Lemme hook you up with this sarms stack and some HCGenerate, better gains than gear and ZERO sides. bro, trust me bro

This is the reply to just about every inquiry. If anyone suggests anything other then sarms a mod will come in and shoot down the suggestion and answer with the usual sales pitch. Its so obvious that I don't know how anyone cant see through it.
This is the reply to just about every inquiry. If anyone suggests anything other then sarms a mod will come in and shoot down the suggestion and answer with the usual sales pitch. Its so obvious that I don't know how anyone cant see through it.

Or the post just magically gets deleted...
Such an obvious agenda
EVO could not suck more. They loved Robo a year ago. I went over there and read a post were they were bashing the shit out of him. I was banned for mentioning that. It's to bad a new guy could get sucked into that shit, but if your that dumb it may be sort of a filtering process.
WOW... I decided to go to the sarms1 website, for the same reason that one pauses to gaze upon a derailed train.

They have, by a titanic margin, the WORST prices I've seen so far. I actually am a fan of MK677, but it's almost 200 freakin dollars there! I've bought it for $45 elsewhere for the same damn dosage/amount!