Elitefitness taken over by Evolutionary and AG guys shills?

Im still a member there and the place is dead. It's newbs asking questions and then all the mod's posting the usual shite. The newbs don't reply after that
dont look to far because ef has become the same thing! its hillarious... its a bunch of people that get paid to post talking back and forth to each other about how great sarms and n2bm products are.. with a sprinkle of agguys for desert lol..not a peep from any normal members. the little few that are left get drowned out with the spam
yes ntbm/evo goons left elite fitness for a brief while a year or two ago because the were shilling evo to much and the ef owner got mad they were draining all the members from elite and bringing them to evo thus kicking them off elite .....I think they recently bought out elite fitness a month or two ago because they back there and n2bm, sarms1 & agguys are the only sponsors and they shilling all over the place.Also i was a mod at ef and i was immediately banned after this take over a few months ago..which wouldnt have happened unless they had full control to do it and they sure cant stand me.

so in short elitefitness is now being ran buy the same scammers running evo, be careful. they are just not sponsors on ef now, they run the whole place

anyone has any questions about these scammers feel free to post in here.
@hurricane187 ....weren't you staff at evo? I'm nobody but wonder if you remember the paja and his boy....can't remember his handle at the moment...selling relabeled corticosteroids as pharmacy gh? The side show spilled over here for a while with evo buying a banner to advertise here. Do you remember me?
@hurricane187 ....weren't you staff at evo? I'm nobody but wonder if you remember the paja and his boy....can't remember his handle at the moment...selling relabeled corticosteroids as pharmacy gh? The side show spilled over here for a while with evo buying a banner to advertise here. Do you remember me?

That whole Paja thing was right before I showed up over there.
Lol they actually tried to buy a banner here? Wow....
That whole Paja thing was right before I showed up over there.
Lol they actually tried to buy a banner here? Wow....
They did have a banner here. The evo staff rolled over here and tried to set up shop and hold court. It was surreal. Without the ability to delete and edit posts they were defenseless against the truth.
Not sure what they were expecting? The lashing they took was epic. Shooting fish in a barrel.
It was funny as fuck watching them talk among themselves like they were here forever. It looked to me like another case of split personalities or multiple identities as if one person was talking to himself. Kinda Odie-ish or hammer/bbc-ish.
I've heard elitefitness was great in the 90s and 2000s
It was dying an honorable death
very small audience but no source talk, few shills and honest advice

Now you read about HCGenerate, sarms and ag guys in every post.

EF was an aging Arnold
now it became and elder G4P
I've always heard ag guys were scamers and shills
Lol.... My god I missed a good time. Never seen them come out from their troll cave to play.
One of them was telling everyone to have respect because they were a sponsor. Then he pissed off after he realised he couldn't ban people for talking about sponsors. It was a long thread as well.
@hurricane187 ....weren't you staff at evo? I'm nobody but wonder if you remember the paja and his boy....can't remember his handle at the moment...selling relabeled corticosteroids as pharmacy gh? The side show spilled over here for a while with evo buying a banner to advertise here. Do you remember me?
yes i remember. me and ceo had to fight with them( along with a bunch of others) to ban paja for scamming. at the time they were worried at losing traffic and he had a following. they didnt give a flying shyt about if he was scamming people or not.
yes i remember. me and ceo had to fight with them( along with a bunch of others) to ban paja for scamming. at the time they were worried at losing traffic and he had a following. they didnt give a flying shyt about if he was scamming people or not.

Not a surprise there...
yes i remember. me and ceo had to fight with them( along with a bunch of others) to ban paja for scamming. at the time they were worried at losing traffic and he had a following. they didnt give a flying shyt about if he was scamming people or not.
Please forgive me if my question is out of line.... Let's take the paja selling corticosteroids(which aren't inert and harmless) as a point of reference. You, hurricane, say you remember the issue and at the time you were a staff member in good standing working side by side with Dylan and the crew.
You all had a script to follow and I'm sure had monthly sales goals to reach and you all would focus on certain products to push. Your posts today about that incident make clear to me that you knew the scam was on back then.
I ask because I don't remember what stance you took or how you expressed your not wanting to be part of the dishonest business practices the staff at evo routinely employed to feed themselves and make the payments on those fancy cars Dylan and company enjoy driving to and from YouTube shoots.
I'd have to do some research, but it would get me to spinning if you began this crusade to out the evils and stop the crooks at evo from profiting off the backs of unsuspecting members only AFTER you were removed from your position and only when you stopped being compensated for your role in furthering the success of a business that revolves around the sales of utterly useless products.
To rephrase my question....if you weren't fired would you have continued collecting a check that was to be funded with what you now openly admit to be I'll gotten gains.
Know what I mean? Is this just a case of sour grapes?
If you were some sort of whistle blower or did things to help the regular member on a daily basis I can work with that.
If your only here to wage a smear campaign against evo because the Scumbags decided to trim the fat and increase their piece of the pie by giving you your walking papers we may have ourselves an old fashion lynching on our hands.
What's the story here?
Please forgive me if my question is out of line.... Let's take the paja selling corticosteroids(which aren't inert and harmless) as a point of reference. You, hurricane, say you remember the issue and at the time you were a staff member in good standing working side by side with Dylan and the crew.
You all had a script to follow and I'm sure had monthly sales goals to reach and you all would focus on certain products to push. Your posts today about that incident make clear to me that you knew the scam was on back then.
I ask because I don't remember what stance you took or how you expressed your not wanting to be part of the dishonest business practices the staff at evo routinely employed to feed themselves and make the payments on those fancy cars Dylan and company enjoy driving to and from YouTube shoots.
I'd have to do some research, but it would get me to spinning if you began this crusade to out the evils and stop the crooks at evo from profiting off the backs of unsuspecting members only AFTER you were removed from your position and only when you stopped being compensated for your role in furthering the success of a business that revolves around the sales of utterly useless products.
To rephrase my question....if you weren't fired would you have continued collecting a check that was to be funded with what you now openly admit to be I'll gotten gains.
Know what I mean? Is this just a case of sour grapes?
If you were some sort of whistle blower or did things to help the regular member on a daily basis I can work with that.
If your only here to wage a smear campaign against evo because the Scumbags decided to trim the fat and increase their piece of the pie by giving you your walking papers we may have ourselves an old fashion lynching on our hands.
What's the story here?

Hey Ben. I had some similar questions awhile back. Since it may be awhile before you get a reply, I thought I would offer some insight with the posts quoted below.

This quote below is hurricanes first post on the subject.

Probably take a lot of heat for this but im here for one reason to warn the public, so take ill take it to get my point accross.Im an ex modertor over there, i got banned for warning good sources and members about the BERD PHARMA SCANDAL ON EVO.The head of the board is kicking off good sources with any simple reason he can think of, to clear up business for his new steriod operation he has set up .He also lies to the public about stuff they are injecting in their own body in an attempt to seem like a robin hood to pubic, saving them from harms way, when all it is, is an attempt to swallow big labs business and destroy high earning reputations.He has also lied to the mod team over there about the intentions of this scumbag move but i figured it out on my own and wanted no part of lying to people about stuff they are injecting into their own body,so i blew the wistle to people i knew and a few sources i trusted.Im here to warn anyone i missed

DO not touch BERD PHARMA with a 10 foot pole , its a scam being ran with evil intentions

more) this is advertised on the BERD website ". Today, we are one of the world’s most trusted pharmaceutical companies with a strong presence in over 20 countries. Our products are formulated and sold with a detailed eye on maintaining our reputation for providing high quality drugs using cost efficient processes and in compliance with international quality standards."

I could be wrong but as far as i know this is all made up. i have never heard of this brand in my life and is all false claims of being a pharma company.But i will let the masses decide . More harmful lies

Buyer beware! take care and be safe

This quote is from me asking why it took so long to out Rick and crew.

I appreciate the warning, but why wait so long? You didn't care enough or have a conscience to "blow the whistle" when countless noobs were being pushed with NTBM "PCT" products and SARMs over the years.

You've been around a long time and stayed with Rick and all the shit he's pushed on noobs for years and now, finally, you decided to be a hero. Better late than never, I suppose.

Where are you going to Mod now, Dylans new site?

The quote below is his response to my question.

i will address this and honestly it doesnt matter to me if people like me or not, i didnt come here to ask for forgiveness.. i just want to spread the word about the scamming and scumbag moves going on over at evo, so people dont get drawn in, i will be letting people know everywhere possible and this is a main board that needs addressing. i will take a ribbing to save a few good souls.
First off we are 2 different paths. i worked for n2bm before and other supplement companies,sarms companies, peptide companies..ive done these for years on and off to help as part of my family income, i put alot of hours into these board and i believe all to work to some extent .i had no knowledge of the n2bm supplments not working.They supplements do work,i flat out disagree with you... or i would have never advised them.Now were they overpriced? yes .. were they always? no.the supplements have seen an increase of about 25% in the last 2 years in the time this guy wpa took over and killed the company.
Is n2bm guilty of over advertising?Hell yes.Promising n2guard helps cure eveyrthing from parkinson disease to heart problems was more then wrong .. it was flat out embarrassing to work around and i never said or agreed with any crap like that.should sarm1 s4 be advised to someone with 30% bf? hell no.. another joke i never played a part in, i would disagree with reps advising this in threads and it would get erased.should a pct cost 500 dollars, hell no! n2guard in pct? please. i never recommended that
We are different i DO believe sarms are good products for cutting. i do believe supplments can help in alot of areas in bb and training and thats how i advised them.I dont over advetise them or promise they can help cure things they cant.I dont believe in false advertisement.
You do have a point though. i saw this going on far to long (even though i insist i didnt take part in it).. i should have left.But believe me i constantly complained about things and how they were ran. the ethic of advertising,the way evo was ran. etc.I was never liked by the head of the board for this reason.But rib me all you want for not getting out of there sooner, that i do deserve.but please no blame for scamming people because i love the people of the forums. they are awesome people on here and every board
Dylans board? yes im on there.. Its nothing like evo! if you guys are going to judge a guy by his 1 work mistake, then thats fine, i understand. But i promise you the guy has realized his mistakes and started his own board.does he have advertising companies ?yes but so does every board.Its was keeps boards alive and how it makes money.But there is no product shoving down people throats..No lies to the public... and no banning for speaking up and all negative erased(all the things i hated about evo and n2bm) .. If it ever does i will leave but i know it wont.I will never play a part in crap like that again.I feel like 1000 pounds have been lifted off my shoulders not working there anymore

But the main reason im not at evo anymore is because this berd pharma scam!I simply could NOT go along with that and i figured out on own and warned as many labs and people as i could before they found out and banned me!!! thats what really woke me up.The n2bm crap was bad.But this is 1000 times worse.
Ruining decent labs reputations that have worked hard to earn them to promote your own underground steriod ring is flat out wrong and dirty.
Lying to members about the quality of your steriods saying they are from a pharma company that has been around for years and known around the world.. when its really ugl from china is sooo wrong
posting 1000 fake reviews and planting fake websites with reviews to con innocent noobs is terribly wrong as well.
And most important is all this is lying to things people are injecting into their own bodies is discusting.We cant have this going on in the steriod board community! we cant . he cant get away with this.Did you see all the fake reviews and websites in attempt to make this bullshit make believe pharma company climb the goggle ranks and draw in innocent noobs?
I would never never never part in that.Love me or hate me... just join me in attempt to stop this and spread awareness

I dont except you to love me. You think im scum? ill accept it.I guess its my own fault.But for the good people out there .Keep this thread going and spread the word of this disaster, the best you can and help save some poor souls from being drawn in
lmao that site makes me laugh. Crazy how its the same 3 mods post after post replying, pushing the same bullshit, and riding each others dicks
It wasn't all so clear in the beggining for me personally. I didn't really know what was going on.
I was still fairly new to the scene and everything when I got a MOD spot. Like I was active but I was just a poster on the forum that liked to run logs and stuff.

I was contacted by a MOD and then the Admin and basically offered an opportunity to help represent a few companies that pay for the board. I didn't know anything about them initially. Didn't know the history on them really, or what to believe.

You kinda just got told what to think and from there you figure it out. I didn't have a clue what sarms were or if they were any good. I never used them before so I cant really say they were good or bad. All I could do was tell people where to get them from what I know so far.

I had to do a lot of research and see some things unfold before my eyes so I could realize whats going on. Once I did I walked away I wasn't fired. The admin really wanted me to stay. Some of the mods contacted me after I left tried to get me back. I just wasn't gonna be a part of the shadiness. It wasn't worth 150 in N2BM, 2 SARMS and 1 AI.

And the whole BERD Pharma thing is what really pushed me out. I lost a lot of good friends when they kicked everyone out for Berd to move in. The way it was pitched was all sources had to be secure. They needed to be offshore, have a website and not have anything to do with a domestic opperation. It wasn't till later i figured what was going on with that either.

Point is...
Not all of us left over sour grapes. I wasn't fired I just quit. Hurricane did too. He was the first to speak out on the issues at hand. His name was trashed because they used his profile but he was another guy who wouldn't stand for the BS. He helped shed light on a lot of things. He was gone before the Berd thing ever fully came about. He saved and continues to save a lot of members from blowing their hard earned money.
I just noticed this thread!!!
they banned me over there recently even as a mod (go by J_P) because i was standing up to the safety of the common user and calling out their BS shilling for the sake of a buck. calling them out on them saying their OCT grass clippings are better than SERMS for PCT!
they stand on "while clomi or tamox lowers igf1 levels and this doesnt so its better and so thats not good" really? PCT is not about IGF levels as much as it is for fuking recovery. a few weeks of lower igf1 is of no concern, and if it is then add in peptide igf1 for fuk sakes!
they deleted all my posts in threads and my STUDY DATA proving them wrong. a bunch of jerkoffs man..
and this was just before i found out EF was sold to the evo guys ( found out just days later and it all made sense...
its soo sad because at one time early on (dont bite my head off) NTBM was actually good and had promising directions to go... I thought when Nate left it would get better but i was wrong. shit i even worked with them at one point managing 7 rep teams for a bunch of shops.. i left for not only a better job in my area but also due to the sorry excuse of a direction NTBM/evo was going...
there is a right way and a wrong way to sell products and they are far from going about it in the right way... which will actually cost them money in the long run ( i deal with market analytics alot for work at times and kinda know this stuff)
i found out soon after that it was sold, had i known when i was posting i would have known why there was a surge of sorry shilling all of a sudden... the site went to shit years ago because of it and it will happen again. but anyways it was dooing better so i started being active again this year and help the forum get better again, then it started all over and what to i get for standing up to BS, the common user and their RECKLESS shilling? a mod that was brining people over and helping? i get banned and my posts deleted... lol a joke and their loss really..
if there was nothing to hide and they where not lacking integrity as they are then my posts would have been left be, even if i was banned still..

thats something I love about meso... no editing.. fuk i would love to mod here for the basics but im glad its not even ran that way TBH.
It wasn't all so clear in the beggining for me personally. I didn't really know what was going on.
I was still fairly new to the scene and everything when I got a MOD spot. Like I was active but I was just a poster on the forum that liked to run logs and stuff.

I was contacted by a MOD and then the Admin and basically offered an opportunity to help represent a few companies that pay for the board. I didn't know anything about them initially. Didn't know the history on them really, or what to believe.

You kinda just got told what to think and from there you figure it out. I didn't have a clue what sarms were or if they were any good. I never used them before so I cant really say they were good or bad. All I could do was tell people where to get them from what I know so far.

I had to do a lot of research and see some things unfold before my eyes so I could realize whats going on. Once I did I walked away I wasn't fired. The admin really wanted me to stay. Some of the mods contacted me after I left tried to get me back. I just wasn't gonna be a part of the shadiness. It wasn't worth 150 in N2BM, 2 SARMS and 1 AI.

And the whole BERD Pharma thing is what really pushed me out. I lost a lot of good friends when they kicked everyone out for Berd to move in. The way it was pitched was all sources had to be secure. They needed to be offshore, have a website and not have anything to do with a domestic opperation. It wasn't till later i figured what was going on with that either.

Point is...
Not all of us left over sour grapes. I wasn't fired I just quit. Hurricane did too. He was the first to speak out on the issues at hand. His name was trashed because they used his profile but he was another guy who wouldn't stand for the BS. He helped shed light on a lot of things. He was gone before the Berd thing ever fully came about. He saved and continues to save a lot of members from blowing their hard earned money.

maybe he didnt turn into the ass hole i thought he did, because i had interactions via PM and posts from "him" but they where likely using his account i guess... maybe he shouldent be on my hate list lol
yes ntbm/evo goons left elite fitness for a brief while a year or two ago because the were shilling evo to much and the ef owner got mad they were draining all the members from elite and bringing them to evo thus kicking them off elite .....I think they recently bought out elite fitness a month or two ago because they back there and n2bm, sarms1 & agguys are the only sponsors and they shilling all over the place.Also i was a mod at ef and i was immediately banned after this take over a few months ago..which wouldnt have happened unless they had full control to do it and they sure cant stand me.

so in short elitefitness is now being ran buy the same scammers running evo, be careful. they are just not sponsors on ef now, they run the whole place

anyone has any questions about these scammers feel free to post in here.
SOOO GLAD TO KNOW THAT WASNT YOU! i think they use your name and account at some places like evo and/or EF...
glad to know you are still you man... because i used to have high hopes for ntbm but not anymore and its sad... coulda still been making ton of money and in the right way and actually growing a user base and not losing them, and only the noobs seem to stick around because they dont know anybetter and thats risky and sad
Steve banned me from Evo when I told him he was a fucking doucje bag shill. He told me to take it to "pm" knowing good and dam well I didn't have the 100 min post count to pm.

They set the min post count to pm up to stop guys from being able to warn newbs. Its a great concept if youre into ripping people off. Sarms are a fucking joke. Good luck with water you're ingesting. Hope it doesn't fuck up your liver or cause cancer. Youre much better off with a cycle of test e than some bullshit garage concoction.
now i do think sarms have their place and can be of use, but as i said there is a right way and a wrong way to push them and evo/ef is a joke in those terms for sure
I was also a mod at EF (not under this username), and that place has gone to complete shit over the last few years.

Dylan still is shilling that SARMS shit over at his isarms site. I've used sources over at that board for gear and gotten nothing but great service and gear from my orders, but Dylan and to a lesser extent Rick shill the fuck out of SARMS over AAS to noobs. I'll just pm them and tell them to not listen to that shit and tell them to get on some test and whatever else depending on their usage history. I'd get banned is they knew I was doing that, but fuxk em for giving out shit advice to line their own pockets.
i dont usually call someone a piece of shit but rick "big rick" or Rick rock etc. is one .. unless his accounts are not him, but i feel they are..