Elitefitness taken over by Evolutionary and AG guys shills?

WOW... I decided to go to the sarms1 website, for the same reason that one pauses to gaze upon a derailed train.

They have, by a titanic margin, the WORST prices I've seen so far. I actually am a fan of MK677, but it's almost 200 freakin dollars there! I've bought it for $45 elsewhere for the same damn dosage/amount!
Yes its the same song and dance with sarms1, as it is with n2bm. They take a decent product, grossly overprice it....then try it advertise it as some miricle drug or supplement.They then claim it can do a whole bunch of nonsense, its not useful for or push you to use it instead of much cheaper alternatives,which are every bit just as effective.

like using n2guard as a $90 multi vitamin or using it to help cure parkinson's disease.All nonsense you have ran across written on their website. Or if you bring up a competitors product.. right away they say " o no that bunk. dont use that brand" .LOL for a vet, its hillarious to read through the rubbish they write.But for noobs its disasterous.. as they get conned and scammed repeatedly with no remorse.
EVO could not suck more. They loved Robo a year ago. I went over there and read a post were they were bashing the shit out of him. I was banned for mentioning that. It's to bad a new guy could get sucked into that shit, but if your that dumb it may be sort of a filtering process.

Ya they tried to suck him into their stupid ass drama. He was the strongest source on that site so in order to pull his customers to roidmass they tried to trash Robo pretty good. He got out fine though his business is running strong. He was never involved in the board politics so it kinda got him by suprise.

Their whole roidmass ploy was to scare everyone else into thinking its the only good source and that the DEA was on to all the domestics and their customers. The admin there is bat shit crazy for sure. That forum is pretty much dead now from what I've heard.
I was also a mod at EF (not under this username), and that place has gone to complete shit over the last few years.

Dylan still is shilling that SARMS shit over at his isarms site. I've used sources over at that board for gear and gotten nothing but great service and gear from my orders, but Dylan and to a lesser extent Rick shill the fuck out of SARMS over AAS to noobs. I'll just pm them and tell them to not listen to that shit and tell them to get on some test and whatever else depending on their usage history. I'd get banned is they knew I was doing that, but fuxk em for giving out shit advice to line their own pockets.
I was also a mod at EF (not under this username), and that place has gone to complete shit over the last few years.

Dylan still is shilling that SARMS shit over at his isarms site. I've used sources over at that board for gear and gotten nothing but great service and gear from my orders, but Dylan and to a lesser extent Rick shill the fuck out of SARMS over AAS to noobs. I'll just pm them and tell them to not listen to that shit and tell them to get on some test and whatever else depending on their usage history. I'd get banned is they knew I was doing that, but fuxk em for giving out shit advice to line their own pockets.
If you watched Dylan's videos on Youtube they'll make you cringe :eek:

Seems there's so much crap out there and it's a crapshoot getting the truth but a place like Meso is a breath of fresh air.
I was also a mod at EF (not under this username), and that place has gone to complete shit over the last few years.

Dylan still is shilling that SARMS shit over at his isarms site. I've used sources over at that board for gear and gotten nothing but great service and gear from my orders, but Dylan and to a lesser extent Rick shill the fuck out of SARMS over AAS to noobs. I'll just pm them and tell them to not listen to that shit and tell them to get on some test and whatever else depending on their usage history. I'd get banned is they knew I was doing that, but fuxk em for giving out shit advice to line their own pockets.

Who are you over there? lol. You've seen my posts. I don't give a flying fuck about sarms haha. I do the same thing as you usually. I usually tell them to come here or my board if people want honesty and no sarms trash.

I cant stand their stupid posts about all these stacks and BS like that. Sure SARMS will do something but its nothing to write home about. Its a waste of money. Some of those stupid stacks are like 1000 bucks!
I'm actually about to ghost off that board here in about a month. Don't plan on coming back. I have good friends there so I'm gonna try to get them off there and I'm moving on. I don't have time for this shit these days.
I'm actually about to ghost off that board here in about a month. Don't plan on coming back. I have good friends there so I'm gonna try to get them off there and I'm moving on. I don't have time for this shit these days.
Great idea, well worth the effort
My favourite thing about Evolutionary are their "celebrity cycles" articles. Get some N2Guard and S-4 and you'll look like Franco bro!

My favourite thing about Evolutionary are their "celebrity cycles" articles. Get some N2Guard and S-4 and you'll look like Franco bro!


I was always curious where the hell they come up with that stuff. lol. If you actually browse the site its got a ton of weird shit in it.
I know we all wanna look like Franco though lol.
I was always curious where the hell they come up with that stuff. lol. If you actually browse the site its got a ton of weird shit in it.
I know we all wanna look like Franco though lol.
common man this is so obvious. they do it to use the popular name of the person and then try and load their so called "emaginary for fun cycle" with all their overpriced supplements.Once again living off green noobs clicking on that "cycle" and actually thinking those people used that crap and then buying their products
Ya that portion get, I just don't understand the imagination on some of those fools lol. I wouldn't think about James Franco cycles in a million years. Even with the funds to conjure it up lol.
That WPA is a crafty little turd.
They are so fool
that they don't realize they could be sued for defamation for saying celebrities used illegal drugs
They are so fool
that they don't realize they could be sued for defamation for saying celebrities used illegal drugs
Ya they are not the smartest heap of turds.
I think that much has been established.

Thier forum died though so who cares really. The few members that are there and real all just sit and circle jerk it to n2bm and sarms.
Ya they are not the smartest heap of turds.
I think that much has been established.

Thier forum died though so who cares really. The few members that are there and real all just sit and circle jerk it to n2bm and sarms.

Im still a member there and the place is dead. It's newbs asking questions and then all the mod's posting the usual shite. The newbs don't reply after that
Welcome to Evo!
Buy this this and this and better get this too since its the only legit kind around. Everyone else is a scammer.

I know its expensive but its for the gainz. Cant put a price on gainz...

Oh and use this code for a discount. (But really its so you can line my pockets full of free shit.)
i was on elite back when, i think i found ret-domestic there. that was some good gear.

Ret was a great source for many years. I'm just back after 8 months but before I left there was a shit ton of counterfeit Watson test cyp being sold on a website he was behind. I'd get into it further but want to see where that whole mess played or is playing out.
The crew at evolutionary were groomed by the salesmen at EF before branching out to start evolutionary. They were at EF first. That's a fact.
Evo was able to make it appear that they had this large membership in the beginning but registered members and members "online" were computer generated and a fabrication.
They have 1 agenda, and that's to generate sales for themselves from SARMS they peddle. I've been banned a few times for disagreeing openly.
The PCT regiment they push will run you about 1k. It's all bullshit.