Elitefitness taken over by Evolutionary and AG guys shills?

Sarms work. Better than aas no but there are OK for.someone who wants to get their feet wet. I'm using MK677 and loving it. Technically not a sarm. But it's the bullshit posts about hcg being poison etc that drives me insane. Dylan had been replaced with muskate who is an even skinnier more annoying little prick. Fuck them all.

Well see I thought Dylan was "Replaced" But instead he just stated pretty much the new sister board, Isarms.
Dude is still his old self he pushes sarms as hard as he can making money on whomever he can.
i dont usually call someone a piece of shit but rick "big rick" or Rick rock etc. is one .. unless his accounts are not him, but i feel they are..
Hahahah never had an issue with Rick. Was never close with him. Dylan though is a sad little shit.
Hahahah never had an issue with Rick. Was never close with him. Dylan though is a sad little shit.
well im sure he was one that banned me and also gave in to the dollar vs. integrity so i might be bias and sour but thats my take on it personally.
Dylan... im not even going there but i agree with you...
well im sure he was one that banned me and also gave in to the dollar vs. integrity so i might be bias and sour but thats my take on it personally.
Dylan... im not even going there but i agree with you...

Ya I believe you there. I think he did give into the Dollar. He whores it hard with Dylan now. We just never really crossed paths. He was always that dude I thought was on the boarder of cool/shady. Now he seems to have gone full slim shady.
I just noticed this thread!!!
they banned me over there recently even as a mod (go by J_P) because i was standing up to the safety of the common user and calling out their BS shilling for the sake of a buck. calling them out on them saying their OCT grass clippings are better than SERMS for PCT!
they stand on "while clomi or tamox lowers igf1 levels and this doesnt so its better and so thats not good" really? PCT is not about IGF levels as much as it is for fuking recovery. a few weeks of lower igf1 is of no concern, and if it is then add in peptide igf1 for fuk sakes!
they deleted all my posts in threads and my STUDY DATA proving them wrong. a bunch of jerkoffs man..
and this was just before i found out EF was sold to the evo guys ( found out just days later and it all made sense...
its soo sad because at one time early on (dont bite my head off) NTBM was actually good and had promising directions to go... I thought when Nate left it would get better but i was wrong. shit i even worked with them at one point managing 7 rep teams for a bunch of shops.. i left for not only a better job in my area but also due to the sorry excuse of a direction NTBM/evo was going...
there is a right way and a wrong way to sell products and they are far from going about it in the right way... which will actually cost them money in the long run ( i deal with market analytics alot for work at times and kinda know this stuff)
i found out soon after that it was sold, had i known when i was posting i would have known why there was a surge of sorry shilling all of a sudden... the site went to shit years ago because of it and it will happen again. but anyways it was dooing better so i started being active again this year and help the forum get better again, then it started all over and what to i get for standing up to BS, the common user and their RECKLESS shilling? a mod that was brining people over and helping? i get banned and my posts deleted... lol a joke and their loss really..
if there was nothing to hide and they where not lacking integrity as they are then my posts would have been left be, even if i was banned still..

thats something I love about meso... no editing.. fuk i would love to mod here for the basics but im glad its not even ran that way TBH.
what a shame. im sorry to see a stand up guy like you had to get put through that by the con artists
Hey Ben. I had some similar questions awhile back. Since it may be awhile before you get a reply, I thought I would offer some insight with the posts quoted below.

This quote below is hurricanes first post on the subject.

This quote is from me asking why it took so long to out Rick and crew.

The quote below is his response to my question.
not sure if im understand your question properly ...but if you asking why i didnt leave the board eariler?the answer is because i was stupid.no excuses. i should have left long long before i did.i dont expect you to take my word for it but i was always always going against the grain and what they did and disagreeing with everything they would come up with because it was all garbage ideas with little consideration for the public, they never understood the members make the board, not the owners. keeping them happy is what makes a board thrive.but they would never even consider a word of my advice.it was to a point they stopped telling me anything important. they hated me long before i left. i was never a yes man, like most of the mindless guys that are apart of it, i think for myself.i knew right and wrong and the proper way to do things and their plans and schemes sucked. not only were they wrong to do to people..IMO they hurt their own companies with the bs they pull, they severely underestimate the intelligence of the average internet poster
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SOOO GLAD TO KNOW THAT WASNT YOU! i think they use your name and account at some places like evo and/or EF...
glad to know you are still you man... because i used to have high hopes for ntbm but not anymore and its sad... coulda still been making ton of money and in the right way and actually growing a user base and not losing them, and only the noobs seem to stick around because they dont know anybetter and thats risky and sad
no man they changed my passwords on evo and ef.. so i cant log in my accounts.. they wont let me near posting on either place.not that i would anyways.. i already watched them destroy evo.. no need to watch them destroy the little value ef has left ..which already has been declining for years
^^ yeah its a shame, and costing them money to top it off. if you run a bizz you do it right. if you ever want to do your own now we can just do everything they did not and avoid everything they do.

Iv worked for other supp places helping out as a rep if i likes some of the products over the last 10 or so years; LG, primordial and a couple others and evo/ntbm has got to be the worst one of them all issues and integrity wise for sure!

you can make sales, clients nd help out the community WITHOUT losing your integrity!
Now i want no part of any of it. .. I mean if i find a place some day that is GTG and honest and i like the products, sure maybe... but it will have to be very in my face for me to ever bother looking into any of that again, not wasting my time, smearing my name OR losing my integrity for some BS crap to try and sell...

remember when we where pressed to push air in a small can? (literally... like a small oxygen can that looked like an axe body spray) thats when i really started to pull away and question things, before that i was always giving benefit of doubt on my own OP or thinking it was just Nates fault...
sure studies showing oxygen improved performance (duhh)... but dude...pushin to people lifting in the gym for mass? breath deeper and GTFO of here with that crap lol
^^ yeah its a shame, and costing them money to top it off. if you run a bizz you do it right. if you ever want to do your own now we can just do everything they did not and avoid everything they do.

Iv worked for other supp places helping out as a rep if i likes some of the products over the last 10 or so years; LG, primordial and a couple others and evo/ntbm has got to be the worst one of them all issues and integrity wise for sure!

you can make sales, clients nd help out the community WITHOUT losing your integrity!
Now i want no part of any of it. .. I mean if i find a place some day that is GTG and honest and i like the products, sure maybe... but it will have to be very in my face for me to ever bother looking into any of that again, not wasting my time, smearing my name OR losing my integrity for some BS crap to try and sell...

remember when we where pressed to push air in a small can? (literally... like a small oxygen can that looked like an axe body spray) thats when i really started to pull away and question things, before that i was always giving benefit of doubt on my own OP or thinking it was just Nates fault...
sure studies showing oxygen improved performance (duhh)... but dude...pushin to people lifting in the gym for mass? breath deeper and GTFO of here with that crap lol
very sloppy to put it nicely. you figured being ran off so many boards would wake them up into realizing people are on to their schemes and scams and are smarter then they gave them credit for.But sure in hell they still upto the same shit. rather earn a fast crooked dollar then being patient earn it the proper way and letting the good word spread.they are their own worst enemy