Enclomiphene instead of HCG to keep balls while blasting & cruising?

So why its not better to combine hcg and clomid during a blast & cruise?

Is there any contraindication?
I did it a few times but even at low dosages clomid starts messing with my eyes by the 2-3 month mark and that is when i stop.
Wanted to pull bloods on it but never got to it.
First time i felt it helped but could not reproduce the results so now i just stoped doing it.
Hmg or rFsh would be a better option for this
I did it a few times but even at low dosages clomid starts messing with my eyes by the 2-3 month mark and that is when i stop.
Wanted to pull bloods on it but never got to it.
First time i felt it helped but could not reproduce the results so now i just stoped doing it.
Hmg or rFsh would be a better option for this
Did you continue with the hcg? What kind of issues you got? I am on clomid rn during a blast. I dont like the feeling on clomid
I got the idea of running the clomid from a doctor Mark Gordon that was on the Joe Rogan podcast .
Maybe its a hit or miss thing and depends greatly on the dosage of Test being used anyways outside of cost there is no reason to run clomid with test and hcg when hmg or rFsh can be used.
I got the idea of running the clomid from a doctor Mark Gordon that was on the Joe Rogan podcast .
Maybe its a hit or miss thing and depends greatly on the dosage of Test being used anyways outside of cost there is no reason to run clomid with test and hcg when hmg or rFsh can be used.
So you say run solo clomid or hcg and hmg together?