End of blast bloodwork - feedback/red flags?


Suspected alternate account for @Axle Labs
Just got my bloodwork back from the end of my 16 week blast.

I got up to 750mg Test-E/week, 500 Deca/Week, 3iu HGH/day. I ran injectable superdrol the first half of my blast, but had cut it out the second half.

Need some help reading this.. How bad is it? What all supplements can I take during my cruise to get my body healthy again? I am cruising for 4 more weeks before my next blast.

RBC, Hematocrit out of range. My blood pressure was around 120/80 during my blast though.

Liver enzymes a little elevated. But mine are always a bit elevated. A previous doctor had told me it can be due to training.

Cholesterol HDL low, LDL high. Total cholesterol in range though.
Any advice is appreciated.


Would definitely advise donating blood and then retesting CBCz Other than that personally I wouldn’t be concerned. As for supps, I take TUDCA and NAC for liver, I also noticed a slight reduction of RBC on naringin, and citrus bergamot will never hurt
Everything looks solid and as expected. As everyone else said, donate blood. Not much else to say
I don't have sleep apnea. I'll be donating blood this weekend though as recommended.
hydration plays a role too. Drink plenty of fluids before you donate. Typically, I consume appox 80 oz of water before a donation. The RC cut off for hemoglobin is 20. If you're over they tell you to come back another day basically.
hydration plays a role too. Drink plenty of fluids before you donate. Typically, I consume appox 80 oz of water before a donation. The RC cut off for hemoglobin is 20. If you're over they tell you to come back another day basically.
Will do
Keep us updated. Do you plan on doing another blood test panel to check your levels after donating blood and adjusting dose of peds (if)?
Yes, I do plan to re-test after a week or so of donating blood.

However, I went in today to donate blood and my iron levels were high by 1 point. Cut off was like 18.. Mine were 19, so they didn't let me donate.
Kind of a catch 22 because my iron is high due to high RBC which is the issue I'm trying to fix.

Nurse told me to hydrate more and rescheduled me for Tuesday. I'll focus on drinking a lot of water till then and hopefully I'm able to donate then. She also took my blood pressure which was 142/90 (!).

This was a shock because I was checking my blood pressure during my blast once every couple weeks and it was hovering 120s/80s. Either my blood pressure machine is off or for some reason it was high. Not sure what to do about this. I'll check my own blood pressure soon at home to see what it reads.
Yes, I do plan to re-test after a week or so of donating blood.

However, I went in today to donate blood and my iron levels were high by 1 point. Cut off was like 18.. Mine were 19, so they didn't let me donate.
Kind of a catch 22 because my iron is high due to high RBC which is the issue I'm trying to fix.

Nurse told me to hydrate more and rescheduled me for Tuesday. I'll focus on drinking a lot of water till then and hopefully I'm able to donate then. She also took my blood pressure which was 142/90 (!).

This was a shock because I was checking my blood pressure during my blast once every couple weeks and it was hovering 120s/80s. Either my blood pressure machine is off or for some reason it was high. Not sure what to do about this. I'll check my own blood pressure soon at home to see what it reads.

Home machine tested at 135-142 / 70 (tested 3 times). Still would like it lower, but I wonder why it’s high. I skipped the gym today, that’s all I can think of.
I ordered some Cialis and telmisartan, I will low dose those I guess.
Yes, I do plan to re-test after a week or so of donating blood.

However, I went in today to donate blood and my iron levels were high by 1 point. Cut off was like 18.. Mine were 19, so they didn't let me donate.
Kind of a catch 22 because my iron is high due to high RBC which is the issue I'm trying to fix.

Nurse told me to hydrate more and rescheduled me for Tuesday. I'll focus on drinking a lot of water till then and hopefully I'm able to donate then. She also took my blood pressure which was 142/90 (!).

This was a shock because I was checking my blood pressure during my blast once every couple weeks and it was hovering 120s/80s. Either my blood pressure machine is off or for some reason it was high. Not sure what to do about this. I'll check my own blood pressure soon at home to see what it reads.
How much did you hydrate before your appointment? Did you go to the RC or a different organization?
How much did you hydrate before your appointment? Did you go to the RC or a different organization?
Probably not enough. My water intake in general is lower than it should be I think. I just drink when I feel thirsty. In my head I thought I was drinking a bit more than normal today but it probably still wasn't enough.
I went to Bloodworks Northwest.
Probably not enough. My water intake in general is lower than it should be I think. I just drink when I feel thirsty. In my head I thought I was drinking a bit more than normal today but it probably still wasn't enough.
I went to Bloodworks Northwest.
ah ok, the red cross in my state has a 20 cut off. try and drink whatever you can, Gatorade, crystal light go down a bit easier or any flavored water..
Drank a good amount of water yesterday. Pissed like crazy at night, dropped 5 pounds overnight. Blood pressure measures 125/70 today.