Endocrinologist confused..


New Member
Hi all, ok I need some advice if possible. I am as equally confused as my endo doc, this is what's occurred;
Week 1-14 test p/Tren a/mast p @ 1ml (100mg of each) EOD

Week 8-14 Dbol @50mg ED

Last pin of Course finished December 5th..

Week 14-15 HCG @5000iu split 3 pins over 1 week.

Week 15-16 nothing at all

Week 16-18 nolva @ 40/20/20 ED

Week 18-20 proviron @50mg ED

Last pct sup was taken Jan 31st.

Ok, so bloods were taken 18th December and test was 9 (I'm from the UK and low range for a male my age is 12) free test was 247 (low range for a male my age is 254). They also tested sexual test whatever that is! And it was an 8, no fsh/lh were taken. I have stayed off everything and remain eating 7/8 meals a day all religiously clean. I had last month a drop in motivation and strength at the gym and had to take 2 weeks "off loading" and replanned my training programme I now do 3 weeks 5x5 and 1 week 5x20 and with cardio to recharge my batteries so to speak and I am slowly rebuilding my strength and increasing weight slowly as an example bench dropped from 180kg on cycle to struggling to do 110/120kg a month ago and now it's slowly going back up! Hit 200kg dead lifts the other day.

Went to the endo doc last night for my appt and he checked my bloods from a 2nd blood test taken on 29/2/16 and he said that my results are;
Test 1.2
Fsh 0.1/0.2
Lh 0.0/unreadable
Free test 200

So he has now mentioned TRT and test gels, however everything he asked me I said no to so I'm lifting heavy in the gym, I'm not that lethargic I mean I'm a bit sleepy about 3/4pm every day but that's just a normal thing for hard workers! I have a libido and sex drive I mean it had crashed but I feel like I wanna have sex again now with my girl. Erections are more frequent but may only stay hard for 10/20 mins but getting morning wood also! And not had a sperm count yet but my sperm is not watery it's thick and white and smells like it should (sorry to be gross!!). No skin issues no hair issues etc etc.

Sorry for this long write up I'm alsmot finished hang in there, so those bloods were taken one at the end of my course and again at the end of my pct I'm just wondering if because the last bloods were a month ago I'm not like that anymore!?? I need help because I have trt lined up possibly and I also have test and HCG at home and think fuck it I'll just start a 12 week course of test and HCG see how I get on cos my docs are taking so long and just keep referring me!!! Please help me.... Thanks..
Whenever test results conflict with a patients signs and symptoms the tests should be repeated!

And in this case ALL "THERAPY" STOPPED

It would also be of great assistance if you would LIST your AAS, ANCILLARIES and lab results in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, absent the narrative.

Sorry but although YOU may believe the presence of ""morning wood" or soft erections are some hallmark one can rely upon they are just another marker of low T, in addition to many others.
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Out of the past 3 years how long have you been running ANY sort of AAS, which includes "TRT", "cruising" and cycling"?

Excluding these values when was the last time you had bloods drawn?

Why and who referred you to an Endo?
Out of the past 3 years how long have you been running ANY sort of AAS, which includes "TRT", "cruising" and cycling"?

Excluding these values when was the last time you had bloods drawn?

Why and who referred you to an Endo?

Hi doc,firstly thank you for having time to comment on my topic.

Ok, so I have only done 3 cycles in n my lifetime. I am 30 years old and done my first cycle through ignorance and thinking it was an all inspiring miracle! And have made unknowingly many mistakes...I hope i am writing this so it makes sense.

Cycle 1 about a year ago;
Test e/test p 1ml EOD for 16 weeks 500mg. including Dbol 50mg ED for 7 weeks, added in Decca 1ml EOD for 7 weeks 400mg. NO PCT!

Cycle 2 about 2 months after 1st cycle;
Sust 250/Tren a 1ml of each EOD for 14 weeks 600mg. Including Dbol 50mg ED for 7 weeks. Again, NO PCT!

Cycle 3 about 40 days after 2nd cycle;
Test p/Tren a/mast p 1ml EOD for 14 weeks 400mg of each. Including Dbol 50mg ED for 6 weeks. Half arsed PCT of HCG 5000iu split over 1 week 3 pins followed by Nolva 40/20/20 followed by proviron 50/50/50 which leads us to today.

Cycle 3 ended Dec 5th
HCG ended Dec 13th
First blood test Dec 18th
Nolva started Dec 18th finished Jan 10th
Proviron started Jan 10th finished Jan 31st
Second blood test Jan 28th

So, I was sent to urologist by my normal doc because of immense stress in my life it was affecting certain areas of my body I failed to tell my doc of AAS use as I was worried and scared. Several trips to the urologist and she referred me to an endo due to blood results. They suspected hypogonadism as the results we looked at 2 days ago were from the 28th Jan when I was STUPIDLY taking proviron as pct!! I have not taken ANYTHING other than vitamins since Jan 31st when proviron stopped. I have spent the past month all of Feb feeling lethargic, depressed, not eating much although still clean eating or lifting heavy weights. As gathered libido/erections non existent. However feeling completely different now to what my blood results say, libido coming back, erections coming back, strength and appetite also improving as well as mood. I know my wrongs here doc I promise you I do! I have hurt and abused my body and I don't blame anyone but myself and it ended my relationship with long term gf and mother of my daughter... Caused huge amounts of stress! I could really do with some advice although I can kind of guess what your gonna shout at me! Thank you again for taking time to contribute to my thread it means a lot to me.
If i am understanding your layout properly its not confusing at all as to why you got the results you did on your blood test.

Your last blood test was on Jan.28th but you were on a type of aas until Jan.31. Because you said you "stupidity took proviron" it sounds like you know that it is a steroid and therefore blood tests will be, well what they are.

3 heavy cycles in one year with no pct for some. That'll do it. But you need blood tests after everything has cleared your system. Im curious what @Dr JIM would think about an attempt at a proper pct that didnt have proviron directly afterwards?
Hi doc,firstly thank you for having time to comment on my topic.

Ok, so I have only done 3 cycles in n my lifetime. I am 30 years old and done my first cycle through ignorance and thinking it was an all inspiring miracle! And have made unknowingly many mistakes...I hope i am writing this so it makes sense.

Cycle 1 about a year ago;
Test e/test p 1ml EOD for 16 weeks 500mg. including Dbol 50mg ED for 7 weeks, added in Decca 1ml EOD for 7 weeks 400mg. NO PCT!

Cycle 2 about 2 months after 1st cycle;
Sust 250/Tren a 1ml of each EOD for 14 weeks 600mg. Including Dbol 50mg ED for 7 weeks. Again, NO PCT!

Cycle 3 about 40 days after 2nd cycle;
Test p/Tren a/mast p 1ml EOD for 14 weeks 400mg of each. Including Dbol 50mg ED for 6 weeks. Half arsed PCT of HCG 5000iu split over 1 week 3 pins followed by Nolva 40/20/20 followed by proviron 50/50/50 which leads us to today.

Cycle 3 ended Dec 5th
HCG ended Dec 13th
First blood test Dec 18th
Nolva started Dec 18th finished Jan 10th
Proviron started Jan 10th finished Jan 31st
Second blood test Jan 28th

So, I was sent to urologist by my normal doc because of immense stress in my life it was affecting certain areas of my body I failed to tell my doc of AAS use as I was worried and scared. Several trips to the urologist and she referred me to an endo due to blood results. They suspected hypogonadism as the results we looked at 2 days ago were from the 28th Jan when I was STUPIDLY taking proviron as pct!! I have not taken ANYTHING other than vitamins since Jan 31st when proviron stopped. I have spent the past month all of Feb feeling lethargic, depressed, not eating much although still clean eating or lifting heavy weights. As gathered libido/erections non existent. However feeling completely different now to what my blood results say, libido coming back, erections coming back, strength and appetite also improving as well as mood. I know my wrongs here doc I promise you I do! I have hurt and abused my body and I don't blame anyone but myself and it ended my relationship with long term gf and mother of my daughter... Caused huge amounts of stress! I could really do with some advice although I can kind of guess what your gonna shout at me! Thank you again for taking time to contribute to my thread it means a lot to me.

Where's the chronological order I asked YOU to post!

An Endos "confused" about what's going on here? Did you tell him you used AAS for such s prolonged interval?

I really don't know what the QUESTION is!
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I mean this is CLASSIC AIH!
You want to play then expect to pay!

Id suggest you begin proper PCT about NOW but draw baseline tests before doing so.
Im curious what @Dr JIM would think about an attempt at a proper pct that didnt have proviron directly afterwards?

Proviron likely delayed the onset of effective PCT, but its use begs the question WHY was the OP running such a piss ant AAS anyway?

The answer lies within his post, Erectile Dysfunction bc of emotional factors. And for those that think psycho-social stressors don't effect "morning wood", THINK AGAIN!
Where's the chronological order I asked YOU to post!

An Endos "confused" about what's going on here? Did you tell him you used AAS for such s prolonged interval?

I really don't know what the QUESTION is!

Hi doc I'm sorry to sound like a idiot but I don't know what you mean by chronological order.
Proviron likely delayed the onset of effective PCT, but its use begs the question WHY was the OP running such a piss ant AAS anyway?

The answer lies within his post, Erectile Dysfunction bc of emotional factors. And for those that think psycho-social stressors don't effect "morning wood", THINK AGAIN!

Don't get me wrong I know now I messed up and I spend way too much time in this site and Internet searching to know what's right and wrong with cycling now doc but like most I was influenced by someone I trusted and they done me wrong and I got hooked on cycling. As for the proviron again after research I "thought" it was a right move and not a AAS like most.
If i am understanding your layout properly its not confusing at all as to why you got the results you did on your blood test.

Your last blood test was on Jan.28th but you were on a type of aas until Jan.31. Because you said you "stupidity took proviron" it sounds like you know that it is a steroid and therefore blood tests will be, well what they are.

3 heavy cycles in one year with no pct for some. That'll do it. But you need blood tests after everything has cleared your system. Im curious what @Dr JIM would think about an attempt at a proper pct that didnt have proviron directly afterwards?

Thanks for your help and advice mate, I didn't think proviron would cause me problems as I was given the wrong advice by someone i trusted
I was given the wrong advice by someone i trusted

That is the NORM on most AAS forums which is why YOU should be doing your own evidence based research.

Better understand now most of the "advice" cited on PED forum is PARROTED much like gossip is news.

After anything is recited ten to twenty times good luck finding the truth in those spoken or printed words.

Bottom line it's your cycle, your body and your responsibility to conduct whatever research (and I'm NOT referring to anecdotes) is necessary to limit the risk and complications.

Good luck
That is the NORM on most AAS forums which is why YOU should be doing your own evidence based research.

Better understand now most of the "advice" cited on PED forum is PARROTED much like gossip is news.

After anything is recited ten to twenty times good luck finding the truth in those spoken or printed words.

Bottom line it's your cycle, your body and your responsibility to conduct whatever research (and I'm NOT referring to anecdotes) is necessary to limit the risk and complications.

Good luck

Thanks again for your time doc i do try to contribute to as much as possible on this site and appreciate the responses given back. I know the responsibility is mine and I understand now the complications in what we do like they say you wouldn't stick your head in an oven or go swimming with sharks! Why? Cos you know the risks!! However I did not think about th risks when starting AAS cycling and did mess it up. Not looking for a hand out but like you stated when you try to interpret some Info that has been read and churned up and spat out 10/20/30 times you are confused as to what is the truth. I am stuck as what to do and noted that you said blood work again and pct... I'll try my best to recover this whole situation without asking to be spoon fed. Thanks doc again..