Endura Biosciences (Peptides & Steroids)

Why do that if people don’t email then people ain’t serious about there research

For the same reason that retail stores have windows and products laying around with price tags. People want to look first before starting a conversation and giving away their email address. You're not going to attract customers if you have them chase you around for the prices.
Can we expect test results for oils and tablets soon?
We will gradually update the product test report, please stay tuned, and you are also welcome to test our products.

We support customers to test the products themselves, and the supplier must be marked as: Endura Biosciences
We will provide you with a 50USD no-threshold discount coupon, which you can use when you place an order next time.
I personally would be much more likely to order from this source of there was proper testing done of the products. Prices are great but testing is #1