So what’s the end game? You know he won’t change and the actual testing he’s committing to is meaningless. But you need to praise to be consistent and in the end nothing will have changed. Worse, people might think he’s better and order more and inject poorly dosed gear in their body or metal particulates just to check a box saying I made him commit to testing more?
I mean anyone can see Axle is full of shit...the more data provided in messages, the clearer that becomes.
It leaves the door open for Axle to change his ways (which clearly won't happen). The mountain of evidence collects....hopefully UGL users with 1/5th of a brain can see the evidence and make the personal choice to avoid.
I'm not sure how anything being put forth is being demonstrated as "support" or glorifying Axle....unless we only read ONE post at a time and make instant decisions.
Look, I am truly wanting to respect the frustrations the vets have with Readalot. However, your critiques simply haven't been valid this time around.
I respect the opinion that Narta shared clearly regarding snuffing out the little man...and Readalot responded with why he believes that is a fallacy...and he then presented his vision for what he believes to be next.
It's back down to two camps:
1.) Fuck Readalot...gimme cheap fucking gear and leave me alone. (I legitimately don't understand how hard it is to hit ignore...I have forgotten users that exist by hitting the ignore button accidentally...and wondering wtf happened to them for months).
2.) Debate/critique unemotionally and try to brainstorm productive paths forward to advance surveillance.
- is the answer TRULY "there is nothing that can be done"? I mean for real...I truly truly understand we cant find the raws producer that fucks up and complain to the manager...but seriously, is there no stepwise progression beyond what exists now? Seriously?
I suppose I have the advantage of not having my judgement clouded by whatever you have experienced with Readalot in the past. I like people that brainstorm and try to generate ideas. If I think they're full of shit, I have no qualms about telling them OR ignoring them.
I respect the giants that have come before me...(a semi-humble non bodybuilder on a bodybuilder forum). I actually believe the men (and women) on both sides of this argument are highly intelligent, accomplished humans that can generate thoughtful discourse in real life.
I am confident Readalots mission is to have GROUP participation in moving forward with UGL quality. (You all keep saying he's a narcissist and its all about HIM...well, I will be the first to agree when someone else steps up to help carry the mantle and he jumps all over them).
So far all I have seen is Readalot try to implement a plan...get met with eye rolls and scorn...he retaliates...and everyone says "I told you so." That's literally the play by play from my outside perspective.
Sooo...we can either all try to fucking play nice (and generate ideas)...or take out ball and go home (and ignore the son of a bitch that has the gall to "attack" your favorite source).
Sorry for the long ass rant. You are all (presumably) grownups. I realize I may be coming across as some pompous ass Readalot fan boi...but the best I can say is I have truly tried to look at it from both perspectives. The best I can tell is it pisses everyone off he has so much time to post which triggers his haters...(I don't give a shit how anyone spends there time as long as it doesn't involve direct harm to another living being...and emotional distress by writing posts on the Internet doesn't count).
Shalom, peace, respect... whatever. But sometimes it's ok to re-evaluate why you're pissed off (but again, its not my place to expect that of any one individual...but it is possible to seek common ground if it wanted).