Enhanced Testing Database

If you want to call him a cunt because of XY or Z etc, then yeah whatever, knock yourself out & be my guest …. but is it really necessary to start making comments about people’s mothers?

This thread has gotten VERY personal, yet no one else has stooped to such a low move.

Be a man & take him on, not his Mum

6th time is the charm, he definitely won't try to deceive ppl again
So true. The effort is not worth it for a bad source. They have no care for quality and are only testing because they were outed by testing of their product by spaceman so want to keep their sales. They’ll never produce good quality. Better to find a different source with better quality and testing results.

If you found a car that doesn’t run because the engine and transmission is bad but fix the latter do you celebrate that you made it better even if it still doesn’t run. Making garbage a little better means it’s still garbage. Time is better spent on sources that are in a better spot to begin with so they’re closer to being good or care some about quality. They care more son your enhanced testing might take them over the hump.
So true. The effort is not worth it for a bad source. They have no care for quality and are only testing because they were outed by testing of their product by spaceman so want to keep their sales. They’ll never produce good quality. Better to find a different source with better quality and testing results.

If you found a car that doesn’t run because the engine and transmission is bad but fix the latter do you celebrate that you made it better even if it still doesn’t run. Making garbage a little better means it’s still garbage. Time is better spent on sources that are in a better spot to begin with so they’re closer to being good or care some about quality. They care more son your enhanced testing might take them over the hump.
Are you not at all curious to see what metal is in raws?

Don’t think anyone will let them slip for their previous fuckups, so if anything then I feel like we should care less if Readalot convinces them to spend money on this.
Are you not at all curious to see what metal is in raws?

Don’t think anyone will let them slip for their previous fuckups, so if anything then I feel like we should care less if Readalot convinces them to spend money on this.
Thats the point, if you buy from a source like that after being caught on multiple issues you’re a fool or desperate. Plenty of others out there. So the only point is to say yep put another notch on my belt I got them to test but it’s not actually helping just getting testing for testing’s sake. I get your a big cheerleader for him and my point is to use the energy towards already decent sources that have promise to perhaps get better versus the ones that will harm you. No experienced person here would use that source regardless based on their previous misgivings.
Are you not at all curious to see what metal is in raws?

Don’t think anyone will let them slip for their previous fuckups, so if anything then I feel like we should care less if Readalot convinces them to spend money on this.

Did I miss where Axle acknowledged there is metal in raws? Axle is being ignorant about metals even existing in raws. Said he’s never seen any. After pretty much being called a liar and badgered Axle finally said, sure if I ever see any I’ll have it tested.

This is another reason why it’s laughable and most of us are cringing that Axle is being put on a pedestal.
Did I miss where Axle acknowledged there is metal in raws? Axle is being ignorant about metals even existing in raws. Said he’s never seen any. After pretty much being called a liar and badgered Axle finally said, sure if I ever see any I’ll have it tested.

This is another reason why it’s laughable and most of us are cringing that Axle is being put on a pedestal.
Put on pedestal? Really? You were right there last time when we pressured him. You know how much work that was?

So now I document what he said he would do and I am putting him on pedestal? When did I ever put him on pedestal?

This is exactly a catch 22. I badger sources....bad.

I document them saying what they will do...I am putting them on pedestal...bad.

You were right there last time when we pressured him. You know how much work that was?

I was indeed. He lied and you called him on such, repeatedly. Then although he is lying and said he’s never seen any he finally said, sure readalot I’ll test metals should I ever see any. You completely backed off and are now giving him credit in this thread for something you know will never come to fruition. I simply stepped in and just said what I said because Sicsemptyran apparently has hope that ole Axle is about to come through, but you and I know that’s not the case. So why even acknowledge Axle and give him cred here? He’s a scum bag who doesn’t deserve to be here and you knew that before he said what you wanted to hear.
He’s a scum bag who doesn’t deserve to be here and you knew that before he said what you wanted to hear.
Cause if I ain't consistent in my approach or show that I am a gate keeper to this thread I will be crucified. This thread is a database of vendor testing. It's up to the members to take this info and make their decisions. Same as everything else on MESO. Right?

This thread ain't "Readalot's opinion of whether a source is a scumbag". You have to be consistent in treatment of all sources for this thread.
So what’s the end game? You know he won’t change and the actual testing he’s committing to is meaningless. But you need to praise to be consistent and in the end nothing will have changed. Worse, people might think he’s better and order more and inject poorly dosed gear in their body or metal particulates just to check a box saying I made him commit to testing more?
So what’s the end game?
My end game was improved standards for testing and improve raws quality as a real stretch goal. Increase surveillance of raw quality. GCMS database of raws. Endotoxin database for oils.

Eventual feedback (feedback loop) to the suppliers as customers are educated and demand is created for better products. Have ET tested products subsidize the surveillance data. Given Millard's thesis that the UGL scene needs improvements in testing and quality I thought this was the place to try it.

Right now I am debating BBBG on SST. His argument is the black market can not be cleaned up and that I am on a fool's errand.

So there you go.
@B Ware if any favoritism or inconsistency is shown this whole approach goes down the toilet.

How about we hold the applause and acknowledging them here until they actually do the testing?

You may of just pushed more sales to Axle. If Readalot is posting about this source in his ET thread stating he’s going to show us what the metal actually is then he must be a good source.

How does that fit the harm reduction agenda? Shadiest vendor here just got you to give him a bit of cred in the ET thread when he’s done nothing to earn it.
And another dislike from SS.
Thank you.

How about we hold the applause and acknowledging them here until they actually do the testing?

You may of just pushed more sales to Axle. If Readalot is posting about this source in his ET thread stating he’s going to show us what the metal actually is then he must be a good source.

How does that fit the harm reduction agenda? Shadiest vendor here just got you to give him a bit of cred in the ET thread when he’s done nothing to earn it.
I've done this approach with all vendors who promise to do the testing... to apply pressure they follow through. Go back and look.

I am in an unwinnable position lol. Carry on.
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I get your a big cheerleader for him and my point is to use the energy towards already decent sources
On the latter part of that sentence I wouldn’t take any issue with it, but for reasons that continue to escape me I do think that no matter how Readalot went about this, whether he only pestered the sources you think he should or did it in x way, unless he just totally shut up there would still be this pushback. And unfortunately, as I’ve mentioned before, no change in testing (HLPC included) would have ever taken place if people asked once and shut up.

On the first part of that regarding me being a big cheerleader, I’m really truly not. In fact, I had never even created a Meso account because I never found a need. I got my information, got my drugs, didn’t need to stick around ever or join in. But it was the visceral reaction to readalot’s quest here that frankly just confused me so much that I created an account finally.

I do defend him, despite the fact I’m currently running 250mg/week of testosterone from a source here that I didn’t test nor cared to. Bloodwork looked good, CRP didn’t budge, people seemed to like the source, I stockpile my pharma T and it’s good enough for my risk tolerance.

He’s put his money where his mouth is and 50%+ of his posts are likely responding to people attacking him so I just don’t find the spamming arguments coherent as well. I have a live and let live mentality generally and really just do not see how he’d be such a “cancer” to this forum if you just let him do his thing and continued doing yours.
So what’s the end game? You know he won’t change and the actual testing he’s committing to is meaningless. But you need to praise to be consistent and in the end nothing will have changed. Worse, people might think he’s better and order more and inject poorly dosed gear in their body or metal particulates just to check a box saying I made him commit to testing more?
I mean anyone can see Axle is full of shit...the more data provided in messages, the clearer that becomes.

It leaves the door open for Axle to change his ways (which clearly won't happen). The mountain of evidence collects....hopefully UGL users with 1/5th of a brain can see the evidence and make the personal choice to avoid.

I'm not sure how anything being put forth is being demonstrated as "support" or glorifying Axle....unless we only read ONE post at a time and make instant decisions.

Look, I am truly wanting to respect the frustrations the vets have with Readalot. However, your critiques simply haven't been valid this time around.

I respect the opinion that Narta shared clearly regarding snuffing out the little man...and Readalot responded with why he believes that is a fallacy...and he then presented his vision for what he believes to be next.

It's back down to two camps:

1.) Fuck Readalot...gimme cheap fucking gear and leave me alone. (I legitimately don't understand how hard it is to hit ignore...I have forgotten users that exist by hitting the ignore button accidentally...and wondering wtf happened to them for months).

2.) Debate/critique unemotionally and try to brainstorm productive paths forward to advance surveillance.
- is the answer TRULY "there is nothing that can be done"? I mean for real...I truly truly understand we cant find the raws producer that fucks up and complain to the manager...but seriously, is there no stepwise progression beyond what exists now? Seriously?

I suppose I have the advantage of not having my judgement clouded by whatever you have experienced with Readalot in the past. I like people that brainstorm and try to generate ideas. If I think they're full of shit, I have no qualms about telling them OR ignoring them.

I respect the giants that have come before me...(a semi-humble non bodybuilder on a bodybuilder forum). I actually believe the men (and women) on both sides of this argument are highly intelligent, accomplished humans that can generate thoughtful discourse in real life.

I am confident Readalots mission is to have GROUP participation in moving forward with UGL quality. (You all keep saying he's a narcissist and its all about HIM...well, I will be the first to agree when someone else steps up to help carry the mantle and he jumps all over them).

So far all I have seen is Readalot try to implement a plan...get met with eye rolls and scorn...he retaliates...and everyone says "I told you so." That's literally the play by play from my outside perspective.

Sooo...we can either all try to fucking play nice (and generate ideas)...or take out ball and go home (and ignore the son of a bitch that has the gall to "attack" your favorite source).

Sorry for the long ass rant. You are all (presumably) grownups. I realize I may be coming across as some pompous ass Readalot fan boi...but the best I can say is I have truly tried to look at it from both perspectives. The best I can tell is it pisses everyone off he has so much time to post which triggers his haters...(I don't give a shit how anyone spends there time as long as it doesn't involve direct harm to another living being...and emotional distress by writing posts on the Internet doesn't count).

Shalom, peace, respect... whatever. But sometimes it's ok to re-evaluate why you're pissed off (but again, its not my place to expect that of any one individual...but it is possible to seek common ground if it wanted).
And another dislike from SS.
Thank you.

I've done this approach with all vendors who promise to do the testing... to apply pressure they follow through. Go back and look.

I am in an unwinnable position lol.

I respect the whooping you’re taking. One day we may all tell the story of you. Either as the guy who relentlessly believed in this and saw it through or as the village idiot lol. A lot of members on multiple boards sure aren’t making it easy for you. In my opinion it’s not entirely what you’re pushing, it’s how you’re pushing it, but you’ve heard and know this. Try a different approach. It’s what I’m rambling about in my posts above. Let’s not give a scum bag source a platform until they’ve earned it.

despite the fact I’m currently running 250mg/week of testosterone from a source here that I didn’t test nor cared to.
I mean anyone can see Axle is full of shit...the more data provided in messages, the clearer that becomes.

It leaves the door open for Axle to change his ways (which clearly won't happen). The mountain of evidence collects....hopefully UGL users with 1/5th of a brain can see the evidence and make the personal choice to avoid.

I'm not sure how anything being put forth is being demonstrated as "support" or glorifying Axle....unless we only read ONE post at a time and make instant decisions.

Look, I am truly wanting to respect the frustrations the vets have with Readalot. However, your critiques simply haven't been valid this time around.

I respect the opinion that Narta shared clearly regarding snuffing out the little man...and Readalot responded with why he believes that is a fallacy...and he then presented his vision for what he believes to be next.

It's back down to two camps:

1.) Fuck Readalot...gimme cheap fucking gear and leave me alone. (I legitimately don't understand how hard it is to hit ignore...I have forgotten users that exist by hitting the ignore button accidentally...and wondering wtf happened to them for months).

2.) Debate/critique unemotionally and try to brainstorm productive paths forward to advance surveillance.
- is the answer TRULY "there is nothing that can be done"? I mean for real...I truly truly understand we cant find the raws producer that fucks up and complain to the manager...but seriously, is there no stepwise progression beyond what exists now? Seriously?

I suppose I have the advantage of not having my judgement clouded by whatever you have experienced with Readalot in the past. I like people that brainstorm and try to generate ideas. If I think they're full of shit, I have no qualms about telling them OR ignoring them.

I respect the giants that have come before me...(a semi-humble non bodybuilder on a bodybuilder forum). I actually believe the men (and women) on both sides of this argument are highly intelligent, accomplished humans that can generate thoughtful discourse in real life.

I am confident Readalots mission is to have GROUP participation in moving forward with UGL quality. (You all keep saying he's a narcissist and its all about HIM...well, I will be the first to agree when someone else steps up to help carry the mantle and he jumps all over them).

So far all I have seen is Readalot try to implement a plan...get met with eye rolls and scorn...he retaliates...and everyone says "I told you so." That's literally the play by play from my outside perspective.

Sooo...we can either all try to fucking play nice (and generate ideas)...or take out ball and go home (and ignore the son of a bitch that has the gall to "attack" your favorite source).

Sorry for the long ass rant. You are all (presumably) grownups. I realize I may be coming across as some pompous ass Readalot fan boi...but the best I can say is I have truly tried to look at it from both perspectives. The best I can tell is it pisses everyone off he has so much time to post which triggers his haters...(I don't give a shit how anyone spends there time as long as it doesn't involve direct harm to another living being...and emotional distress by writing posts on the Internet doesn't count).

Shalom, peace, respect... whatever. But sometimes it's ok to re-evaluate why you're pissed off (but again, its not my place to expect that of any one individual...but it is possible to seek common ground if it wanted).
What he said. Not sure why I typed the last gajillion messages when I could’ve just waited for Randall.
It's back down to two camps:
The third camp is practical application and testing. Pushing people to be hplc testing their products for safety measures. Challenge the source with their products in the consumers hand.

It's blows my mind that @Sicsemptyran is pushing for "enhanced testing" has gear on hand, and hasnt tested any of his products. Come the fuck on.
It's blows my mind that @Sicsemptyran is pushing for "enhanced testing" has gear on hand, and hasnt tested any of his products. Come the fuck on.
Ah but alas, that is the key difference. I’m not pushing for enhanced testing. I’m pushing for you guys to not lose your marbles over another guy for wanting it. It’s not a matter of having different opinions, it’s for wanting to crucify a guy for having one.

Regarding my specific case, total retard move on my part and was done due to just wanting to have some oil on hand due to pharmacy shortages in my area. Running this one vial and then back to the stockpiled pharma from the my script for me. Will be homebrewing anything beyond that from here on out (thank you to the many vets for all the information regarding homebrewing, wouldn’t be able to do it without all of you)