The third camp is practical application and testing. Pushing people to be hplc testing their products for safety measures. Challenge the source with their products in the consumers hand.
It's blows my mind that
@Sicsemptyran is pushing for "enhanced testing" has gear on hand, and hasnt tested any of his products. Come the fuck on.
I realize this may be a stupid question (famous last words)...but you are saying the next step in enhanced testing is having more individuals do their own testing?
If so, I'm unclear on the following - (and no, I'm not debating just for the sake of debating...I'm trying to understand because I'm not exactly a UGL veteran) -
1.) I presume your premise only works if all do as you and SHARE test results, correct? (Otherwise,.I have no idea how that promotes harm reduction)
2.) Is it fair to say that the burden of cost on smaller producers by performing enhanced testing is one of the MAJOR critiques of Readalot's strategy?
- if so, how is this more practical? (The individual user will either take on a massive cost...just not likely to happen...but im listening....OR the source will take on significantly increased cost if they have some sore of reimbursement policy).
I have other thoughts but I'm
Ultimately, I disagree with the "little man failing because of the burden of testing" argument (depending on how you define "little man") because I'm open to spending $50 (or more) for a well-tested domestic UGL. I have almost zero intention of ever buying "finished oils" from China ever again...they could give it away for free and I'm not interested (that really isn't meant to sound like a badge of honor...mostly just trying to make clear I'm open to the smaller operations but harder to separate the wheat from the chaff with NEWER sources).
I will admit actually sending off samples of my own gear for testing is a step I have been too lazy to follow through with (I'm not trying to be hypocritical...Ill at least acknowledge my OWN actions don't match the standards many of you follow nor do I even remotely have the same attention to detail as Readalot).
Assuming I am understanding you correctly, do you truly believe that is the best that can be done as the next step? What is inherently wrong about pushing sources to perform this testing? What is to stop the smaller producers from making quality product, shipping it off for testing..AND raising prices accordingly for quality tested gear.
Edit: fuck, I type too goddam much...I swear to God I never start these messages thinking I'm gonna write a fucking soliloquy