To understand
why that is, one must first understand the conceptual difference between two opposite healthcare delivery systems.
I know this is a drift form the original scope of this tread, but a good one, I think. A lot have been said about "socialized" medicine, "rationing" and "dead grandma's". As with everything else now days, this is pure propaganda and brain washing to preserve the status quo.
Let me tell y'all how one becomes a medical professional "over there". For your surprise, professional carrier starts at high school. How so, you might ask? It all starts with the grade system:
6 - Excellent
5 - Very good
4 - Good
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Failed
***The higher education "over there" is free. Yes, you've heard that right -
apply at University, one must have minimum graduation score of 4.5 (where Graduation Score is composed as average from few major disciplines like native language, math, biology etc). Anything less than 4.5 - you
cannot even
apply (your application is automatically rejected). It does not matter if your father have money or not - you have proven not worthy of "free higher education" but more importantly,
you are either dumb ass, or lazy ass,
or both.
Upon application acceptance, a number is assigned to it and from now till acceptance, you are not known by name, but a number.
Mid summer, all applicants attend "acceptance test". Tests are based on type of school - Native language and Biology for medical school, Native Language and Math for Technical School and so on. The subject of the test (essay, math problems etc) are drafted 1h prior to the test and are same for the entire country. The applicants will write their "application number" on the sheet and then work on the test problem(s).
Three professors grade the answers independently, and the average of the three grades is submitted to the admission office. There, the grade is
now matched to a name, and "Acceptance List" is posted on the "wall of cry" (university news board).
As you can see, the system is based purely on merit (knowledge). Once proven "worthy" (think "smart") to receive free high education, the new student enters contractual obligations (I hate to say it, but yes, with the government) that:
1. Will maintain grades to minimum 3.5 or be expelled
2. Upon successful graduation, the new doctor, engineer, teacher etc will be dispatched to a location where such professional services are needed (think 5 years service to society that give you this free education). ***This is not a Gulag

, it is rather a contract...!
After five years, you are free to select where to continue your professional practice. Studies have continuously shown more than 60% of new graduates elect to stay at the place they were originally dispatched - community ties, local respect etc.
Of course, people who excel during the course of study in the university are noted and offered post-grad and work in the scientific field.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Currently, "over there" is a mixture of "free/socialized healthcare" and "private practice".
Everyone (poor or rich) is eligible for free healthcare! However, one have an option to go to private practice, receive immediate attention (no wait lines), gets his ass tingled with a feather and... pay for it.
There is no such thing as insurance "over there". Insurance is a scam, a gamble that more people will pay than people get sick. As Chris Rock once said "Insurance is 'in case of shit'. Well, shit did not happen - I want my money back". Well, it does not work this way, agree?
Now lets talk about the cost. Personal experience...
A porcelain toot cap cost $2,000 here. If insurance covers it, you still pay out of pocket 600 or so. "Over there", the cost is... $95 (the cap) plus $15-25 for dentist work. You've read that right. Fraction of the cost and yet... the cap is made with materials and equipment made in the US. Just... Ely Lilly sold it for "what they can charge for" in the respected country.
We have a child story that goes like that - "once upon a time, a poor man decided to tech his horse how to
not eat in order to save money. The day he finally completed the "teaching process", his horse died". Moral of the story - you cannot squeeze water out of stone i.e. you charge way above what the customer is capable of paying without killing him... Which is the opposite of how insurance works - end customer never revolt because "insurance will cover it, or at least big part of it".
Here lies the major difference - with the sheer number of people entitled and expecting free healthcare, success is not measured in "how many grandmas government kills per year to keep the cost down", but "how many people got sick this year compared to the last" i.e. prevention...
Now the kicker. In my home country (not Russia

), the most famous Oncologist, a member of the National Academy of Science is famous not with the number of tumors he cut and/or irradiated, but with the books teaching how to live and eat healthy, this preventing cancers getting to you in first place.
Oh, and did I mention growing GMO crops in my country is punishable by substantial fine, or five years in jail, or both...
So, my friends, let that sink in. Perhaps you will look a little different when the next asshole on TV proclaim "Russia's bad, mkay"...