Steroid Profile Equipoise

I have only ever ran bold cyp, never EQ. Originally, I liked it quite a bit as a nice addition to a test deca cycle. However, I then tried it by itself with test... More than once. It absolutely killed my sex drive. I just really had no interest in sex at all, which is the antithesis of my normal self.

It doesn't seem to have any affect on me if deca is in there... But I will not run it again by itself. Some info floating around lately seems to indicate it may affect estrogen... I'm not sure if that's accurate or not, I have read into it.
I love me some EQ. The best I’ve ever looked was in a 750 test and 800 EQ cycle with a anadrol.

It’s definitely a niche compound and you essentially have to run it with test on the higher side for it to work its magic, but it’s a great addition to a bulk because it makes a lot of people (myself included) ravenously hungry on top of the muscle-building effects.

It’s a highly variable compound, though. Lots of people get nothing from it. I think of it as kind of a happy medium between deca and masteron.
I love me some EQ. The best I’ve ever looked was in a 750 test and 800 EQ cycle with a anadrol.

It’s definitely a niche compound and you essentially have to run it with test on the higher side for it to work its magic, but it’s a great addition to a bulk because it makes a lot of people (myself included) ravenously hungry on top of the muscle-building effects.

It’s a highly variable compound, though. Lots of people get nothing from it. I think of it as kind of a happy medium between deca and masteron.
Seems like a lot of pins unless you get eq at 300 or 400 mg per ml but eq labeled at those high doses makes me wonder if they really contain that much per ml.
Can you imagine running eq with the old norm from vet steroids, 50mg per ml?
EQ is trash and should be forgotten about in the future. Most people it crashes E2 even with a good amount of test. Alot won’t notice it and some will. Just because you feel ok doesn’t mean your not crashed. My E2 can be a 7 and I’ll feel fine. But the neurological and cardiovascular damage is still happening.

People get superior vascularity on it but thats due to the low E2/water retention. The notorious anxiety issues associated with eq is also from low E2. On top of all of that the undecenoate ester sucks to work with. I’ll give it a 2/10 and never run it again.
I have heard some stuff about anxiety too. I had no issue.
Therefore E2 should be monitored also,as this could be the cause.

The only thing is that boldenone converts to e1 not e2 which is more active and potent.

It does have a mild effect as a AI. I am a low aromatizer and my levels were at a all time low with bold and have never been that low again with other compounds.

I have only ever ran bold cyp, never EQ. Originally, I liked it quite a bit as a nice addition to a test deca cycle. However, I then tried it by itself with test... More than once. It absolutely killed my sex drive. I just really had no interest in sex at all, which is the antithesis of my normal self.

Some info floating around lately seems to indicate it may affect estrogen... I'm not sure if that's accurate or not, I have read into it.
EQ is trash and should be forgotten about in the future. Most people it crashes E2 even with a good amount of test.
The issue with Equipoise, estrogen and aromatase inhibition is really interesting to me.

I'm not aware of any published scientific research showing inhibition in humans (or even horses). Some of boldenone's lesser metabolites reportedly exhibit AI activity according to in vitro studies. And then, there's the fact that boldenone does aromatize to a fair degree although not as much as testosterone. So the published research doesn't strongly support it.

And then, there's the numerous reports on forums and other anecdotal evidence. This can't be ignored.

If boldenone affects estrogen, how exactly does it do it and to what degree? Does it completely counteract all boldenone aromatization? And then some - like @All Nats McGee suggesting it counteracts aromatization from added testosterone?

Do any of you guys have lab work from your previous Equipoise cycles? I know we can't conclusively "prove" anything but it will go towards building a stronger case.

This is where forum communities shine in bridging the gap between science and practice!
The issue with Equipoise, estrogen and aromatase inhibition is really interesting to me.

I'm not aware of any published scientific research showing inhibition in humans (or even horses). Some of boldenone's lesser metabolites reportedly exhibit AI activity according to in vitro studies. And then, there's the fact that boldenone does aromatize to a fair degree although not as much as testosterone. So the published research doesn't strongly support it.

And then, there's the numerous reports on forums and other anecdotal evidence. This can't be ignored.

If boldenone affects estrogen, how exactly does it do it and to what degree? Does it completely counteract all boldenone aromatization? And then some - like @All Nats McGee suggesting it counteracts aromatization from added testosterone?

Do any of you guys have lab work from your previous Equipoise cycles? I know we can't conclusively "prove" anything but it will go towards building a stronger case.

This is where forum communities shine in bridging the gap between science and practice!
Unfortunately I don't have any bloods.

There are indeed numerous reports regarding that. So many that it is hard to ignore if someone wants to run this drug.

The issue with Equipoise, estrogen and aromatase inhibition is really interesting to me.

I'm not aware of any published scientific research showing inhibition in humans (or even horses). Some of boldenone's lesser metabolites reportedly exhibit AI activity according to in vitro studies. And then, there's the fact that boldenone does aromatize to a fair degree although not as much as testosterone. So the published research doesn't strongly support it.

And then, there's the numerous reports on forums and other anecdotal evidence. This can't be ignored.

If boldenone affects estrogen, how exactly does it do it and to what degree? Does it completely counteract all boldenone aromatization? And then some - like @All Nats McGee suggesting it counteracts aromatization from added testosterone?

Do any of you guys have lab work from your previous Equipoise cycles? I know we can't conclusively "prove" anything but it will go towards building a stronger case.

This is where forum communities shine in bridging the gap between science and practice!
I have labs showing values during EQ use. I’ll try and find them.
It did not make sense to me mostly because suggesting to lower DHT by administration of (also) drostanolone keeps the same receptors occupied - therefore maintaining status quo or worse.

In which case the good old medical practice - less is better would apply.

receptor should be the same for everything... receptor for testosterone... DHT should bind strongly to that than test... and people who don’t experience hair loss just don’t have androgen receptor on scalp, it seems..
This is a long read, folks, so if you are not going to read the entire thing, please do not post comments about it.

It is very enlightening with respect to some of the questions being asked and presents real blood tests results.
This is a long read, folks, so if you are not going to read the entire thing, please do not post comments about it.

It is very enlightening with respect to some of the questions being asked and presents real blood tests results.
Thanks, just read it... so, what could be used instead of it? Primobolan?
Hey @Millard here is the lab work while on 300mg test and 300mg EQ.

ive kinda thought EQ had an estrogen suppressive or binding affinity but thought I was just a weird case. I’d agree with everyone’s assumptions, but not sure of the exact pharmakinetics..

This is also my normal E levels while off all gear with natural test levels around 600ng/dL. Definitely builds a case...


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Ive tried eq. Front loaded one time with 1.2 grams if I remember correctly. With 500 test. I aromatize like crazy so kept pounding the A.I. sex drive plummeted but the pumps were crazy. Right now im just into 300 test 420 eq and am gonna use the A.I. sparingly. I can already feel the pumps and skin is looking a little better. If I can keep the sex drive healthy Ill be happy. EQ makes me look great. But with the very weird effects it has on estrogen, can make it a nightmare.
I saw it says Boldenone + masteron as HRT.
Isnt it a bad idea? Some people have their E2 crashed on boldenone only and masteron also is/has serm properties. It was said some people want to keep their hairline therefore not wanting T-> DHT conversion. But afaik masteron is known to rape most ppl's hairline.

So I just don't get why its cool to dig out basically 30-50year compounds and trying to do HRT when TRT works already. If they were so effective why didnt they make it as hrt?
Crashes my estrogen if run higher than testosterone. Increase in appetite, vascularity and endurance. RBC count sky rockets. Some mass. Would use it only for the hunger tho. But MENT boosts my appetite even better and builds a fuck ton more muscle. Overall no plans on using EQ again.