Very interesting approach. I like it.
Glad you mentioned this, as I hate deca and 19 nors are not something I like.
So for me, would you say primobolan would be better choice to add on? I think something like 300mg enanthate.
yes, for sure you may add anything you prefer. I just wanted to show my example of a good cycle based on EQ.
Adding a DHT derivative such as Primobolan or Drostanolone (Mast) would be a great cycle for low sides effects, very clean/quality gains, and a hard/dry look.
Replacing the 19-nor with one of these awesome DHT based compunds (as I mention, Primo is tied for my favorite compound and it would be excellent for someone already lean or cutting.
Something such as the following would be very interesting -- your comment has me wanting to try it

600 mg EQ
600 mg Test
600 mg Primo-E (or 600 mg Drostanolone; I would use Dro-E just to keep esters all similar timing).
Or, of course instead of adding other compounds, or just in addition to the other compounds (everything we mention here are relatively safe and I assume people make healthy lifestyle and diet choices etc. if they are running AAS), we can always add more EQ if there is some desire for more anabolics (I have run EQ up to a gram when I was a lean 240 lb and not only did I look great, I had no issues -- blood works were checked every 6 weeks and I donate blood 3 to 4 times a year -- everything always looked good).
Depending upon what an individual's budget can handle, Primo may also be run relatively high without issue -- I have actually never heard of anyone complain about some serious health issue from running "too much" primo -- I think most people will run out of money before he or she ever adds too much Primo to a cycle.