Steroid Profile Equipoise

Years ago in my twenties I used d EQ and liked its muscle building effects. I never got blood work back then so I can only go on how I felt and looked. I used to alternate cycles of test with tren and then take my break and do another cycle with test and eq. I liked my level of gains and reasonably lean muscular gains.

I definitely preferred it over decca since that stuff gave me ED issues.
Years ago in my twenties I used d EQ and liked its muscle building effects. I never got blood work back then so I can only go on how I felt and looked. I used to alternate cycles of test with tren and then take my break and do another cycle with test and eq. I liked my level of gains and reasonably lean muscular gains.

I definitely preferred it over decca since that stuff gave me ED issues.
What's mean ED ?
Years ago in my twenties I used d EQ and liked its muscle building effects. I never got blood work back then so I can only go on how I felt and looked. I used to alternate cycles of test with tren and then take my break and do another cycle with test and eq. I liked my level of gains and reasonably lean muscular gains.

I definitely preferred it over decca since that stuff gave me ED issues.
During or after your cycle you got ED? Did you pct or cruise? Deca is known for long time metabolites that can fuck up hormonal balance from 6 to 12 months. Thats why some people say you must cruise afterwards. Strange that deca gave you issues (probably prolactin related ED) but tren did not.
During or after your cycle you got ED? Did you pct or cruise? Deca is known for long time metabolites that can fuck up hormonal balance from 6 to 12 months. Thats why some people say you must cruise afterwards. Strange that deca gave you issues (probably prolactin related ED) but tren did not.
During my cycle with deca I had some bad ED. At the time I was getting it prescribed by a doctor so maybe since it was pharmacy grade legit and the tren I was getting was UG maybe the tren wasn't pure (e.g. had some test mixed in)? Who knows? It's been a long time.

I'm not saying I didn't have ED issues with tren but I remember it being worse with deca.

I'm 50 years old now. So we're talking about me doing deca twenty-five years ago. No one really advocated cruising on testosterone after doing deca. It was typically cycles lasting three months and then take a three month break. And in my late twenties and early thirties some advocated doing a cycle on and off every other month. I liked how that worked out for me. It's the same amount of time as doing two three month cycles in a year. It seems people discourage that approach today.
"And in my late twenties and early thirties some advocated doing a cycle on and off every other month."

Using Deca or basically any long ester can mean you were never really off. Especially the tren and deca very long metabolites.

I like the idea of 1 month on 1 month off with short acting compounds. Orals or short esters or even no ester..
Hello! in anticipation of doing 3 cycles a year, without having too high demands (good musculature and 10% bf are more than enough) I thought of associating EQ and testo E with 2 injections per week. so far I have only run 250 testo E per week, I don't develop gynecomastia but my nipples get itchy so I assume I convert a lot to estrogen. for this I wanted to use slightly higher doses than the TRT and work mainly with EQ. How about?
I really like these profiles & subsequent discussions of different drugs etc in a central place. However, I only see a small number of profiles. Can other substances be added.


If it's purely steroidal drugs, than there are still a number waiting.
During my cycle with deca I had some bad ED. At the time I was getting it prescribed by a doctor so maybe since it was pharmacy grade legit and the tren I was getting was UG maybe the tren wasn't pure (e.g. had some test mixed in)? Who knows? It's been a long time.

I'm not saying I didn't have ED issues with tren but I remember it being worse with deca.

I'm 50 years old now. So we're talking about me doing deca twenty-five years ago. No one really advocated cruising on testosterone after doing deca. It was typically cycles lasting three months and then take a three month break. And in my late twenties and early thirties some advocated doing a cycle on and off every other month. I liked how that worked out for me. It's the same amount of time as doing two three month cycles in a year. It seems people discourage that approach today.
So what do you do now at the half century mark? How is the blood pressure, and what do you do to protect your health?
Equipoise does not directly reduce DHT. Neither does Masteron. They indirectly reduce DHT proportionate with the degree to which they suppress the endogenous or natural production of testosterone.

Equipoise is only weakly potentiated by the 5α-reductase and much less so than testosterone. Masteron is not converted to DHT at all.

The net result of an Equipoise+Masteron stack is lower DHT levels.

However, this is only true if you don't include any other AAS that are converted to DHT.
Masteron is dht derived and is a form of dht
The only thing is that boldenone converts to e1 not e2 which is more active and potent. This I think limits its abilities because you have to run high doses for good anabolic effects so its ability to stack is limited. On the other hand, it has good strength gains and equal or superior connective tissue positive effects to deca and low water retention. I probably wont use it anymore because I did get anxiety effects from it and i used bold cyp which im pretty sure is fake sometimes and the undec ester is too long imo. It does have a mild effect as a AI. I am a low aromatizer and my levels were at a all time low with bold and have never been that low again with other compounds. I do not use AIs. Besides I really love nandrolone now because it made me feel euphoric at times and super horny. And it does convert to a form of e2 which is great because I aromatize low and benifit from the extra e2 kick. I did really like how bold didnt cause a ton of hypertrophy because i dont train hypertrophy much.
You didn't gain muscle hypertrophy cos you don't train for hypertrophy obviously that's why durr, and deca is the worst for libido performance which you Wil eventually experience
You didn't gain muscle hypertrophy cos you don't train for hypertrophy obviously that's why durr, and deca is the worst for libido performance which you Wil eventually experience
Idk i trained the same but got bigger on deca. I mean if its anabolic you will grow no doubt but I do believe in hitting as many anabolic pathways as you can so using test and then a progesterone based drug did wonders for me. I finally did get the dick effects on the second round of deca which was my third round of nandrolone. Had to change the ratio of test to nan for my shit to work better.