Steroid Profile Equipoise

I’ve run most of the usual suspects including EQ at 500mg week. I’ve never had aggressive symptoms from any AAS until I ran tren ace. It actually made me angry to the point of scaring me. I wonder if EQ with a low dose parabolan would be less edgy?
I’ve never had aggressive symptoms from any AAS until I ran tren ace. It actually made me angry to the point of scaring me.

I would not run trenbolone again. Use other drugs. Mast, primo, deca, many options. I don't know what else you're considering, so can't really comment otherwise.
curious to hear more input on everyones "sweet spot" EQ dosage. obviously it varies person to person

Really want to add it to the next cycle, but don't want a massive anxiety spike
Sweet spot is 400-600mg for me. Usually no issues, apart some aggression here and there. Clean stuff when combined with similar dose of Testosterone works great and gives that nice and full look. Minimum is 200-300mg to get any kind of benefit.
How's the acne with EQ? I'm trying find something else to replace Primo. Primo was giving me some bad chest acne at 600mg a week.
I was thinking of running 400mg test/400mg EQ + HCG for my next babby blast.
How's the acne with EQ? I'm trying find something else to replace Primo. Primo was giving me some bad chest acne at 600mg a week.
I was thinking of running 400mg test/400mg EQ + HCG for my next babby blast.
I run 500test/300 EQ and never have acne isssues have ran that exact 400/400 and no issues
How's the acne with EQ? I'm trying find something else to replace Primo. Primo was giving me some bad chest acne at 600mg a week.
I was thinking of running 400mg test/400mg EQ + HCG for my next babby blast.
Not really gonna help you as everyone is different. I get almost none acne on eq or medium/long esters. However prop is problematic unless injected ed, orals like dbol too. Anavar is not so bad. See, there is no rule that you can apply to yourself, unless you try it out. Nutrition also plays a major role.
Eq gave me severe anxiety that goes away when I eat. I don’t feel hungry, I know what hunger feels like. My guess is that EQ trigger some sort of anxiety pathway that for some people are linked to the hunger pathway. Some people, like me, will feel more anxiety and others feel more of the hunger.
Eq gave me severe anxiety that goes away when I eat. I don’t feel hungry, I know what hunger feels like. My guess is that EQ trigger some sort of anxiety pathway that for some people are linked to the hunger pathway. Some people, like me, will feel more anxiety and others feel more of the hunger.
yeah Im the same but once I start eating I get hungrier.

I'd never use it for cutting
curious to hear more input on everyones "sweet spot" EQ dosage. obviously it varies person to person

Really want to add it to the next cycle, but don't want a massive anxiety spike
For me 500 mg a week. To avoid anxiety first month do 250mg a week then slowly go up. Always run it less mg's then test, or use dianabol to keep estrogen in check.
I think anxiety comes from front loading or crashing estro. Personally never had anxiety from it except first time when I preloaded it and crashed my estro.
Also u have to be patient with Eq. Takes a loot to kick in and fine tune.
Eq gave me severe anxiety that goes away when I eat. I don’t feel hungry, I know what hunger feels like. My guess is that EQ trigger some sort of anxiety pathway that for some people are linked to the hunger pathway. Some people, like me, will feel more anxiety and others feel more of the hunger.
Interesting.point. Glp peptides like semaglutide, tirz, etc elicit a satiated, low anxiety state that carries over from more than food. They show great efficacy in squashing addictions too (Gamblng, booze, drugs, etc) by "quieting the void." They take away that inner need to keep stuffing yourself full of whatever to fill the emptiness.

I wonder if equipoise has odd effects on that pathway, relating to the increased hunger/anxiety.

I tried EQ once and the anxiety was insane for me.

I'm really interested in playing around with sema or tirz for the aforementioned reasons, not for weight loss
Think EQ is going to be a staple in all my cycles going forward. Running 1g/week and love the gains and cosmetic effects. The vascularity is also nuts

As an added benefit it increases endurance. I can feel this much more with my daily runs

What?? Has it kicked already? It seems like 10 days ago we were discussing your rebound cycle. Awesome man, i can't wait to start in September.
EQ tanked my estrogen running 700 test 700 eq my e2 was 13 and all my joints feel like crap. For reference on 700 test 700 primo my e2 is around 40 and I feel great
What?? Has it kicked already? It seems like 10 days ago we were discussing your rebound cycle. Awesome man, i can't wait to start in September.
I'm about 4 (maybe 5) weeks in on it currently, so it's probably just reaching the saturation point. I started the EQ towards the end of my cut so it's been in my system before i started the transition to a bulk like 2 weeks ago, I'm still waiting for the test to fully saturate in my system since increasing the dose

750 test
1000 eq
100 primo (e2 control)
400 mast
x GH (not sure how many IUs im actually getting from k4l's product ; switching to 6iu of TP GH soon)

down the road i might add 5iu insulin post workout (starting low just for safe measure)
How many weeks do you guys think until the dose is somewhat stabilised in the system? I plan on running 300 test e with 250 EQ, give it a few weeks (4?) and check my estrogen level, then adjust from there with either 50 more of one or the other depending on the results and reassess. That sound somewhat sensible or just send it and do 400:400?