Estimated BF%

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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5'11, age 37, currently 230lbs.

Pic on left taken Feb (254lb), when I started at 100% bf lol; now I'm guessing I'm around 15% or so, after an intentionally, super-slow recomp (still in progress). I could be totally wrong, so I'm asking you guys to use your laser eye precision to tell me what you think I'm at. View attachment 155681

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Sorry I suck at posing lol.

That's some great fucking progress, man, but the only way to actually know your bf% is to get it tested. There are a bunch of places you can do that for very little money.
That's some great fucking progress, man, but the only way to actually know your bf% is to get it tested. There are a bunch of places you can do that for very little money.
Why pay $40 when you can just ask people who also haven't ever got tested your body fat %

As if they can see visceral fat
Well, I'm debating whether to blast test/deca and bulk, but I'm still too fat because I agree that I'm around 18%; apparently it is best to go low bodyfat then bulk up to 15%.

so I guess I should just do Test/ Tren E instead?
Well, I'm debating whether to blast test/deca and bulk, but I'm still too fat because I agree that I'm around 18%; apparently it is best to go low bodyfat then bulk up to 15%.

so I guess I should just do Test/ Tren E instead?
I cut 20 lbs this past summer with Test c and NPP. You could use tren, but I usually try to advise against it. I have used tren a few times now and I love it. I respond very well with minimal sides, and I still advise against it more often than not. It's just a very harsh compound
Oh, I'm not upset at all. I did this very slowly on purpose, even a very flexible diet so I didn't miss any foods I love. I'm not a competitor or anything so why rush it?

So then the question now is, shouldn't I just keep leaning out and not bulk until I'm lower BF? This is why I'm juggling whether I should go Deca or jump on Tren E for my next cycle.
A billion times yes keep cutting before you bulk, your current body fat is like a little more than I consider maxed out bulk

If you wanna run deca do it you can still cut, a nice test deca mast long esters combo is my favorite

It’ll all be diet and cardio obviously, deca can help you when your mentally tired from being flat in the mirror. Keeps you a bit fuller

I wanna see you do well!! You have a good enough base id say you could cut pretty hard then get to your growing phase again
A billion times yes keep cutting before you bulk, your current body fat is like a little more than I consider maxed out bulk

If you wanna run deca do it you can still cut, a nice test deca mast long esters combo is my favorite

It’ll all be diet and cardio obviously, deca can help you when your mentally tired from being flat in the mirror. Keeps you a bit fuller

I wanna see you do well!! You have a good enough base id say you could cut pretty hard then get to your growing phase again
I mean, I could have cut WAYYY faster and within three months, like I did years ago, but I wanted to take my time and literally was at 230 for months; I still am 230, but look way different lol, so I am recomping super slow, and I'm not doing any cardio nor am I dieting hard at all; I'm eating literally the same way when I started.

I'm also taking t3, and I noticed that my digestion is so much better to the point I don't want to get off it. Been doing 50mcg a day. I used to have problems shitting no matter how I ate, but now it's just one perfect poop very well formed and out.

Been doing 5ius of Goodlyfe for at least 5 months now; the first two months was 3ius ed. My readings at 5iu came back IGF levels at 371, so I wnated to go nuts, I could blast 10ius to reach 600+, but I'm debating to drop the GH all together and just up the gear.

My Test 480/Primo 660 is gonna end in a few days... Since I'm on TRT, I don't care about coming off or resting between cycles. My bloodwork came back quite fine actually.

I can deal with Tren and my body responds well on it, but I do have deca raws and I was gonna save the Tren for next year after running the Deca. I also haven't run tren above 400mg in my life.

I was even thinking running the deca quite high, with low test, letting the deca do the work, or do the typical more test less deca, but all i read about is how NPP is better, that deca will bloat your ass, and after losing all this fat/size, sounds like the exact opposite of what I want to do.

So I don't want to get off t3, which is counter productive in being in a surplus, but I'm fat enough to not be in a surplus. The "maingaining" thing seems to be working; I know everyone shits on Doucette about it, but it does work because the variance of training, drugs, and obvious impossibility of CICO being identical per day, favors body recomp over a LONG time.

But if I'm not eating like a fat whale, why would deca bloat me?
I mean, I could have cut WAYYY faster and within three months, like I did years ago, but I wanted to take my time and literally was at 230 for months; I still am 230, but look way different lol, so I am recomping super slow, and I'm not doing any cardio nor am I dieting hard at all; I'm eating literally the same way when I started.

I'm also taking t3, and I noticed that my digestion is so much better to the point I don't want to get off it. Been doing 50mcg a day. I used to have problems shitting no matter how I ate, but now it's just one perfect poop very well formed and out.

Been doing 5ius of Goodlyfe for at least 5 months now; the first two months was 3ius ed. My readings at 5iu came back IGF levels at 371, so I wnated to go nuts, I could blast 10ius to reach 600+, but I'm debating to drop the GH all together and just up the gear.

My Test 480/Primo 660 is gonna end in a few days... Since I'm on TRT, I don't care about coming off or resting between cycles. My bloodwork came back quite fine actually.

I can deal with Tren and my body responds well on it, but I do have deca raws and I was gonna save the Tren for next year after running the Deca. I also haven't run tren above 400mg in my life.

I was even thinking running the deca quite high, with low test, letting the deca do the work, or do the typical more test less deca, but all i read about is how NPP is better, that deca will bloat your ass, and after losing all this fat/size, sounds like the exact opposite of what I want to do.

So I don't want to get off t3, which is counter productive in being in a surplus, but I'm fat enough to not be in a surplus. The "maingaining" thing seems to be working; I know everyone shits on Doucette about it, but it does work because the variance of training, drugs, and obvious impossibility of CICO being identical per day, favors body recomp over a LONG time.

But if I'm not eating like a fat whale, why would deca bloat me?
Exactly, it won’t haha especially with the t3 in, I’m on it too haha 40mcg

imo it’s not counterproductive, just not to run it too high, like 30-40mcg bulking I’d say and more than that you just can’t keep up with the food to grow if your putting any effort into the gym

and on the test deca thing, I like to match them instead of one higher than the other and I’m gnna try them high as fuck like a gram each after I finish this “cut”
Exactly, it won’t haha especially with the t3 in, I’m on it too haha 40mcg

imo it’s not counterproductive, just not to run it too high, like 30-40mcg bulking I’d say and more than that you just can’t keep up with the food to grow if your putting any effort into the gym

and on the test deca thing, I like to match them instead of one higher than the other and I’m gnna try them high as fuck like a gram each after I finish this “cut”
I've read about how what causes the deca dick and other issues is having test too high.

Someone told me this on SST, which I found interesting:

Deca has negative effects on the heart/vascular system due to a lack of estrogen , however this isn’t going to be as prevalent an issue when running a high enough dose or stacking with other compounds that more easily fulfill the conversion to estrogen role in your body.

Tren is far worse for you.

Best recommendation would be to keep low/no test and run deca or a combination of deca + tren. Typically, I run 25-50mgs test with deca under 600mgs and no test with deca at 600mgs+/week, or utilize dbol for estrogen. Deca exacerbates estrogenic/progesterone side effects and, if run with anything that is extremely estrogenic, is going to make you watery/have the usual, famous deca sides. I recommend estrogen to a point still because it’s necessary for health, building muscle, and feeling well. When controlling your estrogen by manipulating your compounds first, you’ll have a much smoother cycle experience and look better than you could’ve imagined.

What are your thoughts? One of my friends first cycles was Deca only and he said he was totally fine.
I've read about how what causes the deca dick and other issues is having test too high.

Someone told me this on SST, which I found interesting:

Deca has negative effects on the heart/vascular system due to a lack of estrogen , however this isn’t going to be as prevalent an issue when running a high enough dose or stacking with other compounds that more easily fulfill the conversion to estrogen role in your body.

Tren is far worse for you.

Best recommendation would be to keep low/no test and run deca or a combination of deca + tren. Typically, I run 25-50mgs test with deca under 600mgs and no test with deca at 600mgs+/week, or utilize dbol for estrogen. Deca exacerbates estrogenic/progesterone side effects and, if run with anything that is extremely estrogenic, is going to make you watery/have the usual, famous deca sides. I recommend estrogen to a point still because it’s necessary for health, building muscle, and feeling well. When controlling your estrogen by manipulating your compounds first, you’ll have a much smoother cycle experience and look better than you could’ve imagined.

What are your thoughts? One of my friends first cycles was Deca only and he said he was totally fine.
I kinda tried the high nand only thing, I used 600npp 600mast and little dbol
I've read about how what causes the deca dick and other issues is having test too high.

Someone told me this on SST, which I found interesting:

Deca has negative effects on the heart/vascular system due to a lack of estrogen , however this isn’t going to be as prevalent an issue when running a high enough dose or stacking with other compounds that more easily fulfill the conversion to estrogen role in your body.

Tren is far worse for you.

Best recommendation would be to keep low/no test and run deca or a combination of deca + tren. Typically, I run 25-50mgs test with deca under 600mgs and no test with deca at 600mgs+/week, or utilize dbol for estrogen. Deca exacerbates estrogenic/progesterone side effects and, if run with anything that is extremely estrogenic, is going to make you watery/have the usual, famous deca sides. I recommend estrogen to a point still because it’s necessary for health, building muscle, and feeling well. When controlling your estrogen by manipulating your compounds first, you’ll have a much smoother cycle experience and look better than you could’ve imagined.

What are your thoughts? One of my friends first cycles was Deca only and he said he was totally fine.
That guy is correct.
Things like tren are great if you are going to be on stage - many guys can continue to run tren (and halo or superdrol) while dropping all the things that add water.

But tren or deca have nothing to do with fat.

All steroids help you keep muscle while cutting. I have frequently kept test high and used deca in the beginning of a cut. In fact, I don't know if I will ever run tren again except in the last few weeks before stepping on stage (if I ever do that again).

The point here is that I have cut on high test and deca . . . and it works well.

No, that's not the point. Maybe the point is just what I wrote above, the diet matters. The hormones are just selected to retain muscle in a calorie deficit. Even just straight test will have that effect.

I hope this rambling makes some sort of sense for those reading.
Tren definitely helps with recomping like he's trying to do. I've replaced it with EQ and Primo and they were not close to my recomp results I've had with Tren. Same with every one else I know that has used it.
You run enough tren and every ounce of fat you have will turn to muscle. But it sounds like you've been on cycle for some time. Any plans to give your body a break?

I have also run something like 100mg tren and 200 deca and you can recomp on that.
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30-35 in the first and 22-25 in second.
At 15 you should have some sort of visible abs when flexed and good light.
At 185-190 max 195 you would have visible abs i think.
You run enough tren and every ounce of fat you have will turn to muscle. But it sounds like you've been on cycle for some time. Any plans to give your body a break?

I have also run something like 100mg tren and 200 deca and you can recomp on that.
I already did, for 10 years lol. I'm trying to compete in Classic asap, hopefully by the end of the year but we shall see.
I wouldn't even look at deca if I was you. I would run a low test and 70mgs of whinny a day along with 50 mgs of tren ace every other day. Tren e sucks. You look around 18 percent with that cycle u should get to around 14 percent if u eat good. I would also throw in 500 mgs of primo it's the best on holding on to muscle on a deficit.