A billion times yes keep cutting before you bulk, your current body fat is like a little more than I consider maxed out bulk
If you wanna run deca do it you can still cut, a nice test deca mast long esters combo is my favorite
It’ll all be diet and cardio obviously, deca can help you when your mentally tired from being flat in the mirror. Keeps you a bit fuller
I wanna see you do well!! You have a good enough base id say you could cut pretty hard then get to your growing phase again
I mean, I could have cut WAYYY faster and within three months, like I did years ago, but I wanted to take my time and literally was at 230 for months; I still am 230, but look way different lol, so I am recomping super slow, and I'm not doing any cardio nor am I dieting hard at all; I'm eating literally the same way when I started.
I'm also taking t3, and I noticed that my digestion is so much better to the point I don't want to get off it. Been doing 50mcg a day. I used to have problems shitting no matter how I ate, but now it's just one perfect poop very well formed and out.
Been doing 5ius of Goodlyfe for at least 5 months now; the first two months was 3ius ed. My readings at 5iu came back IGF levels at 371, so I wnated to go nuts, I could blast 10ius to reach 600+, but I'm debating to drop the GH all together and just up the gear.
My Test 480/Primo 660 is gonna end in a few days... Since I'm on TRT, I don't care about coming off or resting between cycles. My bloodwork came back quite fine actually.
I can deal with Tren and my body responds well on it, but I do have deca raws and I was gonna save the Tren for next year after running the Deca. I also haven't run tren above 400mg in my life.
I was even thinking running the deca quite high, with low test, letting the deca do the work, or do the typical more test less deca, but all i read about is how NPP is better, that deca will bloat your ass, and after losing all this fat/size, sounds like the exact opposite of what I want to do.
So I don't want to get off t3, which is counter productive in being in a surplus, but I'm fat enough to not be in a surplus. The "maingaining" thing seems to be working; I know everyone shits on Doucette about it, but it does work because the variance of training, drugs, and obvious impossibility of CICO being identical per day, favors body recomp over a LONG time.
But if I'm not eating like a fat whale, why would deca bloat me?