EU domestic source talk

En mi opinión, el uso razonable de DNP es más seguro que lo que algunas personas hacen con t3.
DNP es el único quemador de grasa que no ejerce presión sobre su corazón.
200 mg al día, sin aumentar ni disminuir, 2-3 semanas, entrenamiento y cardio reducidos al mínimo, déficit de kcal e hidratación (+electrolitos) y todos deberían estar bien mientras pierden una buena cantidad de grasa corporal + al mismo tiempo aumentan la insulina sensibilidad..
en mi opinión, una excelente manera de comenzar tu fase de corte debido a la retención de agua.
Are the results of DNP mre or less durable?
Are the results of DNP mre or less durable?

depends how you structure everything.
if you go for 3 weeks dnp with 1700kcal and directly after you stuff your ass with crap - you will get fat again.
thats why i always like it at the start of a diet - 3 weeks dnp (where you also retain water and the look at the first glance doesnt improve) then another 6 weeks cutting and then reverse diet (slowly add carbs)
depends how you structure everything.
if you go for 3 weeks dnp with 1700kcal and directly after you stuff your ass with crap - you will get fat again.
thats why i always like it at the start of a diet - 3 weeks dnp (where you also retain water and the look at the first glance doesnt improve) then another 6 weeks cutting and then reverse diet (slowly add carbs)
Thanks, it sounds good.
crap never xD
i dont know a source but would like to tell ya its not worth it. The Steps to cut even below 8%
Kcal deficit
aas( test base)
2-4 ius gh
t3 ( if needed)
androgens (mast, primo)

And at this Point you should stage ready trust me, no dnp needet you get cooked alive

with the chance of ruining the good energy in here and also with due respect your feelings regarding DNP, I have to say I have done DNP during several bulk and cut cycles without issues. I keep it around 200-300 for 4 weeks. is not something I just want to jump in and use. I asked for source
Any good sources for BPC157 and TB500? Wanted to order from Liska but he doesn't have BPC157 in stock.

My father has issues with his knees and is willing to try these out.
Guys, I'm looking to buy 3-6 months worth of HGH in a last ditch attempt to sort out my shoulder and hopefully get back to the gym.

Any advice on where to purchase that is either located in or will ship to the UK?

Seems Test U is out of stock anywhere, must be production problems in China or similar?

If anybody knows a source that still carries HCG and Test U id be glad if someone could tell me. Switching from 2 years undecanoate ester to Test E/C again will be a pain in the ass to maintain 125mg/week doasge given the long half life. But since im running out this month it seems nececary,