EU domestic source talk

Dutch distro out of Limburg province. South part of Netherlands that is known for drug and gun trafficking, along with exporting stolen vehicles. Website is Steroiden dot com. There is a notice on the website saying it has been seized and that the Dutch polite have gained access to the servers.
Dutch distro out of Limburg province. South part of Netherlands that is known for drug and gun trafficking, along with exporting stolen vehicles. Website is Steroiden dot com. There is a notice on the website saying it has been seized and that the Dutch polite have gained access to the servers.
Main Reseller of mactropin correct ?
Dutch distro out of Limburg province. South part of Netherlands that is known for drug and gun trafficking, along with exporting stolen vehicles. Website is Steroiden dot com. There is a notice on the website saying it has been seized and that the Dutch polite have gained access to the servers.
Damn and it says something about they got the customer´s info LOL, some are gonna get an undesireable knock at their door step, even though i don´t think buying steroids for self use is considered a felony in europe
Damn and it says something about they got the customer´s info LOL, some are gonna get an undesireable knock at their door step, even though i don´t think buying steroids for self use is considered a felony in europe
No but in my country the fines for importing are from 5k to 10k euros
It was only a Question .
I think they speak in this articel only of the Steroiden website .
Dont know If the whole lab is busted or only the site.
Hope mac wrote anything in his thread and clarify it .
Hope everything is okay with him .
Only be careful guys .
Main Reseller of mactropin correct ?
Yes and they are still listed as a reseller on their website. Maybe they haven’t figured it out yet, but I’m sure the Dutch cybercrime have already been making phone calls and exploiting all the information on the seized servers.
Yes and they are still listed as a reseller on their website. Maybe they haven’t figured it out yet, but I’m sure the Dutch cybercrime have already been making phone calls and exploiting all the information on the seized servers.
Thanks .
We will see how far it goes and If the lab get also a bust or not .
i usually order from catcafe or deupowershop. but liska is out of a couple of stuff right now. now thinking about ordering from deuspowershop but boy they need 2.3 weeks to deliver. which fast sources can you recomend?
Damn and it says something about they got the customer´s info LOL, some are gonna get an undesireable knock at their door step, even though i don´t think buying steroids for self use is considered a felony in europe
The notice always say that. Doesn't scare me anymore.
And Europe make up many different countries retard. Most of them have strict laws on steroids.
I ordered from 3 days ago, I think my order wasn’t even sent yet… do I just forget about the order now? Or there’s a chance they’ll be up again?
I ordered from 3 days ago, I think my order wasn’t even sent yet… do I just forget about the order now? Or there’s a chance they’ll be up again?

In my opinion your stuff in gone .
Here is one of the articles .

Yes true but if you appear in a database next time you get a package guess who will be interested in whats in it?
There's 51 countries in Europe, 27 in the EU. I can't imagine that customs are going to open packages in every country based on this list. But maybe I'm optimistic.
There's 51 countries in Europe, 27 in the EU. I can't imagine that customs are going to open packages in every country based on this list. But maybe I'm optimistic.
You are optimistic as police in the EU countries collaborate and most are cracking down on roids especially my country (RO) . So the dutch give the info to Romania and they handle it from there.
There is need for money right now and they want to get it by any means hence the recent changes in the law regarding aas.
Looking for a GHB source!
Since GHB has a direct correlation with GH production I suppose i can get away with this request.
Summer time is upon us, and i need my alternative to alcohol. Anyone knows someone who makes it? Im aware it can be done by myself but im not a big user of it, I just need a little bottle for this party season.
Please dont make nasty rape comments. I know it has a dark side to it.