EU domestic source talk

I was looking for the best primobolan on market .. shipping from eu .. i always use rimo from bayer but they have a stock problem temporary..and my packages from turkey are busted by customs can anybody help me to good primobolan greetZ
Read trough the Underground and make your decision.
What dosages where you using? What where your results?
I take 1 amp rimobolan bayer each day 3 months with sustanon ...
Then bridge 1 sust 2 rimos for 3 months year round for 5 years now .. results are good ...
But i was looking for the best ug primobolan send from eu cauze the stock problem from bayer ... can anyone help me ?
I take 1 amp rimobolan bayer each day 3 months with sustanon ...
Then bridge 1 sust 2 rimos for 3 months year round for 5 years now .. results are good ...
But i was looking for the best ug primobolan send from eu cauze the stock problem from bayer ... can anyone help me ?
Most primobolan is good have not seen a fake or underdosed in while thats why i say make a decision from there its hard to go wrong really.
There is 3 good ones with EU shipping on the first page
Any eu sources carrying primo 200mg? I know Liska stocks it but not in stock atm. Got bayer primo here but prefer to use less oil and pin a 200mg vial
Looking for a GHB source!
Since GHB has a direct correlation with GH production I suppose i can get away with this request.
Summer time is upon us, and i need my alternative to alcohol. Anyone knows someone who makes it? Im aware it can be done by myself but im not a big user of it, I just need a little bottle for this party season.
Please dont make nasty rape comments. I know it has a dark side to it.
Great stuff!! Im also looking for a source.
Do you guys know any good raw sources that are not here in meso?
I am interested in the ones that are not reshippers, and are directly the manufacturers of the raws instead.
Any good sources in the Netherlands or Belgium now that Mactropin and steroiden has been busted?

DarkBB and Driadashop is an option but if there is a source that ships directly from NL that would be appreciated.