EU domestic source talk

Not selling dnp even if hypothetical I start sourcing. Is risky for your liberty doing that.
And getting dnp is not that hard as you believe. The reason why there aren't sources selling dnp is not because they can't buy powder
And yes I have bought dnp during summer and nothing has set on fire during shipping.

Why are talking about something you don't know or have you done?
So why no one stocks it? There are few source and goodluck finding legit and not underdosed shit. Here no one is saying it will catch fire but is a possibility. The China source I asked are not able to ship also If they can source it. I have sent you a PM check it pls
Don’t know if should even ask but…has anyone been using Hilma products lately? I haven’t personally but I’ve been hearing locally from people who have, and I’m not hearing good things. Underdosed and crazy PIP. One even thinks he might have an infection. Can’t be sure on the original source of the products though so I didn’t want to ask in the Hilma thread.
Just curious to see what people here have to say.
I mean you can find quite a few companys in china selling dnp, but there is no way 1kg of dnp is making it through customs lol
So why no one stocks it? There are few source and goodluck finding legit and not underdosed shit. Here no one is saying it will catch fire but is a possibility. The China source I asked are not able to ship also If they can source it. I have sent you a PM check it pls
Because if a idiot die then police will bust the source for sure. Not worth the risk for a source. Same as you see antibiotics for sell and not benzos
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So why no one stocks it? There are few source and goodluck finding legit and not underdosed shit. Here no one is saying it will catch fire but is a possibility. The China source I asked are not able to ship also If they can source it. I have sent you a PM check it pls
The possibility to catch fire during shipping only if they ship next to the turbo engine from the plane and the fire from the box will fire the powder.

Talk to Ci or Tom and they will sort you out
I can tell that also no one is willing to sell dnp. Just few source...
That's the reason not because they can't buy the powder or put in a capsule. If one idiot overdose and die they are done. Same as one guy take benzo and kill themselves the source is in prison for a long time
Don’t know if should even ask but…has anyone been using Hilma products lately? I haven’t personally but I’ve been hearing locally from people who have, and I’m not hearing good things. Underdosed and crazy PIP. One even thinks he might have an infection. Can’t be sure on the original source of the products though so I didn’t want to ask in the Hilma thread.
Just curious to see what people here have to say.

I was very disappointed with their gear. Pretty sure primo was fake and test gave my system some kind of bacterial response or something (elevated eosinophils and monocytes). It was evident on cbc. I trashed 300€ worth of gear.
That's the reason not because they can't buy the powder or put in a capsule. If one idiot overdose and die they are done. Same as one guy take benzo and kill themselves the source is in prison for a long time
I talked with my regular supplier from UK and he says that it's not easy to get like was used to. Also stacking in capsules it's not that easy