EU domestic source talk

You are optimistic as police in the EU countries collaborate and most are cracking down on roids especially my country (RO) . So the dutch give the info to Romania and they handle it from there.
There is need for money right now and they want to get it by any means hence the recent changes in the law regarding aas.
Can you update us on what is happening in Romania?

Because here in Bulgaria there is like over 10 online shops for AAS and some even have their phone numbers displayed on the site.
Can you update us on what is happening in Romania?

Because here in Bulgaria there is like over 10 online shops for AAS and some even have their phone numbers displayed on the site.
Here also but once the law changed they all closed shop.
It was about 10 also give or take but 3 have now opened again .
They where good sources especially for balkan hcg and so on . But im scared to order anymore as them closing and opening does not inspire trust .
At the moment i need hcg like air so might pull the trigger but im scared to be honest .
Here also but once the law changed they all closed shop.
It was about 10 also give or take but 3 have now opened again .
They where good sources especially for balkan hcg and so on . But im scared to order anymore as them closing and opening does not inspire trust .
At the moment i need hcg like air so might pull the trigger but im scared to be honest .
I meant what exactly says the new law? What is forbidden and what are the punishments?
This is the new law
Manufacture, preparation, processing, processing, supply, sale, distribution, dispatch, transportation, procurement, purchase, holding or other operations relating to the circulation of high-risk doping substances, excluding synthetic anabolic steroids, testosterone and its derivatives, erythropoietin, growth hormones and chemicals that increase the natural production and release of testosterone or growth hormones, without right, constitute a contravention and are sanctioned with a fine from 7,500 lei to 15,000 lei.
(2) Offering, selling, distributing, sending, transporting, purchasing, buying, holding synthetic anabolic steroids, testosterone and its derivatives, erythropoietin, growth hormones and chemicals that increase the natural production and release of testosterone or growth hormones, without right, constitutes a contravention and is sanctioned with a fine from 20,000 lei to 40,000 lei.
The introduction or removal from the country, as well as the import or export of synthetic anabolic steroids, testosterone and its derivatives, erythropoietin, growth hormones and chemicals that increase the natural production and release of testosterone or growth hormone without authorization issued by the competent authorities, constitutes a contravention and is sanctioned with a fine from 30,000 lei to 45,000 lei.
The sad thing is they appointed new minister of sports a long time user who to show how a good boy he is turned on us and gave away all detailed of how things work in gyms and buying online. And the crack down began ….
Edit: this fines compared to income are crazy high up to 10000 euros almost if not paid prison is expected.
9100 euros to be exact
Meaning if you have 2 vials you get the 5000 euros
If you have a whole cycle you get the 9100 euros
Edit: you where right if i order local than 8000 euros
Wo knows a good source of HCG. I lost my supplier and am in need of the right quality. Have to stop with trt because of disease problems that turn out to get more heavy
fuck this luck… had two situations in one month, I guess no blast and no TRT this year, natty life already lost most of what I’ve built, this is getting depressing
This shit happens all the time in my country. This is why I'd rather brew my own stuff.

Some sellers don't encrypt computers. They forget to lock chat apps on phone so they are logged on to wickr when cops catch them.
They sometimes have lists and names and adresses on papers with orders.
Dosages are not accurate and most times UG-labs and sellers do exit scams.
I was looking for the best primobolan on market .. shipping from eu .. i always use rimo from bayer but they have a stock problem temporary..and my packages from turkey are busted by customs can anybody help me to good primobolan greetZ