EU domestic source talk anyone? Their product line is interesting and prices are good. Iv just seen alot of negative reviews. Anybody care to enlighten me?
Have used a few of their bits in the past. Helios and injectable superdrol were both very good.
What's metformin for? I have like 50x1000mg of it but it completely ruined my stomach.
Insulin sensitivity. Stomach problems should go away in the first week ish. Rn i take 500mg berberine with a high carb meal ( example. post workout) and 500mg metformin in the evening. You could split the tab in half to start with 500mg then if you feel like it up it to 1g per day
mainly insulin sensitivity we are looking for

It helps a lot with fat oxidation.

It is also used for anti-aging protocols.

mild dermatitis skin problems, acne, even psoriasis, depending on the degree you have.

the first week it can cause stomach problems or go to the bathroom loose until the body adapts, but with a dose of 500 mg daily there are usually no problems.

metformin + berberine a good combo
My English are failing me, what does insulin sensitivity do?

What the fuck is up with psoriasis though? Jesus Christ.
mainly insulin sensitivity we are looking for

It helps a lot with fat oxidation.

It is also used for anti-aging protocols.

mild dermatitis skin problems, acne, even psoriasis, depending on the degree you have.

the first week it can cause stomach problems or go to the bathroom loose until the body adapts, but with a dose of 500 mg daily there are usually no problems.

metformin + berberine a good combo
My English are failing me, what does insulin sensitivity do?

What the fuck is up with psoriasis though? Jesus Christ.
I apologize for my English as a translator, I'm Spanish

it reduces your blood glucose levels and the insulin that you generate naturally becomes more effective, that is why it is said about its sensitivity

increasing their number of receptors and decreasing the amount of sugar absorbed in the intestine and made by the liver

with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis if it is not very advanced it is also very useful or helps to a certain extent (nothing bad)
I have mild skin problems and metformin helps me a lot (atopic dermatitis) without the ES of stronger medications
I apologize for my English as a translator, I'm Spanish

it reduces your blood glucose levels and the insulin that you generate naturally becomes more effective, that is why it is said about its sensitivity

increasing their number of receptors and decreasing the amount of sugar absorbed in the intestine and made by the liver

with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis if it is not very advanced it is also very useful or helps to a certain extent (nothing bad)
Your English are fine mate no need to worry about it.

Thank you for the information.
Is that facial? I got something tht sometimes flare up in the eyebrows, around nose and mustache.
I suffer it in my whole body but not always

sometimes on the whole head and body (when it is more powerful and I have to use stronger medications)

and when it is softer or weaker in the folds of the skin/elbows/knees/ankles, well, the metfor helps me somewhat and I don't suffer.