EU domestic source talk

@Liska dude ru 100 minimum order?

Jeez i dint need 100s worth damn... Was so promising

Edit: I'm just stupid that's 85 gbp so a lot less lool

Still it'd be more convent to be no min order but that's down to u, hoping to be buying 3x test e and asin most likely from you now since price boundaries, guess we're both winners
100 is not even that much? thats like 2/3 vials or vial and ai? Think it used to be 50 before but I don't blame him for raising it considering other costs and actually having to spend time packaging it etc.
Some sources got like 200/300 minimum that I've used before.
100 is not even that much? thats like 2/3 vials or vial and ai? Think it used to be 50 before but I don't blame him for raising it considering other costs and actually having to spend time packaging it etc.
Some sources got like 200/300 minimum that I've used before.
Noo I was just being dumb

Assumed it was 100gbp which is significantly more than 100eu and since I'm quite new to steroids (second cycle upcoming) I really don't need 100gbp worth of aas however I do need 85 quids worth and that's the min order so its fine lol
Noo I was just being dumb

Assumed it was 100gbp which is significantly more than 100eu and since I'm quite new to steroids (second cycle upcoming) I really don't need 100gbp worth of aas however I do need 85 quids worth and that's the min order so its fine lol

What? The difference is peanuts. GBP is worth more than the Euro... Like 16 bucks more.
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Yep, you're absolutely right. i'll edit that in a moment. i got my math confused.

i'm just trying to suss out if this new guy is really a kid spending his weekly allowance on gear.
No I am not a new kid on gear, its just I'm running test for now on a blast but failed to realise the fact that it was within my price range as previously on uk muscle forums I had been lead to believe you could buy ur test and asin for 30 quid every so often. But having done that previously with test e earlier this year like a dumbass while gyms were closed I had only spent 50, 100 gbp would be double that, however 85 gbp is hardly any more and is a reasonable price. So I really am not bothered with min order. I was just wondering to myself why I should buy something for double the price I previously spent. However sleeping on it that's completely fine with me. (I ordered IA BTW, scamming fucktard. Wouldn't reccomend to even my enemies)
It is possible, with a cycle of 85 pounds you don't even have for the ptc
I don't do pct, I'm blasting and cruising

Starting blast of test e 400mgs weekly for a few months (ik this isn't the best option. But test is one of the best bulkers and I'm fairly new to roids so no need to add undue stress to my body)

Then after I complete the blast I will cruise at a trt dose, maybe a bit more to retain muscle while cutting

Then around December for cycle number 3 I will add deca to the mix, I'll probably buy some p6p and caber from liska. Ion know how my body reacts to prolactin

Finally for summer 2022 (around March)

Test + clen + var + cialis

Aiming for around 190lbs at 10%bf at 6'0 in height