EU domestic source talk

Guys , im used to get Cycles from mondial pharmaceuticals . since they are not there on the market anymore im looking for a good source in Europe . im thinking about ( Cat Cafe ) but still not sure .

what u recommand ?
Overall 9.8/10 (the 0.2 left is for the UK domestic lol)
No words needed
Buy as net has both i think but they are not present on the board.
Here you will find sust i think sent from EU
And bayer sent from turkey good luck
Apparently fakes can make their way into actual turkish pharmacies, though with the recent lab test of Tiromel T3 Skankhunt posted in labtesting, I'm unsure (but investigating) whether properly dosed turkish pharma thyroid meds are available to begin with.

What? How?
Been browsing the forum for a while. I can't really seem to find a good source to get pharma test grade from. Thinking about going to balkan pharmacy. Anyone knows a good source for this?
Oh perfect, a source giving another source a gtg
I've never even interacted with Ashop but they're renowned as one of the few (and possibly the only on Meso) legit Balkan sources for ages that has also been blind tested by respected Meso members, am I mistaken?

As Balkan is also one of the most counterfeited brands available and there's plenty that will prey on the clueless, I personally believed harm reduction takes precedence in this instance.
am I mistaken?
your only mistake is posting outside your own source thread
I personally believed harm reduction takes precedence in this
Harm reduction is important but i dont think its your primary interest on this board. I'm pointing out the obvious, you are here primarily for your business interest. You may have good intent, but understandably i'm skeptical of what you have to say.
Yup that's Alin. Why would you vouch for a dirtbag that ripped people off ? Give your head and shake.
The ashop that's been sourcing here for years and has been blind tested (recently Proviron by @B Ware I believe) successfully is verifiably a scammer? They've been recommended by so many respected Meso members, haven't been chased off nor banned, and do have the (complex) setup necessary to acquire legit Balkan that I genuinely believe(d) them to have legitimate product. Can you point me to some further reading/evidence so I can get up to speed?
The ashop that's been sourcing here for years and has been blind tested (recently Proviron by @B Ware I believe) successfully is verifiably a scammer? They've been recommended by so many respected Meso members, haven't been chased off nor banned, and do have the (complex) setup necessary to acquire legit Balkan that I genuinely believe(d) them to have legitimate product. Can you point me to some further reading/evidence so I can get up to speed?
Did you even bother to read the beginning of Ashop thread? Clearly not! Alin/ashop was selectively scamming people. So no "respected" member would EVER vouch for him.
your only mistake is posting outside your own source thread

Harm reduction is important but i dont think its your primary interest on this board. I'm pointing out the obvious, you are here primarily for your business interest. You may have good intent, but understandably i'm skeptical of what you have to say.
Please hear me out at least, as I've thought about this for weeks:

The current vetting process basically consists of the <50 members who give a shit making sources jump through hoops designed via their collective knowledge of the sourcing/brewing business. Sources aren't allowed to add their knowledge to this vetting process as this is easy grounds for market manipulation, (those sources motivated will/can do so via alt accounts and other means) nor participate in the community at all.

Since knowledge -> application = money in this business, I'm much more incentivized to learn as much as possible about it than members who have their job, family etc. to care about, and so I'd love to contribute my knowledge for the purpose of harm reduction that I've gained from being in this business, but presently I'm forced to let sometimes harmful misinformation remain posted and be accepted, which sucks. I believe that to further improve the vetting quality & harm reduction, sources do have some valuable & exclusive knowledge the members should allow to be heard in a controlled manner.

My primary interest as a 'drug dealer', as sources are called (by that logic most of us here would be drug users) is making money, but as I've told many influential people already (which would have negative consequences if I were to not follow through), I'm planning to put a lot of that money into improving the quality control and availability of quality raws etc. for as many brewers and members as possible (and donate a ton to animal sanctuaries/shelters as well, which I'm currently trying to set up securely regarding the OPSEC aspect).

Everything I'll ever post will indeed be looked at with utmost scepticism, which makes posting this stuff as a source the stupidest option possible, but I want to find a way to actually improve things on a larger scale for a larger audience with all my heart, rather than shut myself into my thread for maximum profit (or fuck off to comfy sponsored boards).

Buy as net has both i think but they are not present on the board.
Here you will find sust i think sent from EU
And bayer sent from turkey good luck
No! no! Avoid that cocksucker. Sold me fake blue hearts. Then he fucking denied it and said Janos test is bullshit. Then I saw he was selling Karachi Sustanon. He said they’re not expired and legit. So I got some and they’re counterfeit too. He was busted selling humatropes with the same (21) serial numbers and blamed the pharmacy. He was also caught paying guys on Eroids to leave him positive reviews.
No! no! Avoid that cocksucker. Sold me fake blue hearts. Then he fucking denied it and said Janos test is bullshit. Then I saw he was selling Karachi Sustanon. He said they’re not expired and legit. So I got some and they’re counterfeit too. He was busted selling humatropes with the same (21) serial numbers and blamed the pharmacy. He was also caught paying guys on Eroids to leave him positive reviews.
I even asked the MOD Greg how a top 10 guy is selling fake shit meanwhile you guys are supposedly about harm reduction. He said it’s guys fault for buying fake stuff lol. We should know better he said.