EU domestic source talk

No! no! Avoid that cocksucker. Sold me fake blue hearts. Then he fucking denied it and said Janos test is bullshit. Then I saw he was selling Karachi Sustanon. He said they’re not expired and legit. So I got some and they’re counterfeit too. He was busted selling humatropes with the same (21) serial numbers and blamed the pharmacy. He was also caught paying guys on Eroids to leave him positive reviews.
I have used the guy without problems for year and his stealth is second to none.
But this days i use sources who send from schengen.
Some of his stuff did look dodgy but i order the stuff i know. He has legit balkan also and lots of other good stuff.
Just wanted to pull the trigger on some paki sustanons he has .
What ended up being in your fake sust? Did you test it?
I have used the guy without problems for year and his stealth is second to none.
But this days i use sources who send from schengen.
Some of his stuff did look dodgy but i order the stuff i know. He has legit balkan also and lots of other good stuff.
Just wanted to pull the trigger on some paki sustanons he has .
What ended up being in your fake sust? Did you test it?
Karachi stopped making Sustanon in 2015. They sold the rights to Aspen which is what most sources carry. A member tested the Karachi’s and it came back with like 90mg of cyp or enan. I can’t remember. I’m sending one of mine to Jano and once it comes back as shit I’m gunna blast him which will probably lead to me getting banned lol. I was already warned once.
I have used the guy without problems for year and his stealth is second to none.
But this days i use sources who send from schengen.
Some of his stuff did look dodgy but i order the stuff i know. He has legit balkan also and lots of other good stuff.
Just wanted to pull the trigger on some paki sustanons he has .
What ended up being in your fake sust? Did you test it?
These are the ones he sent me. Clearly counterfeits. I believe @Mcflyfast is way more knowledgeable on the subject than I am.
I have used the guy without problems for year and his stealth is second to none.
But this days i use sources who send from schengen.
Some of his stuff did look dodgy but i order the stuff i know. He has legit balkan also and lots of other good stuff.
Just wanted to pull the trigger on some paki sustanons he has .
What ended up being in your fake sust? Did you test it?
Most of his Pharma shit is legit tho. Aromasin, nolva caber etc.
Are these the amps with yellow writhing? I think i almost bought these the price was good on them.
Any good place to buy sust /omna from eu?
Yup. There’s plenty of guys here carrying the Aspen Sustanon. Research them and make your decision.
Please hear me out at least, as I've thought about this for weeks:

The current vetting process basically consists of the <50 members who give a shit making sources jump through hoops designed via their collective knowledge of the sourcing/brewing business. Sources aren't allowed to add their knowledge to this vetting process as this is easy grounds for market manipulation, (those sources motivated will/can do so via alt accounts and other means) nor participate in the community at all.

Since knowledge -> application = money in this business, I'm much more incentivized to learn as much as possible about it than members who have their job, family etc. to care about, and so I'd love to contribute my knowledge for the purpose of harm reduction that I've gained from being in this business, but presently I'm forced to let sometimes harmful misinformation remain posted and be accepted, which sucks. I believe that to further improve the vetting quality & harm reduction, sources do have some valuable & exclusive knowledge the members should allow to be heard in a controlled manner.

My primary interest as a 'drug dealer', as sources are called (by that logic most of us here would be drug users) is making money, but as I've told many influential people already (which would have negative consequences if I were to not follow through), I'm planning to put a lot of that money into improving the quality control and availability of quality raws etc. for as many brewers and members as possible (and donate a ton to animal sanctuaries/shelters as well, which I'm currently trying to set up securely regarding the OPSEC aspect).

Everything I'll ever post will indeed be looked at with utmost scepticism, which makes posting this stuff as a source the stupidest option possible, but I want to find a way to actually improve things on a larger scale for a larger audience with all my heart, rather than shut myself into my thread for maximum profit (or fuck off to comfy sponsored boards).

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i can get on board with sharing knowledge and bettering the process. you seem more invested in this community than the average source
Source or not, shouldn't be stopped from giving input to any of the other threads outside their own if they got any if they can be found useful? Or am I wrong?
As long as Liska isn’t pushing his lab it’s not too big of a deal. I remember PSLabs and SteroidsFax would go into guys cycle logs and be like “clearly your Tren isn’t working, you should get some from me”. Try to slide into DMs and offer product also.
it wasnt useful though. it was one source giving another source a gtg.

on the other hand, i said im open to productive communication.
A few days ago I was discussing the problems (and solutions) to acquiring legit Balkan products and based on learning that mentioned source had said difficult setup + the blind testing on Meso + the Balkan verification codes checking out + noone else responding to the member I went for it but if you'd say there just isn't a scenario where I should answer the question "where can I get X?" then I'll respect that.
A few days ago I was discussing the problems (and solutions) to acquiring legit Balkan products and based on learning that mentioned source had said difficult setup + the blind testing on Meso + the Balkan verification codes checking out + noone else responding to the member I went for it but if you'd say there just isn't a scenario where I should answer the question "where can I get X?" then I'll respect that.
i dont know you so i dont trust you and it seemed shady, so i said something about it. but you seem honestly wanting to help another member. also, its seems you have a pretty well established relationship with alot of members here already.
As long as Liska isn’t pushing his lab it’s not too big of a deal. I remember PSLabs and SteroidsFax would go into guys cycle logs and be like “clearly your Tren isn’t working, you should get some from me”. Try to slide into DMs and offer product also.
Don't even get me started about PSLabs... but I agree as long as it isn't type of "you should get some from me" or trying to directly force their products to someone outside their thread

it was one source giving another source a gtg.
I see how that could of been received as g2g but at the same time if the other person got a thread here and you seen them advertising certain product someone else is asking about why not say you seen it there and tell them to check out their thread? All down to that other member then to go through the reviews and verify the other source if you can trust them with your money and quality of the products right?
I believe Alin is the only reliable Balkan source that you can find around but I can be mistaken... I mean it has been there forever and in the past if I'm not wrong I had read that Balkan = Alin
Same owner.

It would look bad if Liska was telling the guy to not buy Balkan and go buy from him or if he was going to advertise that he was selling Balkan (he is not btw). He was just redirecting a guy towards another source, I would have said the same.

If he keeps his behaviour in check I don't see any reason why we shouldn't let sources post around IF they have something valuable to add.
I believe Alin is the only reliable Balkan source that you can find around but I can be mistaken... I mean it has been there forever and in the past if I'm not wrong I had read that Balkan = Alin
Same owner.

It would look bad if Liska was telling the guy to not buy Balkan and go buy from him or if he was going to advertise that he was selling Balkan (he is not btw). He was just redirecting a guy towards another source, I would have said the same.

If he keeps his behaviour in check I don't see any reason why we shouldn't let sources post around IF they have something valuable to add.
You are whore, you mom is a whore and her mom was also a whore, and your dad is sucking dick at the gas station because he is a whore too

@GohomeOrLift same goes for you too, you imbred
You are whore, you mom is a whore and her mom was also a whore, and your dad is sucking dick at the gas station because he is a whore too

@GohomeOrLift same goes for you too, you imbred
Dude, honestly, do yourself a favour and stop that teenager trashtalk bullshit, it seems you really got butthurt when someone told you how homo was your avatar with your boyfriend and you posing like truly gym in-love bros, you even insta changed it to a super "manly" avatar, lmao.

Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta

Yeah, I get it, my mom is also a whore, so useful contributions, congrats.


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