EU domestic source talk

This is a business and there are no room for personal feelings in business.
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Oh whatever. Im just trying to help in my usual non-understandable ways.
Yeah whatever mate.

Now go slither back to your Cuntcafe thread & stay there. You can spout all the "harm reduction" marketing bullshit you like there. You've hijacked this thread for far too long.

Bye bye
Lol I stopped reading this thread because of that vendor sitting here spamming endlessly. I haven't been here long but I already know this thread sucks much because of that. Shame
Lol imagine thinking I care what you or anyone here thinks. I'm here for info on sources. Nothing more. I find it sad you sell steroids as a job but hang around this forum in your spare time.

Once upon a time a source whoring himself out so shamelessly like this would get trashed, but we currently have a sub-forum full of ass kissers that you would swear were addicts by the way they're so afraid to offend their precious drug dealer.

Ignore him. He isn't going to last. He's a source and we all know how prone they are to fucking up or repeatedly being hospitalized. Must be the stress?
Lol I stopped reading this thread because of that vendor sitting here spamming endlessly. I haven't been here long but I already know this thread sucks much because of that. Shame

It does.

As for his pointing members towards other sources out of the goodness of heart, both here & on SST - he has business links to most of those he mentions: Pharmasource, Southern Ghost, PPL, Dyna, Buck Anabolics etc.

This is why it's essential for genuine harm reduction that sources stay in their threads.

Everyone engaging with him in this thread is just contributing to a decline in Meso standards. At the moment, the only Meso source who posts outside of their thread(s) is Cat Piss Boy*. Same as it's only him using "likes" & positive emojis on member posts critical of other sources.

It being just him doing this won't last if he's allowed to get away with this. Other sources are going to follow suite.

It's about principles & precedents.

If you want to engage with him about whatever, do it in his thread.

*Credit due to @MisterSuperGod
I like the cat store and I think he is really doing a good job for Eu customers. I don't get all the free hate just because he sells and I buy so I'm special lol
Once upon a time a source whoring himself out so shamelessly like this would get trashed, but we currently have a sub-forum full of ass kissers that you would swear were addicts by the way they're so afraid to offend their precious drug dealer.

Ignore him. He isn't going to last. He's a source and we all know how prone they are to fucking up or repeatedly being hospitalized. Must be the stress?
Agree about the ass kissers, but also suspect some of Team Liska are local resellers & that's behind some of the Liska arse licking. I mean, there's guys talking about being on their 5th or 6th order with him when he appeared barely 6 months ago.

I've no issue with guys reselling mind, it's the arse kissing & contributing to a decline in standards that's my issue.
Once upon a time a source whoring himself out so shamelessly like this would get trashed, but we currently have a sub-forum full of ass kissers that you would swear were addicts by the way they're so afraid to offend their precious drug dealer.

Ignore him. He isn't going to last. He's a source and we all know how prone they are to fucking up or repeatedly being hospitalized. Must be the stress?
I keep trying to get into your stubborn skull that this isn't a source but a harm reduction board.

Whether you're an admin, source, senior/junior member, evil chinese drug dealing demon or catgirl, your action/posts can either support or obstruct harm reduction in various ways, and everyone should be judged by those instead of their role. If a source wants to manipulate information, you think they'll do that with their source account? Amongst all the ways to do it, that's obviously the dumbest.

Your dichotomy of "sources are necessarily evil drug dealers that can never be trusted" vs "members, no matter how much misinformation they spread, are one of us" has lead to a toxic board where sources, who on average have way more and valuable knowledge on the industry by nature of being part of it, are best advised to hide away in their threads and just cash in on Meso rather than communicate with the vocal, critical minority who realistically make up 5% of the buying customerbase anyways. Reaching out (of my thread) certainly isn't helping business, despite what you may believe.

You don't need to be a genius to identify shit sources, but since you're calling/throwing out the good with the bad, some of the best (via consistenly good labtests, fixing any mistakes, actually caring about harm reduction etc.) sources around presently have abandoned Meso or don't want to go near it.

Why don't you engage in a productive discussion how harm reduction can be improved and the standards for testing sources are held to can be raised? I'm working on that and am willing to throw a lot of money at it (which isn't going to profit me in some roundabout way btw), but I don't see you ever actively contributing to improving the standards here, just bitching about how they're falling.

@Zebedee What have you or will you contribute to harm reduction? What Meso standards are declining exactly, and what am I getting away with? You can make these empty, meaningless statements all day, so I'll make this my last stand: If you two can prove the community right that your ways are superior for harm reduction than more communication & testing (under watchful eyes), I'll quit my source thread and any sourcing here.
I like the cat store and I think he is really doing a good job for Eu customers. I don't get all the free hate just because he sells and I buy so I'm special lol
The "hate" is because he isn't staying in his thread. I don't actually give a fuck if you do or don't buy from him.
The "hate" is because he isn't staying in his thread. I don't actually give a fuck if you do or don't buy from him.
Please justify this rule. If sources want to manipulate information, they'll just make alt accounts or have their friends do it or some other way, so it's not that. Using your actual source account would be the dumbest way to go about it.