EU domestic source talk

That's what she said
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get that under control as you get a bit more sexual experience.

In the meantime, maybe try the squeeze technique, it's supposed to help. Developing a bit of self-control might stop you posting quite so much outside of your thread as well.

Failing that, maybe try logging off & getting out a bit more?
Anyone receive anything from Regal Labs in the last month or two? They were slow
To respond to email but after about a week I got an order placed. Paid Sunday and haven’t heard anything since.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get that under control as you get a bit more sexual experience.

In the meantime, maybe try the squeeze technique, it's supposed to help. Developing a bit of self-control might stop you posting quite so much outside of your thread as well.

Failing that, maybe try logging off & getting out a bit more?
What's wrong with that?
Which sources do you guys use for Trestolone?

I'm really thinking of using it for my next blast although I swore I would use 19nors sparingly and to be frank every other year. The alternative is Boldenone @600mg per week alongside Testosterone Enanthate @700mg per week.