EU domestic source talk

image.jpgFound a new dnp source : hope i dont break any rule with posting that, their stealth is really on point for a second i thought they scammed me really good lol, i try it as soon its a little bit colder but looks pretty good.
Can i burn it inside my room ? Like is that a big flame or just a small one? Never tried that before
You can. Put the inside of a capsule on a plate and fire it
Is a fast burning 1,2 seconds nothing big as you have 200mg there
It makes a flame similar to gun powder. Nothing to worry about as is a small quantity
You mean sources not staying in their threads?

If so, it's a long standing community "rule" on Meso & one that's respected by pretty much every other source.
Whats stopping all them so called other sources tho from creating a 2nd account and posting recommending their products? Be different story if he was advertising his products outside his thread but he isnt